A group of protesters will peacefully assemble tonight as mainstays entertainers from Anchorage’s gay bar scene dress as scantily clad women and perform for toddlers and other young children during an ongoing drag queen series at Cafecito Bonito restaurant in Anchorage.
Producers of the shows, Arciniega Street Productions, posted photos of recent performances on Twitter, which included male drag performers hovering around and holding a young toddler, Wilder, who is the son of Anchorage Assemblywoman Austin Quinn-Davidson and her lesbian “wife” Stephanie Quinn-Davidson.
“Baby’s first drag show,” the Tweet exclaimed. “Our buddy Wilder had a blast at Drag Loteria. We love kids’ first drag show. It’s wholesome seeing people of all ages, from all walks of life join together in community to have fun and & be themselves in a safe, inclusive space. That’s the point.”
Other images posted by the group show Austin Quinn-Davidson smiling as a drag queen in heavy makeup interacts with the audience.
The stated goal of the shows is to inspire activists to advance and normalize the LGBTQ agenda in Anchorage, including among children.
Photos from past several recent events depict male drag performers, dressed in lingerie with exposed thongs, interacting with young children and smiling adults.
The next event is scheduled for March 24, with another special appeal to youth.
“It’s kid friendly..” a notice for the upcoming performance states, adding that attendees should bring cash to slip to the performers, which include popular gay bar dancers Lotería Queens, Dela Rosa and Frankie Doom.
These performers regularly dress in an array of highly sexualized costumes as they sing, dance and perform monologues.
“This is an all-ages event and the drag show is family-friendly,” the notice states.
In response to these events, a group of local Catholics is organizing a peaceful protest outside the March 24 drag show.
“Calling all men and women of Good Will to stand in prayer against the powers and principalities of this present darkness,” a flyer for the protest states. “This Drag Show is yet another attempt of the evil in this world to target the innocence of our children. It is being billed as an ‘all ages’ show.’”
Protesters plan to peaceably assemble outside Cafecito Bonito (6307 DeBarr Road) to pray from 4:30-8:30 p.m.
“We need strong men of Good Will to stand beside strong women of Good Will and pray for the protection of humanity, especially our children,” the flyer adds.
In recent years, LGBTQ activists have used drag dancers to reach children in Alaska and around the nation. These performances at libraries and cultural centers are part of a larger movement to introduce kids, at a very young age, to the ideas of gender fluidity and various sexual identities and orientations.
God can’t they get any that don’t look like ugly obese men? Nobody wants to see this. This is day shift at the strip club .
Actually, libs LOVE to see this because it makes them feel noble and inclusive. You know, signaling their virtue. Just look at the smiling faces as they abuse that toddler.
Oh, and by the way, isn’t that Rebecca Palscha in the background? The news anchor everyone trusted until the news programs went full left?
I see a guy in there that works for the Muni as an aborist supervisor. No wonder he has a hard time deciding which trees can be cut!
Drag is performance art, dude. They are COSTUMES. They are supposed to look crazy and fantastic and weird.
Also your insults are self-defeating. If nobody was going to see them then you wouldn’t be writing articles whining about all the children they are ‘brainwashing’. You wouldn’t be trying to organize hateful protests.
Every time you guys say ‘lgbt agenda’, you show your true colors as simple bigots. As long as I’ve been alive the ‘gay agenda’ has been the same. It’s literally ‘try not to get murdered’. Thats it. THAT is the agenda you are against.
Everyone is smiling…Including the “alleged”.. Mother(s) .. And, that, … (the alleged mothers)… is a major part of the problem(s)
> Everyone is smiling
The blank stare of the depraved…
How about dunleavy and Todd’s molding show up
Maybe even Dave spearman! What a show of force they would be!
Anchorage is a cesspool, and apparently the majority like it that way.
We are witnessing and pushing back against an aggressive anti-god invasion of Western values and the lawlessness that results. We have a Republic with a Constitution to protect our ” inalienable rights” and that important document is being disregarded in all branches of our local, state and national governments. These drag shows contribute to the delinquency of minors. That is against the law. Where is the law? Why is the ACLU a part of this? Parents who participate in this disturbing assault on our children have no idea of wrong and right. The importance of moral laws is to keep us selfless. The absence of moral values leads to selfishness and a multitude of other vices such as these. The police need to be called in besides prayer. Prayer and repentance are the powers though. There needs to be a revival in this country. Where are the outraged ministers? Ministers were at the forefront of the battle for freedom during the American Revolution. Why are they hiding under their pulpits? They led the charge against authoritarianism coming from England.
