To mark the 52nd Anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, Anchorage pro-life advocates are aiming to fill the sidewalks around Alaska largest abortion clinic for a candlelight vigil.
When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, more than a dozen states moved to ban the practice. Many other states have put restrictions in place. Alaska, however, remains one of the most pro-abortion states in the union, with state-funded abortion and virtually no limits on when an abortionist can end the life of an unborn child.
“Please come to the sidewalks outside Planned Parenthood for a candlelight prayer service on Thursday, January 23 at 7 p.m.,” organizer Mary Kemper urged in a recent email to pro-life advocates. “Members of local Students for Life groups will lead prayer and offer thoughts on their perspective of the prolife movement. Please come support our youth! And be inspired to keep on fighting for an end to abortion.”
You’ve heard this quote before, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” . Perfectly describes praying.
Explain your statement?
For me the purpose of my prayer is always fulfilled; and so I never expect different results since I always get the results wanted/expected.
Or are you merely implying through covert hostility that praying (and thus those that pray) is/are insane?
Careful.. You will hurt the atheist, Jeffie’s feewings.. His daily schedule consists of attacking, and insulting anyone who has Christian beliefs, and faith, … HIs atheistic beliefs, and values must be number one, over yours…. His day will come, and at that point, there will be no negotiating …. It will be final… Let Jeffie decide his own eternal journey. He is given the right to determine his own eternal residence, and, it will be a final, contract. But, even so, in closing, I will ask, for God’s blessings.
Lobo: Throughout my life, I’ve given more than I’ve taken. I’m honest and I possess integrity. If your god would send me to hell because I don’t believe in ghosts, fine, I want no part of him.
Jeff.. I didn’t question what you have given.. although, I do doubt that you have actually given more than you have taken… The issue in the subject however, is, your constant assaults on the beliefs of others.. You can’t seem to condone the beliefs of others which disagree(s) with yours, or the lack there of… And if you are actually honest, be honest with yourself, and admit your intolerances.. Perhaps anxiety meds can help you.
Sarvagy: I make decisions based on evidence, reason and the scientific method. This yields the most truthful and accurate information. Prayer reliably fails when exposed to this process. It can’t logically succeed. Believing in prayer has three negative effects. One, it takes the place of a real solution. Two, to believe in prayer means that you are likely also susceptible to being misled by those wishing you harm. Trump, for example. Third, prayer affects me too because that misguided thinking elected Trump and there is no greater threat to my values and America than him.
You do not get to heaven through the good you do in this life. You get to heaven by acknowledging your sins and by trusting in your Creator who died on the cross so you would have a free gift of heaven if we choose it. It is a gift and not by works. Pray to your Creator and ask for forgiveness of your sins and for HIm to become your personal Savior. Once you have accepted Him, find a Bible-believing church and get to know other Believers. Purchasing a Bible would be an investment for believers and nonbelievers with the guidelines of living a good life in Christ. We pray that you will take the steps.
Ewigs: as an atheist, I don’t believe in your gods and ghosts. I don’t believe in your proclamation that we are all sinners. I have never sinned before and never will. I am unshackled from superstitions.
The power of prayer is the greatest power to appeal to God to help us just as He is helping us return our country to its role as a Constitutional Republic and the Rule of Law. We have observed these 50+ years in Alaska that the judicial branch is violating our Constitution and is legislating from the bench without regard to the legislative branch and the executive branch. They have overpowered our governor. Our governor is the Sheriff of Alaska but does not “reign in” the judges and lawyers who do what they want regardless of Alaska’s Constitution and the US Constitution. This branch of Alaska is using power it doesn’t have to block our prolife legislation. These are leftists and belong to the death cult that exists in our country. Our Governor, the sheriff is surrounded by moderates who prevent the prolifers access to the Sheriff. The Governor could order the state troopers to arrest or block the efforts of the runaway judiciary branch but perhaps lacks the firmness to make Alaska prolife. At least twice in our time in Alaska pro-life bills have gone all the way to the judicial stage and the judges and lawyers blocked the bills. These people in the judiciary branch are evil. Senator Hughes suggested a way to block funding for abortions by leaving that portion of Denali Kid Kare without funding. At this time, Planned Parenthood which is government-funded and a lobbying union, has lied to the younger generations and convinced them that abortion is a human right that they need to fight for. These are false ideologies being passed on. Pray for our good legislators and for a cleaning up of the judicial branch of Alaska’s government. Pray that our Governor, our sheriff will have the courage and persistence to fight the corruption in our state.
so goes the rationalization and misunderstanding of man. “if I’m good enough for me I’m good enough for God” unfortunate and tragic as many Christians treat such folks with disrespect and dishonor rather than grace and friendship.
There is no God, Heaven or a Hell. Those are derivatives of a work of literary fiction called ” The Holy Bible. ” Keep your silly superstitions to yourselves, sheeple!
What of the other societies current and distant past that believe/believed in a god or a Creator? Did they have “Holy Bibles?”
I was created with a God-shaped vacuum which only Christ has filled. I’ve choose to give no time listening to folks who say there’s no evidence. 10 minutes outdoors overwhelms with God created evidence. If I’m wrong and God’s Word the Bible is all fairy tales, then I simply led a cleaner life. But if Jesus is indeed who he said he was, then added to a cleaner life is an eternity full of understanding and being understood, completeness and fulfillment. I can’t see how anyone can deride this.
I deride it because it’s untrue. I’m not going to purposely live a lie.
Believing in jesus has nothing to do with living a “cleaner” life, by the way.