The annual Alaska Statewide Homeschool Convention is slated for April 21-22. Hosted by Alaska Private and Home Educators Association (APHEA), the event is the state’s largest gathering of completely independent homeschoolers – families that choose to forgo state-funded allotments to maximize educational freedom and independence.
APHEA is a coalition of parents and others who work to further educational excellence through alternatives to state-operated public schools – including public homeschool programs. The group actively resists any attempt by the government to infringe on the freedom to exercise parental rights in education.
For more than 30 years the non-profit has worked to empower thousands of families who wish to educate their children in accord with their faith and core values without any state interference.
This year’s event takes place in Anchorage at Muldoon Community Assembly (7041 Debarr). It includes a lineup of national presenters and local speakers who will give roughly 30 workshops related to myriad aspects of homeschooling, including child rearing, biblical parenting, virtue training, combating corrupt culture, curriculum ideas, navigating the digital age, art ideas, critical thinking skills, and even how to buy your first car.
Headline speakers for this year include Heidi St. John, author, speaker and founder of MomStrong International, as well as Andrew Pudewa, founder of Institute for Excellence in Writing. There will also be talks by attorney Kevin Boden from the Home School Legal Defense Association, a group that partners with 100,000 families, donors, homeschool leaders, legislators, and others across the nation to protect homeschool freedoms in the courts, legislatures and the court of public opinion.
The two-day event includes a vendor hall featuring a wide variety of businesses and organizations – both local and national. They will provide vendor workshops, educational demonstrations and special events.
There will also be a nursery and play area for younger children, along with a nursing mother’s room. Childcare is not provided, and parents are responsible for their kids at all times, but childcare helpers are welcome to attend as part of a family’s registration. The cost is $25 per family.
All pastors, widows/widowers, and grandparents can attend the convention for free, and there are sponsorships for families in financial need.
For more information or to register, click here or email convention@aphea.org.
Can they make their line-up of speakers (with times) and other events happening during the convention public for homeschool families to see before registering? Thanks in advance!
Here here!
It is now posted –
As am evidence-based thinking citizen, I do not want public resources spent of religious schooling.
All evidence points back to God.
Believe: Can you provide some evidence that god exists?
And that comment has what to do with the article? This article has nothing to do with public resources spent on religious schooling. Go support the lawsuit about correspondence schools subsidizing religious school enrollment.
As an evidence-based, God-fearing, thinking citizen with moral standards, I do not want public resources spent on the genital mutilation of minors, murder of pre-born human-beings, nor the sexual grooming of children by sex predators.
The sex predators are mostly christian, white and conservative, not drag performers at all.
Lucinda always says that she is believes in the evidence or the science, but yet she does not bring statistics to the table.
There is a mention of biblical schooling.
Friend. Statistics are not required here, evidence is. You could turn the world upside down if you could present actual evidence that your god exists. If s/he is PROVEN to exist, I’d relent and repent.
Why should anyone care if people want to learn religion at school? We are struggling with the basics here. It would be a great victory for all just keep the all of the boys of prison and the girls off the pole. I can’t see religious study (commonly called philosophy) doing anything but helping a student’s education.
Two: religion violates all common sense and guides followers away from evidence, reason and science. Its poison. You show your narrowness by equating religious study and philosophy. Religion is your thing. Don’t infect the public with it.