I worry far more about the safety of my kid surrounded by crazy religious folks (as the data of sexual assault done in religious communities is absolutely appalling). There is a reason parents feel safe with their kids at these shows and have no interest in believing in a community that doesn’t fight back against their own sexual assault cases. Churches are more dangerous than drag shows. Plus, who in their right mind wants their kid to grow up to be a judgemental bigot? I’m raising a decent human being.
Wow, don’t be shy with your opinions now! It would be helpful to give some evidence of what you are saying about the church! If your referring to local problems, I’d be willing to help bring light to such situations! Your secondary accusation of being bigoted will gladly be debated another time.
Dave, Parent talks just like Biden and his regime. Absolutism, fear-mongering, making the other side out to be the criminals when this is just projection for what Biden and his regime are doing.
Ruth I commend you for saying things I think as well! Where are the outraged ministers??????? Busy teaching their people to be quiet, compliant and severely retarded in regards to having any public response! Kum by yah!!!!!
I know how many kids cry the first time they sit on Santa’s lap, he is scary. these people are way scarier!
Where is our local law enforcement? It’s time to do some research on our laws regarding indecent exposure.
And why are these men allowed to hold public events dressed in garish caricature of womanhood, while they’d never get away with holding a “blackface with babies” event?
This normalizing sin to corrupt next generation is probably God’s answar to my curious question long ago what about sodom and gommorah kids, surely they’d be good? Why destroy the cities youth? the youth were as wicked as sodoms adults. Christian family the only salvation is repent and return back to the Word.
Luke 17:2 “Would be better for a milestone to be tied around the neck and thrown into the sea than to harm one of these little ones.”
The Catholic Church doesn’t seem to agree with you considering their protection of religious leaders that raped children.
Yeah, bigot. You do know that the percentage of offenders in the Catholic hierarchy is considerably lower than the offenders in public schools and other denominations, yes? Or is it just fun to poke your finger… into things where it doesn’t belong? Only the Catholic Church has acted to root out the homosexual offenders. Who else has? Oh, yeah, nobody.
Linda, your statement is full of hate. Look in a mirror.
I am reduced to copying and pasting my comments. Lol This is just so amazing that this stuff can happen around the nation – we can see the fight going on. Then, it comes to Alaska and people sit on their hands and let this evil weave itself tightly into the fabric of our last frontier society. This is just horrifying!
I read about drag shows for babies in England a week ago on LifeSite and was horrified. I had no idea they were happening in Anchorage until the Watchman reported on it.
What about drag shows is evil? What in the Bible says drag shows are evil? Why do you people care?
Try reading the Old Testament concerning men dressing as women. Then move on to Paul’s letter to the Romans. It’s not rocket surgery, but if you are mental midget….
Lol, you want to start quoting the Old Testament to justify your actions and opinions? It also says women shouldn’t wear men’s clothes, so I hope you don’t wear pants, you heathen, especially if they’re made of mixed fibers, then you’ll go to hell twice. Also let’s just gloss over all the other dumb shit in there.
You asked what in the Bible says drag shows are evil. I answered you directly. You denied the facts. So who is the bigot here, after all?
Impeachment Mike Dunleavy
What if people pray for the end of drag shows and they continue? What would that say about prayer? About god?
God doesn’t run our societies.. He allows the people to do so by virtue of the ability to make our own decisions, even as they did in Sodom and Gomorrah.. Then there are those who attempt to mock God by using their right to do so.. And there are those who read the Holy Bible, and understand how that all works out.. in the END.
What if pray for Lucindas removal and it works! What does that say Lucinda? I suggest you think a tad bit deeper!
Perhaps the name “Lucinda” .. (Light) ..is sarcastic.
Lucinda, what would that say about “god?” Well I am sure that your “god” is overjoyed that his Father the Creator of All Creation is not coming out and immediately raining fire and brimstone on the activities that your “god” loves. The Creator of All Creation is giving man the choice to follow your “god” or to follow the Creator of All Creation’s word and commandments. People are choosing their own path of being destroyed or receiving everlasting life on the day of our Heavenly Father’s (Creator of All Creation) judgement. You still have time Lucinda to learn about our loving Heavenly Father and ask for his forgiveness and accept his son as your Savior.
I’m a free thinking liberal atheist so I have no god. And thanks again Joel for letting my participate. I can be snarky, I’ll try not to be.
It is in Gods time, not man’s
What if Lucinda decides one day to quit trying to stick her finger in the eye of every Christian all while reaping the benefits of living in Western Civilization brought to her and preserved by the very Christians she takes issue with? What if she actually used her brain for something other than pointless and futile snark and blather? We can all do what ifs, but so far, you don’t seem to respond either. The difference is that, in the end, God wins. You just end up frustrated and bitter.
