The 40 Days For Life prayer vigil outside the Anchorage Planned Parenthood abortion clinic will conclude on April 1 with an open air Mass and ecumenical prayer procession.
“Thanks to the Knights of Columbus at St. Benedict’s Parish, along with their wonderful Fr. Tom Lilly, we will have a closing Mass!” 40 Days for Life organizer Mary Kemper wrote in a recent email. “All are welcome and encouraged to attend.”
The Mass starts at 7 a.m. in the parking lot behind 4050 Lake Otis Parkway – across Lake Otis and to the west of Planned Parenthood. Donuts, hot chocolate and coffee will be provided afterward. Attendees are invited to bring pro-life signs and to join in procession after the liturgy to pray outside Planned Parenthood.
Kemper thanked the individuals, groups and churches that have taken part in the 40-day prayer campaign.
“I drove by Planned Parenthood many times in the last five weeks, and my heart was lifted each time I saw someone out praying,” she wrote. “Sometimes it was a group and other times it was just one or two of you. Sometimes one of you would send me pictures of your group and that lifted my spirits, too, knowing that those unborn children that day did not die abandoned and forgotten. Their mothers and fathers were also prayed over, and most likely they saw you as they drove in. THANK YOU to each of you who went out to pray this vigil! There is one week left, so please let’s all make an effort to spend time on the sidewalks, even if it’s less than an hour.”
For more information about the Anchorage vigil, click here.