A new report from PJ Media reveals that many rural Alaska school districts have joined their urban counterparts in adopting protocols that conceal a student’s so-called “gender transition” from parents.
In an article published earlier this month, the online news outlet revealed that seven school districts acknowledged that their transgender regulations were inspired by the Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB), a largely taxpayer-funded and increasingly left-leaning organization that trains school board members across the state – providing them funding and resources to implement ideologically-driven policies.
AASB’s membership consists of more than 330 individual board members from 51 of Alaska’s 54 school districts. Associate members include school superintendents, the State Board of Education and the Alaska Commissioner of Education. The conservative Mat-Su School Board, which governs the second largest school district in Alaska, dropped its membership several years ago due, in part, to the AASB’s increasingly left-leaning ideological tilt.
According to the AASB 2022 tax filings, the organization is primarily funded by taxpayer dollars, including $4.2 million in various government grants.
While most large school districts like Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau have well known policies that hide a child’s sexual confusion from parents who are deemed “unsupportive,” many of the school districts cited the PJ Media article are from rural Alaska Native villages and other small communities.
Among Alaska rural school districts that have policies to hide a child’s “transgender” identification from their parents, are Hoonah City, Pribilof, Bristol Bay Borough, Yakutat, Sitka, Wrangell, and Northwest Arctic Borough, the article notes. According to PJ Media, all but the Bristol Bay District admitted that their transgender policies were derived from the AASB.
In all, there are at least 14 Alaska school districts with documented transgender policies that exclude parents.
— Click here to see which Alaska school districts hide student’s gender confusion from parents.
— Click here to see if your school district is a member of the AASB.
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Only groomers want to hide things from parents. They pretend it is the protect the child from harm from their potentially abusive parents. In reality these so called educators are trying to invert reality to match their twisted world view. Honest people don’t hide in the shadows and keep secrets from those who need to know the truth about their own children. Open dialog is key to healthy relationships, regardless of how people identify.
That list of schools throughout the united states is shocking. Look at Cali’s. That list goes on and on and on. Wow! Sad that Alaska schools are onboard with supporting this. I hope that, in the end, all of these schools – including the superintendents and on down the line – are charged for taking part in this activity of withholding information.
Currently, the Anchorage School Board has never voted on this matter of parental notification. The current status is that in 2020, the Administration adopted an “administrative guideline” limiting parental notification regarding gender, names and pronouns chosen by secondary (middle and high school) students. The guidelines state: “Generally, notification of a student’s parent about his or her gender identity, expression or transition is unnecessary . . .” Only the School Board can adopt “policy” but until the Board adopts a policy to override the current guidelines, the administrative guidelines are in effect.
The Administration and Board have refused to consider my 2023 policy proposal to require parental notification unless there is a clear danger to the student of such. The reason given has been wanting to wait until the new “Title IX guidelines” by the Biden Administration were provided. In May, this year those guidelines were published calling for non-notification of parents. But the implementation of those Biden guidelines has been blocked in Alaska by Federal District court decisions.
I continue to wait for action on my parent notification proposal.
I would welcome public support for my proposed board policy.
Dave Donley speaking as an individual and not for the Anchorage School District or the Anchorage School Board.
Thank you Dave.
I have to wonder what the parents are missing. It isn’t as though little Johnny is running off to school wearing his basebal uniform, then changing into a dress in the girl’s bathroom as soon as he gets there. How can you be a good parent yet be utterly clueless as to something as fundamental as your kid’s sexual or gender identity? If you think something a “different” about your kids, do you talk to them about it? Those LGBTQ kids must be awfully clever at deceiving their parents.
Really?!? Kids are, have always been, and will always be clever at deceiving parents about a great many things. That includes my childhood, and I had loving and very involved parents who were astute and one of above average intelligence and the other gifted intelligence, one of which was in Army Intelligence and also served a stint as a CID officer in the Army; a trained investigator. Didn’t know even half of my shenanigans until I disclosed them in my 30s. Anecdotal? Yes. But more the norm than the exception. It becomes even easier to deceive parents when school staff and administrators are actively engaged in the deception of parents and even “training” kids on how to pull it off.
Continuing Are You’s story with my own experience as a child/teenager. I had a friend whose aunt worked at the front desk of a school. My friend had the wool pulled over auntie’s eyes apparently because this youngster would feign a headache or a stomach ache or just super tired, so auntie would let my friend out of school without notifying the parents. Looking back, it was not a good thing and that is mild compared to what is happening now!
Yes! You are so right! Thank you for your response!
Maybe ya’ll should ask yourself why your kid feels safer talking to a teacher than you about these things.
Lucy, is that you?
Taxation without representation! Are you ready to collectively act?
Homosexuality is the religion of the democrat party. I mean that literally. This will result in the destruction of western civilization and a return to the dark ages.
Remember when teachers taught skills and responsibility. Yeah I miss those days.
MatSu STRONG baby!