Alaska’s traditional state-run education system took a step backwards this year with nearly 7 in 10 students unable to show rudimentary “proficiency” in reading and math. Additionally, 63% are failing in science – nearly identical to last year.
The latest results come from the newly-released statewide standardized assessment – the Alaska System of Academic Readiness (or AK STAR), and the Alaska Science Assessment. These tests were first implemented last year, so 2024 is the first opportunity to compare current scores to the previous year’s. Reading and math assessments were given to students in grades 3-9, while science tests were administered to grades 5, 8 and 10.
In reading and comprehension, the percentage of students who are not proficient grew from 68.2% in 2023 to 68.5% in 2024. In math 67.47% of students were failing in 2023, compared to 68.89% this year. Science scores saw a slight improvement with 63.07% of students failing in 2023, and 63.06% failing to show proficiency this year.
While classic brick-and-mortar schools chronically struggle to teach basic academics, state-funded charter schools are seeing much better results. Many charter schools, wherein parents oversee curriculum, principal hiring and overall academic philosophy, are vastly outperforming their traditional school counterparts.
Due to low test participation, it’s difficult to gauge the progress of students enrolled in state-funded homeschool programs. Nevertheless, most homeschooling operations also outperform their local district as a whole.
To see how each district performed, as well as results for individual schools, click here.
Why does Alaska not require children to be enrolled in an educational program with regular testing to see that they are progressing?
The state has run education into the ground. Is the answer more state involvement?
The state tests are not good tests at all. the focus of the material does not target the core of what works long term. So, focusing on preparing for testing is merely lost time that is vital to put solid and quality time into education material that will best equipped the children in the long run and therefore the later years where it matters once they enter the work force and become voting members of society. This is why the education system has failed and continues to get worse. Their focus is entirely in the wrong place. But, get this, those in power are two educated to be able to agree with this. Too educated in the conceptual to be able to accept and realize results. What are the results?
Looks like you could benefit by having some grammar lessons. But aside from that, public schools are failing in large part due to the socialist/marxist/communist dominated teacher’s union and social justice engineering disguised as teaching that has little to do with basic reading, math, and science skills.
Can anyone guess what the state will do to remedy this? Lower the standards needed to pass…that’ll fix it.
this is the same policy that dunleavys given to state workers!
So shameful. I hope all you so-called “teachers” who are responsible for the downfall of education are proud of yourselves. IMO, you should be fired, charged with corrupting minors, and sentenced to prison. A high school dropout could do a better job. Remember, teachers, when you’re retired and chasing after your chronic illnesses, all those failed, inadequate kids will be taking charge of America. They’ll be unable to read, write or do math. And all Americans will SUFFER for the students’ shortcomings. I’d like to thank each of you guilty ones ahead of time.
There’s nothing better than having democrats in charge of everything.
Alaska and Anchorage school district will never get off the bottom of the test score graft as long as they keep forcing LGBTQ+ and the WOKE agenda down our kids necks. look back prior to this failed system and see we weren’t good but way better than we are now. Wake up ASD, smell the coffee and dtop the WOKE/LGBTQ+ crsp and start teaching our kids life lessons to make kids decent respectful adults. IT’S TIME TO CHANGE from your failed agenda!
Now do you believe Alaska is a shithole state?
If not what will it take?
Imagine that… The state of Alaska was so proud of their Read by Nine program. Private and homeschoolers are reading by 5.
My 14-year-old homeschooler is already taking regular college classes (including the sciences and math) Not sure if that says a lot of good about my kid or says a lot of bad about the ever-lowering-bar for college courses these days, but still much, much, much better off than the incompetency being ground out of the public education factory.
And the “educators” push for more money, yeah, that oughta fix it.