In an effort to affirm the dignity of unborn babies during the Christmas season, a group of Fairbanks pro-life advocates are organizing the second annual Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling. The event is set for Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 5-6 p.m. outside the Fairbanks Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on 1867 Airport Way.
“What’s more powerful than reminding people about the love of Jesus, even in the most horrific of places,” a notice for the gathering states. “In the Christmas story, hope enters the world through the birth of a child, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join us as we sing carols and share this Christmas hope where it’s needed most: the abortion facility right here in our community.”
Song sheets will be provided at the event. Attendees are encouraged to dress warmly and bring candles or flashlights.
Additional volunteers are being sought for the ongoing, weekly pro-life sidewalk ministry, which occurs each Wednesday, from 1-2 p.m., outside the Planned Parenthood clinic. Participants will join a seasoned volunteer to help provide hope and alternatives to women who are seeking abortions. Volunteers can join for however long works for their schedule.
For more information, contact the president of Right To Life – Interior Alaska Pamela Samash at (907) 322-2201.
Great idea! Is Anchorage doing it too?
Haven’t Christians been fervently and genuinely praying for decades that their god will end abortion? Why then does abortion still exist?
Yet politically, the anti abortion folks made a huge advancement with the reversal of Roe v Wade. Politics and advocacy and thoughtful persuasion – and some dishonesty (thinking about the lies that Kavanaugh et al made at confirmation hearings) has greatly improved the chance that Christian fundamentalists will inflict their dominance over the rest of us and make abortion illegal. Discussions among differing factions got somewhere.
Did prayer play a role ? Obviously not. Obviously prayer cannot apply influence beyond the confines as the devout Christian’s mind. The prayer stops at the forehead, there is nowhere else for it to go.
Nothing fails as reliably and consistently as prayer. If you want to get results, work within the system, no matter how flawed.
Bah humbug!
What brings joy and hope to your heart, Jeff?
Obviously, worship of Baphomet and more dead babies
You obviously know nothing of the mechanics of the soul and mind, nor the purpose of prayer. Understanding escapes you, forever inhibited from yourself by your act of degrading. Do you actually think that those who allow the fruits of prayer to grow and ripen believe that its purpose is for the why behind existence to merely “snap fingers” and make it so? The postulate power of prayer resides in the soul and mind, not through the direct effects of some external ethereal actor. And it effects are very reliable and very effective.
Aug. you may be right that for some people, prayer is a deep internal conversation. If that leads to an intellectual and evidence based understanding of the world, I’m all for it. Prayer is patronizing though. As I wallowed in anger and despair after Americans elected the least qualified and most dangerous president in history, friends consoled me by saying, It’ll be alright. That’s insulting to a man of reason such as myself. It won’t be alright and isn’t now.
Accept prayer as comfort words if it helps you navigate the day, but it has no real world effect. Or maybe it has a negative effect. Instead of voting or volunteering or donating , you prayed, you misdirected your limited energy.
Prayer makes you feel good but don’t mistake it for a solution.
Jeff, I’ll pray for you.
B. Go ahead, pray if it soothes you. It will have zero effect on me.