
In an effort to show support for Israel one year after the tragic Hamas terrorist attack that shocked the world, a group of Anchorage residents posted 1,200 Israeli flags on Delaney Park Strip in the heart of the city.

Led by Bethel Hispanic Church of God in Anchorage, the Oct. 7 event aimed to honor the 1,200 Israeli victims who were brutally slaughtered, raped and tortured at the hands of Palestinian militants last year. More than 250 others were taken hostage, most of whom are believed to be dead. Led by Hamas terrorists, the attack was the deadliest on Israel since its independence in 1948. Victims included young Israeli children who were brutally murdered during the surprise attack.

Anchorage residents gather to pray for Israel on Oct. 7 in downtown Anchorage.

The Anchorage gathering included prayer for peace in Isreal and the surrounding region, as well as a public display of solidarity for the Oct. 7 victims, most of whom were civilians.

“Together, we will show our community and the Jewish people that we stand with Israel, joining our hearts in crying out to God,” a notice for the event stated. “Thank you for being a Friend of Israel and God’s chosen people.”

Similar commemorations occurred around the nation and across the world, even as Hamas marked the anniversary by launching a new round of rockets at Tel Aviv in a war that only seems to be escalating.

A smaller pro-Palestine gathering took place on Oct. 5 in Anchorage, organized by the Party for Socialism and Liberation Anchorage, a hard-leftist Marxist group that has repeatedly justified the Hamas-led murder of Israeli citizens as a simple “counter offensive” to an unjust “apartheid state” that should be cut off from all U.S. funding.

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Christians post 1,200 Israeli flags in Anchorage on anniversary of deadly Hamas terrorist attack

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Enjoying the show says:

    It sure is strange that all of “God’s chosen” keep finding themselves in violent conflict.
    Those who seek to connect directly to God usually find themselves walking a path of peace, without the need for group, organization, cult or otherwise.
    Almost as if “God’s chosen” really aren’t chosen at all, but self appointed.
    The fact of the matter is though, everyone and everything is the child of God. To pit one against another is like using your left hand to punch your right hand, or to slap your own face.
    Any conflict one has towards another only inflicts pain upon themselves, as we are all one being. The illusion is that we are separated from each other.
    Until humanity realizes this, until humanity acts out in love and reverence for one another, then they will forever be doomed to endless cycles of hatred and violence.
    Good luck humanity. You have had so much time to get it right, but here we are, in the deepest conflict against self all over the globe.

  • Steve Peterson says:

    Paul made it clear in Galatians and Philippians that the there is only the Church, no wall divides the people of God. The Church is the true Israel of God now, and only a remnant of the Jewish people will be saved according to Paul in Romans ch. 11. “They will look upon him who they pierced, and they will mourn.” Most modern Christians have fallen to a false theology regarding Zionism as perpetrated by Schofield in the late 1800s.

  • Sally Duncan says:

    I am so glad to see these citizens support Isreal! Those who support Hamas, ISIS and Hezbolah should immediately be deported to Iran, Gaza, or “Palestine”(which does not exist) to share the REAL experience they so fervently support.

  • Precambrian Seer says:

    I wonder what the Middle East would look like if,2000 years ago, all tribes practiced the Golden Rule instead of hatred of the Other mandated by religious dogma.

  • Paul Hart says:

    Israel lost 1,200 citizens in the horrifying October 7th Hamas attack. In response they have killed some 46,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and now they’ve moved onto Lebanon. They say the response is reasonable because those civilians are being used as “human shields.” Their rationale apparently is, “If we have to eradicate all Palestinian civilians in order to eradicate Hamas, well, it can’t be helped.”

  • Thomas Lovings says:

    It is Crystal Clear some of you have never read the bible. Revelations tells us that the Jews will be attacked in the end times. The bible tells Christians as I am hated so to will you be hated! The “religion of Peace”so called by those that are clearly not grounded in reality is always at war and attacking others. Your hate for God is blinding you. Repent!

  • Soldotnan says:

    God’s chosen people are those who worship Christ the King, not the jews (or anyone else) who hate Him.

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