Setting aside your irreligious trolling, Lucinda, and playing along with “what if” scenarios, what if the good men from the community stepped up and shut down this sort of degeneracy?
What if the freaks who’re trying to normalize their sickness became aware that healthy society wouldn’t tolerate them anymore?
What if little boys once again were allowed to gather on the neighborhood field for a friendly little game of “smear the queer” without concern for political correctness instead of having to put up with mentally ill and often predatory poofs insisting they be allowed access to kids and daring fathers to do something about it?
See how this works, Lucinda?
“Smear the queer”? I’m afraid to ask what that is
Mine is a serious question that doesn’t deserve a flippant reply. I’d be very interested to an answer from a believer.
Then, if you are actually serious for an answer, and not making subtle attacks on Christianity, I would recommend studying the scriptures, and perhaps attending services that preach,.. teach the scriptures. The most reliable answers are found in the Holy Bible. As for me, I will answer that God does not make our decisions on how we run our societies.. It is explained in many cases in scripture. As I have said before, look at Sodom, and Gomorrah.. The Garden of Eden.. God does not demand that we think, or act in any manner.. But, he does offer the answers, and solutions if we are willing to look, and see.
I expect that you do not understand that prayer does not change God, it changes us. God will deal with sinners in His own way and in his own time. He is not a bully, He does not force anyone to do anything they do not choose to do, but He strengthens those who call out to Him and He will preserve those who keep His commandments. God is a gentleman; He will respect your poor choices but He will see to it that justice is done in His own time. It is a Christian responsibility to work to spread the Kingdom of God on earth, by doing His will, by bringing Him to those who would listen, by protecting innocents and standing up for the weak. He is not a weapon to be wielded by weak men. He will not be used or mocked. And I would remind you that most of your comments are nothing but snark and harassment, but if you truly wish to know His will and do it, you can go to any Church and learn to do just that.
Thanks to all of you who answered. I remain unconvinced by the Christian mythology though. The scriptures, the bible, commandments don’t mean anything without a belief in the Christian god. I don’t believe there is – or could be – a god.
Religion provides comfort but at too high a price.
Well stated.
The parents that bring their kids to this should be ashamed of themselves.
Y’all are crazy and this article is completely misleading. The whole article is trying to claim these events are aimed for children when in fact they’re open to everyone. There is no nudity in these events let alone no luring of children specifically. You should all be ashamed of yourselves trying to harass others without the full truth.
Of course they are open to everyone… How do you think the children got there.. Good to know that you know what the minds of the perverts.
Would you take your children to a burlesque show? That is essentially what these are.
I put a challenge to all who are reading this… go to your Pastors, Deacons, Priests, Bishops, and leaders in the community, INSIST they attend this prayer event. They are the ones who should be leading the charge. They aren’t afraid to ask for your money. Why are they afraid to be the leaders that God has called them to be? Insist they speak out, from the Pulpit, to educate the flock. Contact your local Legislators to attend.
True bravery is following Christ in a world that hate’s Him! We have nothing to fear, for if God is for us, who can be against. +
Raul info update
Our culture has been feminized! Men protecting, nope. Men standing tall, nope. Men elected to lead, nope. Men praying, nope. While the women are being abused, and their very definition is being erased by men who wear their clothes!
God will not tolerate this much longer! There will be no place to hide!
Just as long as there are no catholic priests there. We want our children to be safe!
Lucinda, I’m curious. You said, “Religion provides comfort but at too high a price.” What is the price you speak of? Spending time not only reading, but studying and pondering scripture? Humbling yourself to get on your knees to pray and ask if He truly does exist? Your answer may not come the first, 10th, or 250th time you pray, but I promise you it WILL come! He is in the heavens. You are his daughter, and he loves you. News flash: You and every other person on earth were born with the Spirit of His light, and putting forth effort to come to know and understand what He wants for YOU takes time.
I appreciate the kind and comforting words. I’ve always WISHED I could believe in the Christian god. I’ve been to British Cathedral s, felt the strength.
I’m fully evidenced based though, as are you most of the time. When my snow blower won’t start I employ the scientific method. I check for fuel and spark, I don’t condemn my weak religious beliefs.
I can’t believe that a virgin can give birth. I can’t believe a dead man can live again after three days. There’s not a shred of evidence for either event. It just can’t be.
What would christianity be without the resurrection myth?
The high cost of believing in the supernatural is denying objective reality.
You are lost… a fool says in there heart there is no God. You suppress the knowledge of the truth and exchange it for a lie. We will pray for you in the Mighty Name of Jesus! You can’t out run the Love of God! His arm is not to short to save you!
