OPINION: Mainstream media and RINOs partner with Dems to Alaska’s detriment
A few weeks ago, Fairbanks Daily News Miner Editor Gary Black wrote an opinion piece praising U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and lauding a group of state Republican legislators for following in her footsteps. In particular, Black appreciated that these lawmakers
OPINION: Defeatist RINOs in Juneau just don’t get it
Several recent articles I wrote must have touched a raw nerve with State Senator Robert Meyers. He wrote an opinion piece in rebuttal. You can read it here. He is evidently upset about my criticism of the defection of seven Republican legislators who joined
OPINION: What America can learn from the decline of world empires
Elected government officials, policy makers, educators and the society at large must clearly understand that ignorance, irresponsible government mandates and disregard of historic patterns may create irreversible socio–economic
BOB BIRD: Gold could shape the future, as it has the past (Part 2)
I can’t tell you how prices might shake out if - and when - we return to a specie-based currency, but I can guarantee one thing: Gold rushes would return as part of Alaskan - and human -
Sen. Myers: ‘Toothless’ ideas won’t advance conservative policy in Alaska
There have been various suggestions of what either the Republican Party, individual Republicans, or the Republicans in the Legislature should do. Those suggestions are made without fully understanding the political realities of
OPINION: Alleged judicial corruption is Alaska’s Watergate
Alaska may be experiencing a judicial crisis rivaling the Watergate scandal. Critics claim it involves a judge who committed perjury, the suppression of a Grand Jury investigation, and unconstitutional changes to the Alaska
BOB BIRD: ‘We could use another gold rush’ (Part 1)
We could use another gold rush. Hey, there used to be so many of them. What
More than 100 Alaskans join hope-filled pro-life march through Anchorage
More than 100 Alaskans join hope-filled pro-life march through the streets of
OPINION: D.O.G.E. is uncovering the ‘dead souls’ of federal bureaucracy
It remains to be seen what and how many “dead souls” will be uncovered in the coming weeks or months in the dark burrows [of U.S. federal
OPINION: RINO senators don’t understand – it’s the end of an era
Many Senate Republicans in Washington, DC, continue to fight back against the reforms that Donald Trump is introducing. They have voted against some of his cabinet nominees and against legislation intended to clean up government agencies. They clearly do not