
In an effort to promote LGBTQ sexuality in the overwhelmingly conservative Mat-Su Valley, a group of radical activists will host a “Rainbow Harvest Festival” in the historic agricultural community of Palmer.

The Oct. 11 event was hatched by two controversial groups – The Queen’s Guard and Identity, Inc. These organizations have orchestrated drag queen events for Mat-Su kids, gender-bending dances to promote LGBTQ sexual expression, and myriad other strategies aimed at convincing gender-confused youth to embrace alternative sexualities and transgenderism, regardless of their actual biological sex.

Identity, Inc. is a major partner in many LGBTQ events throughout Anchorage, and it runs a transgender clinic that supports hormonal and surgical procedures for impressionable youth who are confused about their sexual identity.

It’s no accident that the “Rainbow Harvest Festival” was scheduled for October. While June has traditionally been the time of year when LGBTQ activists press their social agenda via parades, demonstrations, entertainment and other events, there is a national movement afoot to expand this activism throughout the entire year. The goal is to push fundamental societal change by relentlessly utilizing festivals and community gatherings to gain momentum.

The Queen’s Guard has a particular focus on advancing its agenda in the Mat-Su – one of the most conservative areas of Alaska. This group has partnered with a like-minded local bookstore in Wasilla – Black Birch Books – to hold drag queen story hours for kids, regular LGBTQ youth coffee hours and a “Unicorn Festival” in August.

In July, the Queen’s Guard held its 5th annual “Underground Pride” event at the Alaska State Fairgrounds, which included drag dancers entertaining children.

The upcoming “Rainbow Harvest Festival” is happening at the historic Palmer Train Depot, where the original Mat-Su colonists arrived in 1935 to carve out an agricultural community in the Mat-Su Valley.

The all-day event runs from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will include pro-LGBTQ vendors and artists, including kids crafts from 4-6 p.m., all with the aim of normalizing LGBTQ sexuality.

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LGBTQ activists plan ‘Rainbow Harvest’ to push year-round ‘Pride’ in heart of conservative Mat-Su

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Friend of Humanity says:

    Here we go. They got their seed planted in the valley and they are trying to make it grow. Don’t water the seed. Let it shrivel and die.

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    it runs a transgender clinic that supports hormonal and surgical procedures for impressionable youth who are confused about their sexual identity.
    Who confused are these woke groups targeting young children. Anyone doing anything to these children should be in jail.
    God created red, yellow, black, and white. Yes God only created man and woman. Your a boy or girl end of story, not some messed up freak show

  • Tamra Nygaard says:

    I expect most folks are a bit tired of all this acting out. Probably best to just ignore the misreants and perhaps they will go away.

    • Fight for the valley says:

      You can’t ignore them. That’s like ignoring curable stage 1 cancer and hoping it’ll just go away.

  • Sheb says:

    Born and raised in the valley, and I’m Queer AF, I for one am glad to see these events in the valley. Queer folks in the valley need representation and a Sema of community. That didn’t exist when I grew up in the valley.

    • TSun says:

      Sheb- Why do you need more attention ?
      You have sexual relations with the same sex – what makes that or you so special?
      Why do homosexuals make their only defining character trait about sexual preference and honesty believe they deserve something for it?

    • Normal Person says:

      That’s because people were decent before. Now miscreants and degeneracy are everywhere. Thanks for pointing that out.

    • Tamra Nygaard says:

      Great, so you are homosexual. So what? Most of us really don’t care. But if being homosexual requires you to constantly state that fact, shove it in our faces, and get constant recognition for “being special”, then maybe it isn’t all that great all on its own. Like every other “look at me” garbage, we looked, and we weren’t impressed.

      • Sheb says:

        Ya’ll I’m not saying we’re special but society, and articles like this one make it sound like who we love is wrong. And that we aren’t enough. And society/media is mostly hetero, it’s nice to see someone like me represented once in a while.

        Growing up queer in the valley wasn’t easy, you were the but of jokes, you were threatened with violence, told you were wrong, that you shouldn’t exist. That messes with your head. Every article like this one, comments like most of the ones here, effect the mental health of folks. Then ya’ll comment about own LGBTQIA2+ people have mental health problems. Yet fail to realize your the reason why.

    • Aunt Sally says:

      You’re a messed up freak, Sheb, and decent people have no onus to pretend you’re anything else. Get back in your closet and stay away from kids, freak.

    • Tsun says:

      The thing is Sheb- identiy politics and tribal thinking isn’t helpful to you. If you want to be accepted then do it on your “ own individual merits “ stop looking to certain group, parades, and woke ideology . Be an individual person that helps your own family and friends for strength and acceptance. You neither need the outside community’s acceptance, nor their support.
      As I and mine do not need to accept your way of thinking or your lifestyle choices.

