
A national medical watchdog group has uncovered startling data on the number of children in Alaska and across the country who have experienced transgender sex-change procedures over the past four years.

A newly released report from Stop the Harm catalogs interventions performed on minors from 2019 to 2023. The group found that nearly 14,000 minors underwent sex change treatments. This included 5,747 actual surgeries that intentionally mutilate and destroy sexual organs, and can result in permanent sterilization. Another 8,579 children were subjected to dangerous cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers. In sum, the group discovered that 62,682 sex change prescriptions were written for minors, totaling $120 million in billable charges across the nation.

For Alaska, the report exposes eight medical facilities throughout the state, which have issued cross-sex drugs and puberty blockers to 37 minors. This includes 293 prescriptions totaling nearly $30,000 in submitted medical charges. None of the “treatments” performed in Alaska were surgical.

Still, powerful hormonal interventions can arrest or stunt natural puberty in gender-confused kids, and can lead to serious and life-altering medical side effects, including heart problems, reduced bone mass, interruption to natural brain development and permanent sterilization.

Above, is a list of Alaska facilities cited in the new Stop the Harm report.

Alaska facilities cited in the report include the following: Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, South Peninsula Hospital, Providence Alaska Medical Center, Alaska Regional Hospital, Barlett Regional Hospital, PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center, Central Peninsula Hospital and one independent facility.

Nearly half (16) of the cross-sex interventions in Alaska occurred at Fairbank Memorial Hospital.
In what may come as a surprise to some, Providence Alaska Medical Center in Anchorage, which still claims to be a “Catholic” institution, issued cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers to at least six minors between 2019 and 2023. This comes despite clear Catholic teaching against this practice.

The report focused exclusively on patients under the age of 17.5 years and included only confirmed cases of gender transition-related treatments, thereby eliminating any ambiguities or “gray areas.” The data was sourced from an all-payer claims database that incorporated information from clearinghouses, data aggregators, payors, health systems, CMS, and multiple open data sources to build a Comprehensive Data Ecosystem. The final product included information from commercial insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, and VA claims. Click here for more on how the data was analyzed.

The stated goal of the report is to shed light on the prevalence of these controversial treatments, and to encourage positive change to protect vulnerable children.

Alaska began allowing for public funding of cross-sex treatments in 2021 when the Dunleavy administration decided to settle a federal court case with plaintiffs who demanded that the state foot the bill through the Alaska Medicaid program – including Denali KidCare. At the time, state officials said the administration did not believe Alaska’s policy banning publicly funded transgender interventions would hold up in federal court.

That argument may no longer be valid if the U.S. Supreme Court rules that states have the right to ban transgender treatment of minors. The high court is set to hear such a case out of Tennessee.

For the time being, Alaska has multiple medical entities that provide a litany of physiological, hormonal and behavioral “services” aimed at manipulating the outward appearance of gender-confused patients.

Anchorage’s Providence Hospital offers cross-sex hormones, while clinics like, Identity and Full Spectrum Health in Anchorage, as well as Chena Health in Fairbanks, openly market hormonal cross-sex drugs to the LGBTQ community – including minors. Additionally, Psychology Today lists dozens of so-called “gender-affirming” psychologists and therapists who now operate in communities all across Alaska where they encourage and enable minors and adults to present as the opposite sex.

While no Alaska entities advertise surgeries such as breast removal, or manipulation of sexual organs, the state has agreed to pay for these procedures. Clinics, such as the Seattle Children’s Hospital, now advertise these services directly to Alaskans.

According to the Stop the Harm report, Seattle Children’s Hospital is among one of the worst-offending hospitals when it comes to transgender treatment on minors. The institution accepts patients as young as nine who have started puberty, and does not require parental permission to schedule an appointment. While parental consent is required for certain “gender-affirming care” for patients under 18, complete parental consent is not required for medication to suppress menstrual cycles or some testosterone treatments.

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8 Alaska hospitals perform cross-sex treatments on dozens of minors

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Pete Peterson says:

    Rep. Eastman is the only one doing anything about this in the house.

  • MeMe says:

    My husband had surgery at Peace Health in Ketchikan last November. The nurse waited until he came out of surgery and was still on strong drugs to “complete his intake forms” where she asked him questions like if he was comfortable with the sex assigned him at birth, whether he was OK if they didn’t resuscitate him if suffered some type of issue, and many more sexual deviant and death related questions. Luckily, I was there and shut this down. When you see this kind of crap happening in our hospitals, you realize how corrupt they are and why they are mutilating people with mental illness who are being told they are “trans” and why they pushed a deadly “vaccine” on people (and still are!). The fact that nothing is being done to punish them only shows how broken our system really is.

    • MeMe says:

      I recently read an article saying that these trans activists are targeting seniors, especially in nursing homes, to discover that they are in the wrong body. As with children, these are people who may not have full cognitive abilities or ability to protect themselves.

  • Neil DeWitt says:

    So tell me how this is not abuse of a minor? The kids don’t know what they want or are feeling. They need professional help to figure it out. They don’t need a teacher forcing gender drugs on them. To me that is two people that need a jail term. One forcing them on the kids and one administering them to the kid! That is two child abuse adults. Where is our governor on this? Where is the legislators? Why are we the people allowing this. In my opinion; kid shouldn’t be allowed to do/take anything till they are 18-21 (pick an age) that they are adults and can actually make an informed decision on the rest of their lifes!

  • jjudy says:

    That is not true. Jamie Allard is working on all of these issues. People need to start protesting at these hospitals.

  • Nicole says:

    Providence website:

    As expressions of God’s healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.
    Compassion, Dignity, Justice, Excellence, Integrity.

    Vulnerable indeed.

  • OK in Anchorage says:

    Bishop Thomas Daly called on his fellow bishops to address Catholic health care after a Do Not Harm investigation found 150 Catholic hospitals have provided sex-change surgeries or other treatments.
    Pray for our bishops to be courageous in the face of evil!

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    dunleavy is directly responsible and is a shame to this state! HE IS THE ONE WHO OUGHT TO QUESTION ” HIS GENDER”. HE CERTAINLY IS NOT A MAN!!!!

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