OPINION: Spending bill would let Alaska schools reap what they did not sow
These are bad faith negotiators. At a time when Alaska finds itself starving on many levels, the education system has decided to strike while the iron is hot and take a giant bite out of the apple while the rest of us sit around and watch it being eaten. How
OPINION: Student success hinges on conservative values, parent empowerment
Here is the bottom line: Place a student from a home that values education in a class with an impartial, well-trained and professional teacher who loves and is proficient in his/her subject and enjoys teaching, and learning takes place. Everything else is
LETTER: Mental health bill violates Alaska parental rights, feeds transgender industry
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Every effort in conjunction with the support of parents should be made to help children feel comfortable in the bodies they were born with. Instead, the counseling network SB90 proposes to legitimize leads children into
OPINION: By eroding Grand Jury rights, Alaska officials push citizens to the precipice
Public officials, however, are now working to completely eliminate the ability of grand juries to protect we citizens from “abuse” by … public officials. Every single Alaskan should carefully ponder why public officials would want
Alaska bill would let parents anonymously surrender infants in ‘baby box’
In an effort to ensure that newborn infants are not left abandon to die, the Alaska Legislature is considering a bill that would let parents surrender a newborn baby anonymously by placing them in a protective “baby
OPINION: Alaska needs a DOGE team to combat tax-and-spend legislators
A version of DOGE at the state level is not a crazy idea. Eleven states have already adopted the DOGE model and are looking for ways to make radical cuts to the cost of state
Alaska abortion activists focus on local politics to fight national MAGA tide
Thanks to conservative political momentum at the national level, President Trump is aggressively rolling back federal funding for abortion groups, DEI initiatives and the LGBTQ agenda. This has spurred hard-left groups like Planned Parenthood to fight more
SCOTUS to tackle Anchorage-like ban on Christian counseling opposed to LGBTQ dogma
In a move that could undermine an Anchorage law that bans counselors from helping minors reduce or overcome unwanted LGBTQ sexual attractions, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case in which a professional counselor in Colorado is seeking to
BOB BIRD: Alaska’s 3 branches of government converge on Road to Anarchy
Let’s play baseball. Get out the rule book. Like most sports, it is packed not only with rules that are macro and fundamental, but also micro and nuanced. Rules change, and are done so by mutual agreement, because experience dictated the necessity. Thus, an
OPINION: Alaskans don’t need a gun-grabbing, anti-2A, ‘red flag’ law
Alaska House Bill 89 seeks to authorize the temporary confiscation of firearms from individuals deemed a potential danger to themselves or others, based on minimal evidence and without due