OPINION: Incentivized homeschooling can solve Alaska’s school funding dilemma
With increased homeschooling, fewer schools and fewer teachers would be needed. If the state could shift more students out of public schools, it could give the students an education of their choice and save money at the same

Poll: Alaskans oppose tax hikes to flood state pension plan and public schools
A new statewide survey commissioned by Americans for Prosperity-Alaska (AFP-Alaska) makes it clear that Alaskans oppose new taxes for costly state pension plan proposals or expanded spending on state-funded education. Public opinion seems to contrast with

OPINION: My political bluff got called, but Alaska’s GOP still needs to go all in
Poker players sometimes bluff, pretending a weak hand is stronger than it is, to win the pot. That strategy works until someone recognizes their strategy and calls them on it. I bluffed and got called on a recent article where I suggested that in response to

OPINION: Alaska lawmakers need to act to protect our kids from porn
It's time for Alaska to move forward and protect our children from online

OPINION: Here’s why left-wing media is dying
Left wing news outlets blame their decline in viewership on Trump’s supporters, as if there is some grand conspiracy to intentionally sabotage their ratings. They just don’t comprehend the

OPINION: Life experience is a writer’s greatest asset
Before writing, authors need to live a

OPINION: Biden pardons raise legal concerns given his mental decline
Can a sitting president experiencing cognitive decline effectively carry out the responsibilities outlined in Article II, Section 2, which grants the president the authority to issue reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United

OPINION: Trump overplays hand with talk of annexing Canada
Trump was very clever in using the threat of tariffs. Annexing Canada is absurd, and telegraphs his own personality weaknesses to the

OPINION: How to weaponize ranked-choice against 16 AK lawmakers
RCV gives Alaskans a unique tool to use against the Democrats and their Vichy Republican collaborators to regain control of our state legislature.

OPINION: Alaska prosperity requires leaner govt., tech-savvy investment, deregulation
Alaska must recognize the regulatory and investment needs in industries tied to emerging technologies, including technology convergence, digital infrastructure, and precision medicine. The state should work proactively with the Trump administration to