Lucinda I think really he didn’t die at all. He went into a coma due to exposure to the elements and loss of blood. Then after three days his followers smuggled him out of the cave. Thats how the rumor started that he ‘came back to life’. We’re talking about people that hated bacon and shrimp and practiced animal sacrifice. They weren’t exactly PHD candidates.
Brandy is back. Lucinda and Brandy, talking about a dead man coming back to life – who are you two thinking of?
Re: “I can’t believe that a virgin can give birth.”
Actually, with a little research, You will find it happens and is easily explained. Loss of Virginity is not necessary to become pregnant.
I read lots of complaints but I don’t see any commitments to going, and protesting. Push back, or you will be steamrolled. Cafecito Bonito March 26, 5 – 7 p.m. Have you two hours to make your written statement above mean something? I’ll be there.
Penny, not everyone is into broadcasting their out-and-about schedules like you do.
Why do you care? What are these people doing to hurt you?
Abusing children. In a sane society these people would be in jail for human trafficking and sexually abusing children.
Are you serious? This state sanctioned perversion hurts all of us because of the evil precedence it sets. We do not approve of this behavior. It is pure reprobate evil. We do not approve of those who approve of such vile assaults on our families, children and those values we hold dear. You are too far gone to understand.
I cant make it since I live in fairbanks but people cant go if there are not any seats left.
I just bought 4 tickets so that’s 4 people that won’t be attending this show.
A small price to pay to protect our children!
You’ll be pleased to know that there was a line of people waiting to get in and that they gave your table away. So thanks for the donation to LGBT rights I guess?
Based. Trans rights ️⚧️️⚧️️⚧️.
Look at the smiling faces as children and babies are offered to the wolves. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with the parents. Why can’t they see the evil placed before them? As a child, I would have been terrified by the overly exaggerated and frightening faces of these deviants.
Remind me what exactly is evil about entertaining families at diner with jokes and comedy?
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11.
Satan’s plans and devices are soliciting us on every hand. We should ever remember that he comes to us in disguise, covering his motives and the character of his temptations. He comes in garments of light, clad apparently in pure angel robes, that we may not discern that it is he. We need to use great caution, to closely investigate his devices, lest we be deceived. Satan has his evil angels around us; and though they cannot read men’s thoughts, they closely watch their words and actions. Satan takes advantage of the weaknesses and defects of character that are thus revealed, and presses his temptations where there is the least power of resistance. He makes evil suggestions, and inspires worldly thoughts, knowing that he can thus bring the soul into condemnation and bondage. To those who are selfish, worldly, avaricious, proud, faultfinding, or given to detraction—to all who are cherishing errors and defects of character—Satan presents the indulgence of self, and leads the soul off upon a track that the Bible condemns….
For every class of temptations there is a remedy. We are not left to ourselves to fight the battle against self and our sinful natures in our own finite strength. Jesus is a mighty helper, a never-failing support…. None need fail or become discouraged, when such ample provision has been made for us.
The mind must be restrained, and not allowed to wander. It should be trained to dwell upon the Scriptures, and upon noble, elevating themes. Portions of Scripture, even whole chapters, may be committed to memory, to be repeated when Satan comes in with his temptations. The fifty-eighth chapter of Isaiah is a profitable one for this purpose. Wall the soul in with the restrictions and instructions given by inspiration of the Spirit of God. When Satan would lead the mind to dwell upon earthly and sensual things, he is most effectually resisted with “It is written.”
You should not attend these scary theatrical dramas. That’s called freedom. Freedom to AVOID stuff you don’t like. You’re pro-freedom, yes? Why not let other parents decide what’s best for their kids?
Licinda, we better not tell them how many hundreds of years women were not allowed to perform. So literally every female part was played by men.
Not to mention the women that dress up as men to do civil war reenactments! I guess they better stop that unless they are groomers and pedophiles?! The arguments in this thread are not based on any kind of facts or logic…We should start calling it CGT. Conservatives are trying to teach Critical Gay Theory.
CGT. I like it.
Are you freaking kidding me, These people are delusional. The sick perversion of is all and the way these people are presenting there children to these pedophile misfits. They are mentally twisted and sexually deviant and here are these parents sacrificing their children’s innocence and flesh to these reprobates. To think that our public library approves? Our Supreme Court of Alaska approves. You people better get out and vote and put an end to this sickness.
So the Christians exercising their freedom of religion to peaceably pray outside the venue where this indoctrination of kids to alternative cross-dressing lifestyle are considered the “militant resistance” in this scenario? Hadline at AK News Source: “Church Militant Resistance prays rosary outside Russian Jack drag show” No bias there :()
Even the squeak of a Christian is considered a threat!!!!