
Despite sponsoring and voting with fellow Democrats in support of radical transgender policies during her first term in Congress, U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola is now attempting to walk back her support of male athletes competing as girls.

On Oct. 21, Peltola took part in an Alaska Chamber of Commerce debate, facing off against her Republican challenger Nick Begich, who has now opened a narrow lead in the most recent polling.

When asked whether she would back a national ban against allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports, Peltola initially attempted to downplay the issue.

U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola struggles to answer question about transgender athletes competing in women’s sports.

“Alaska has had one transgender athlete – one – who participates in high school,” she began. “I’m not sure this is Alaska’s number one issue. This causes a lot of feelings for people. This is a cultures war issue.”

She then claimed she was “not a very good activist” when it comes to advancing controversial social issues.

“I’m not a champion on one side or another of most of these culture wars because I feel like they are a waste – complete and total waste of our time,” she continued. “We have real problems. We’ve got inflation, we’ve got every sector of the economy without skilled laborers, skilled workforce. We have childcare. The list goes on and on.”

After the extended qualifying remarks, Peltola finally got around to addressing the question, while avoiding any firm commitments.

“No, I don’t think that we should have men competing in women’s sports, but you know on the other hand, look at the number of female Olympic athletes who have been questioned about their femininity. They’re questioned, ‘Are they even a woman?’” she said. “I, you know, this is just not something that is number one for me.”

Begich was much more forthright, saying he would support federal legislation to prohibit males from competing as females.

“I would support banning biological men from competing in women’s sports,” he said according to an Alaska Beacon article.

Peltola’s claims of not being all that interested in divisive “culture war issues,” contradicts her actual voting record.

As pointed out in a recent Daily Wire article, Peltola told the Anchorage Daily News in 2022 that she needed to learn more about transgender athletes before forming an opinion on the issue.

Less than a year later, however, she voted against the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023” — a bill that banned school athletic programs from letting boys who identify as girls play in girls’ sports.

And despite claiming she wanted to learn more about the issue, Peltola also voted against an amendment to the aforementioned bill that would have required a detailed report on how biological males affect women’s sports when they participate as transgender “women.”

Additionally, the Daily Wire pointed out that Peltola co-sponsored the “Equality Act” which sought to let gender-confused individuals access the locker rooms and restrooms of their choice.

Finally, Peltola has bankrolled her campaign by accepting money from extreme transgender activist groups.

“Democrat Mary Peltola’s shameless flip-flopping reeks of desperation,” said Ben Petersen, a spokesman for The National Republican Congressional Committee. “After cashing checks from radical groups and voting to let biological males dominate female athletes, Peltola now reverses herself—proving she’ll say anything to cling to power as polls show her losing.”

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Floundering Peltola waffles on past support of trans athletes in women’s sports


  • Charlotte says:

    Mary, You speak with forked tongue, you worship Baal, and you’re fine with allowing males (who are too weak to compete against their own sex) to compete against girls in sports. Oh, you don’t actually favor boys jumping into girls sports, but there are masculine-appearing girls competing in the Olympics, thereby justifying local infiltration of boys into girls sports?! That’s your argument? If that is the extent of your reasoning powers, you do not belong in any public office. You are an embarrassment to Alaska. I look forward to your concession speech. The drs who illegally multilate the bodies of children will miss your advocacy, but they’ll be in prison soon. We won’t miss any of you.

  • Steve says:

    I voted against Mary Peltola, mostly due to the majority of her adds primarily focused on fishing. Mary, fishing is not the main issue Alaskan’s face and most of us could care less about the special class class citizen designated “Fisherman” that you focus on! If Donald Trump focused mainly on Hotel owners you’d be outraged.

  • Toscano says:

    So — Mary thinks that investing time on social issues is a waste? And just what IS the most prominent of social issues? Why, ABORTION. And Mary’s commercials, lying as they are about Nick, pulls no punches about “defending women’s rights.” Oh, but not on their rights as women to have their bodily integrity protected in the restrooms or locker rooms, let alone in sporting competitions. Or, the bodily integrity of UNBORN women, whose lives are snuffed and sold for body parts. The true extremists are the Democrats.

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