A Wasilla Democrat, who visited multiple polling locations to get ballots in the 2022 Mat-Su Borough elections, has been convicted of perjury and voter misconduct in the first degree.
After a five-day trial, a Palmer jury found 72-year-old John Irwin Barton guilty of these crimes on July 30.
According to a notice from the Alaska Dept. of Law, testimony at trial showed Barton went to two different polling places during the election and requested and received ballots for the same election. At both polling places, Barton certified that under penalty of perjury: “I have not and will not vote in any other manner in this election.”
Borough elections officials discovered that Barton had received two ballots in the same election and reported the incident to the Alaska State Troopers.
Sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 6 at 8:30 a.m. in Palmer in front of Superior Court Judge John Cagle. Barton faces a sentencing range of one to three years to serve on the perjury conviction and zero to two years on two voter misconduct convictions. The case was investigated by the Alaska State Troopers and prosecuted by Assistant Attorney General Andrew Grannik of the Office of Special Prosecutions.
Nice, but that going after the small fish.
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It is a start. Fraud and illegal voting are a thing – a big thing – in the united states. Look out fraudsters! The People are waking up!
Where’s the mug shot? If John Irwin Barton was arrested, he was processed, to include having his picture taken. This once instance. I’m sure they are many more hair-trigger democrats who have also done this. Why just this one guy…? Who is the stay that democrats from outside the valley have not driven in and voted here..? If there’s one turd, there’s most likely more. Surprising the jury convicted him, considering the last jury I was on was made of about 50% communists (to include some who were expelled from the Palmer city council for shenanigans), along with a anti-gun DA (yes, we have one of those turds in the Alaska Judicial system).
Jay McDonald’s remarks on the multiple ways voter fraud is overlooked in this state under this corrupt dumpleavy administration is eye opening and predictable! Dumpleavy is gawd awful disappointing!
Dahlstrom is a failure at protecting our elections. But, how could she win the race against Begich if she were to fix the system?
RNC is sueing 20 States for counting Late Mail In voting.
Ban Dominion voting machines, RCV, Mail In voting