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‘It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming!’

Today, Christians around the world observe “Good Friday,” the day Jesus died by crucifixion after being flogged, beaten, mocked and betrayed. One would be forgiven for wondering just what the faithful see as so “good” about this Friday before Easter.

The wisdom I gleaned along a Kiev river reverberates today

Anatoly Mikhailovich Mikisha was a talented and accomplished mathematician in his late 30s. He was a rocket scientist, working in the Moscow Aviation Institute in the 1960s and 1970s – the years I knew and communicated with him. At that time, it was the

Why should Alaskans trust them again?

We live in the sinister shadow of the most preposterous election in American history – the 2020 election that most conservatives believe was stolen. We have had many of the same questions haunting us with our own Alaskan issues and officeholders from