    • A Watcher says:

      Sheb. It is ok to be weird. Anyone who explores their own soul realizes that. However it is not the responsibility of others to validate your existence. That is your journey. If you require validation from the world outside yourself, then you really will never have any power and will only seek to change the minds of others instead of seeking to truly know thyself,
      Most of us don’t care what you do. It is when folks like you demand to “be seen” without any regard for the minds of others that reveal the true selfishness of your personality.
      Do what you want. Just stop trying to corrupt the minds of children so that you can feel more accepted in this reality. Leave the children, alone!

  • Alaskanphenex says:

    websites like this that use violent rhetoric towards a minority is exactly why underground pride had a bomb threat this year. I hope the FBI is closely watching this website and the comments within these antilgbtq articles for any potential hostile activities

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    Just today I saw someone wearing a mask and a foreign-speaking family with women in head coverings while shopping in a local store. Is the alphabet soup group here to ramp up the chaos while the plandemic is being pushed again AND the evil brings in more illegal immigrants?

    • Paul Hart says:

      I see a lot of people wearing masks not only because of the current COVID upswing, but also because it’s flu season. As for the “women in head coverings,” it’s quite possible that the family was Muslim and the women were wearing hijabs as a matter of cultural modesty. Is there not room in Mat-Su for this? Are Muslims not welcome? Why do you automatically assume they are illegal immigrants?

    • Alaskanphenex says:

      free speech is different then wishing harm upon a minority, that’s called a hate crime

      • Friend of Humanity says:

        I have not wished harm on anyone. You are the one that keeps bringing up “harm” and “hate.” It is unfortunate that you are too immature or demon-possessed to see that you are the one doing everything that you accuse the people on the opposite side of the political spectrum.

  • micah says:

    Protect your town and makes these… people.. unwelcome.

    • Alaskanphenex says:

      to clarify, how exactly would you make “these people” uncomfortable?

    • Paul Hart says:

      That sounds rather a lot like a veiled threat.

    • Normal Person says:

      Agreed. Just like cancer…if you let this crap fester it just spreads until everything is destroyed.

      • Alaskanphenex says:

        watch out, I will report any threat made towards minorities within this article comment section to the FBI.

      • Friend of Humanity says:

        Alaskanphenex, you are the ones that are threatening people. We have a right to speak about our feelings freely and an illegal regime and their puppets (you for one) can not ever take away that right to free speech.

      • Friend of Humanity says:

        By the way, Alaskanphenex, I am pretty sure that the CIA or FBI or both are already monitoring these boards. Perhaps you are CIA or FBI trying to incite violence and anger? It would not work because we have been through enough to be able to spot the demonic tactics that try to get us to react to something in a way that would allow the demon’s puppets to step in. Free speech is still legal in this country; maybe not in other countries, but it is still legal here.

      • Friend of Humanity says:

        A good reminder about our right to free speech!

    • Sheb says:

      Bold words behind a keyboard cupcake

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    sleeping with one eye open

  • Annie says:

    thanks for the free advertising!!

  • Theresa says:

    At the end of the day, whether LBGQT or other — we will all have draw our last breath and meet our Creator. Our soul is eternal. The greatest trick of the devil is to make believe he doesn’t exist. Our body is a temple and our actions reflect who we serve. Lust is real, a mortal sin. Love is sacrifice for the greater good of the other. The promotion of lust is encouraging humanity to live eternally without God. “A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” -C. S. Lewis

  • Alagnak Estrada Bluffs says:

    Nobody is forcing MRAKers to participate in the Pride Harvest. Ease up.

  • Johnny says:

    Satans minions running amok.

  • Micah says:

    Psalm 89:23

  • Marion says:

    If you don’t let me be who I want to be at any given moment, I’ll kill myself and it’ll be your fault!
    I blame you all for any consequence I received for choices I made, like when I was injured or caused any injury when overdosing
    on drugs or driving drunk and crashing into other cars, it was your fault because
    you made me feel uneasy and threatend when you warned me that bad things could happen from making
    unwise choices. Like when you warned me about living a promiscuous live style and sleeping aroung with multiple sex partners
    that I might cause someone to become pregnant or if being female, I might become pregnant or receive in my body an STD as a
    consequence, I blame you for making me feel guilty and ashamed when I had an abortion like,” I was doing something wrong!” as the
    great actor Joe Pesci said in that scene from Good fellas. How dare you! My truth is not your truth and your truth is what I say it is
    and why can’t you just understand this! I’m the only one that matters, 24 hours a day, seven days a week! Uncontrolled Meeee!

  • L says:

    God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. Be done with the devil worshiping nonsense.

  • Alagnak Estrada Bluffs says:

    Friend of Humanity: You said. ” Alaskanphenex, will you ever take responsibility for your actions?” What do you mean?

  • Fight for the valley says:

    Don’t let them takeover. Look arrived the western world and see what happens when you give these demons an inch: they take 30 miles. They are a parasite that slithers into a community and takes advantage of the good will and patience of normal people until it takes over the host community. Countless examples of this.

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    provoking a fight may if fact get you one!

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