
If you have appreciated the over 1,400 stories that we have published in the last 3.5 years, please consider that the only way those stories could ever have happened apace, is with the long-standing faithful wife of our editor-in-chief who is now in the battle of her life against stage 4 colon cancer.

Hope is not, and never is, lost. If you can help, and after prayer you feel led to, the link is below directly to their page for donations to help cover the cost of her treatments.

I know God can do amazing things, and I pray it is his plan to be magnified through this tribulation in their family. Joy is a shining light of a person, a truly special wife and mother. If you know her at all, you know.

Visit the donation site here -> Joy Davidson

Thank you for your earnest prayers.

3.1.23 > Joy Davidson

Jake Libbey
Christian, husband, father, amateur-apologist and lover of good communication, our Publisher has invested countless hours bringing the Alaska Watchman to life. Jake is responsible for operations at the Watchman, advertising, and design of the website. In partnership with our Editor-in-Chief, the content for the articles on are a product of the passion, energy and synergy between Publisher and Editor-in-Chief.


  • Kathleen LaMantia says:

    Thank you for letting us know and providing an opportunity to come alongside of this family.

  • Shifra says:

    My heart breaks to watch this video. May God answer all our prayers and bring her healing and deliverance.

  • Neil DeWitt says:

    I’d love to donate but I’m retired on a fixed income and am keeping my head above water. Now I can PRAY for your family and wife. I will do that and hopefully GOD will hear and answer all our prayers.

  • Combs Linda says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with Joy, Joel and the family. I have known Joel since he was in High School and Joy not long after they married. Amazing and wonderful young people, they have gifts that have made our community a much better place because they have shared them with us. Their faith is exemplary and such a beautiful grace for them and their loved ones. I will be praying very hard Joy and Joel for your healing and return to the daily life you have carved out for all of you.

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    Lifting up Joy, Joel and the children in prayer. Thank you for sharing this news and the account link with us Mr. Libbey .

  • Jim Minnery says:

    The Davidson Family has brought so much wisdom, grace, exceptionalism, focus and Joy to our state. I am privileged beyond all measure to count them as friends and allies. Your will be done Father but thanks so much for this precious family.

  • Diana H. Graf says:

    Joy Keller, a friend of Judy Davidson, Joy’s mother, announced to the church of 150+ that Joy Davidson desperately needed prayer. Judy assisted the births for some of our young people long ago when she worked with Ora Jane Brixey. We will be praying. Joel deserves all the support he can get and we will believe for her to live on.

  • let me kniw where to donate please says:

    I can’t send much as on fixed income but please send me an email where to help. I am a stage 4 survivor from that cancer and pray you will be also. Mine in early 200o’s great Love from God I pray for you. Bev Perdew

  • Carol Allums says:

    Joel and Joy(and kids)- will continue to pray for you all. You have done a wonderful job with the Watchman, Joel, and I know you couldn’t have done it without your wife. I have learned so much from you and have been inspired to look for the truth in every situation. Blessings on you all.