
On Feb. 12, Alaska’s U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan voted to advance the nomination of Robert Kennedy Jr. to a final vote of the full U.S. Senate, where he is expected to be confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services within the next day.

In a 53-47 vote Republicans banded together to advance Kennedy to the final vote. While Sullivan was considered a firm Kennedy supporter, Murkowski was widely viewed as a questionable vote, as she regularly breaks with her GOP colleagues to help Democrats block key GOP priorities. That was not the case on Feb. 12.

Just before the vote to advance Kennedy’s nomination to a final vote, Murkowski released a statement declaring her support for him.

“While there is no dispute that the U.S. spends more per capita on healthcare than any other country, our health outcomes do not reflect this investment,” she posted to social media. “Instead of focusing on who covers our exorbitant healthcare costs, we need to reduce these costs by directing our attention to prevention and keeping people healthy. This is the appeal of RFK, and many Alaskans have shared that view with me. Chronic conditions are a significant source of illness and major drivers of public debt; he recognizes this and is committed to addressing it.”

That said, Murkowski said she continues to “have concerns” about Kennedy’s views on vaccines and what she characterized as “his selective interpretation of scientific studies, which initially caused my misgivings about his nomination.”

Murkowski went on to praise vaccines, and said she sought assurance that, as HHS Secretary, Kennedy would do nothing to make it difficult for people to take vaccines or discourage vaccination efforts.

“He has made numerous commitments to me and my colleagues, promising to work with Congress to ensure public access to information and to base vaccine recommendations on data-driven, evidence-based, and medically sound research,” Murkowski continued. “These commitments are important to me and, on balance, provide assurance for my vote.”

Murkowski closed by lauding Kennedy for spending time with indigenous peoples, his commitment to tribal sovereignty, and his promised attention to the Indian Health Service.

“He has spent time in rural Alaska and understands some of the unique public health challenges we face that require complex solutions,” Murkowski concluded. “There is much shared work ahead to achieve better public health outcomes, and I will push Mr. Kennedy to realize these goals.”

Kennedy has undergone a contentious hearing process in the U.S. Senate, and his final confirmation vote will require Republicans to unify around the man Trump has tapped to run the $2 trillion, 80,000-employee federal health system.

For decades, Kennedy has been an outspoken critic against pharmaceutical giants, agriculture practices, chemical industries and a number of vaccines. Trump has tapped him to fight America’s chronic disease epidemic by strengthening safety protocols on a host of drugs and vaccines, while overhauling regulatory bodies that oversee U.S. agricultural practices.

Kennedy was also a vocal critic of the way experimental Covid shots were hastily approved and rolled out – leading to severe adverse reactions and even death for many Americans.

Over the past few weeks, many Alaskans have flooded Murkowski’s office with messages and phone calls, telling her to support Kennedy. Those efforts appear to have had an impact.

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BREAKING: Murkowski says she’s a ‘yes’ vote to confirm RFK as Secretary of Health

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Neil DeWitt says:

    Is the writing on the wall? Lisa finally figured it out tgat she’s finished if she doesn’t start backing tge oarty.

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    resist being duped! stupid sheep always get eaten by the wolves!

  • Sandy says:

    Way to go Murkowski. I don’t understand her concern on his stance on vaccines though. If a baker has to disclose everything they used in a cake due to allergies, why aren’t nurses or doctors also obligated to do the same before they inject it into you. Every person is different and your allergies aren’t mine. Ask for the list of ingredients that are in the vaccine beforehand and ask to read the insert to see if there any black box warnings. There is nothing wrong with looking into vaccine safety on behalf of the American people.
    Just imagine if a doctor said shellfish is safe for everyone to eat and anyone who said different is an allergy conspiracy theorist.

  • Manny Mullen says:

    She was SO close to regaining her integrity!! She is Charlie Brown to Lucy’s football.

  • Paul Hart says:

    Only because she doesn’t want to be primaried.

  • Greg says:

    Regain integrity? Can’t regain something never possessed! Murkowski is a dope, pure and simply a RINO and her casting a few correct votes will never make up for her leftist SCOTUS votes, nor will it rescue her from her pro BIG spending votes, anti-Trump actions, pro-Obama actions and from ballot harvesting in rural or bush Alaska when she stole the Senate seat from Joe Miller. While giving credit when due is fine, missing the seat while peeing in the pot isn’t applaud worthy! Trump will be remembered for his bravery, sacrifices and successes in the MAGA movement, while Lisa won’t be remembered at all…!

    • Manny Mullen says:

      Greg. Trump and Vance fooled you. You wanted to fooled. His destruction of America relies on emotion and ignorance. A whiff of critical thinking on your part would have revealed his deceit. You are responsible for our loss.

  • Craig says:

    Maybe someone reminded her of all the sunlight that’s being focused on congress the senate? I wouldn’t mind seeing who has given her money

  • Steve says:

    Lisa doesn’t mind bucking the party, just as long as she’s not standing by herself. That’s a go-along to get-along with the opposition mentality, and we don’t need someone with that weak personality to represent us. She’s beyond recovery at this point.

  • T.M. says:

    If Doctors don’t want to look into it, maybe the public should. You can go to FDA.GOV to read on Vaccine Inserts — maybe RFKJr is onto something.
    HepB: RECOMBIVAX HB has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or its potential to impair fertility.

    VIT K Shot: Studies of carcinogenicity, mutagenesis or impairment of fertility have not been conducted with Vitamin K1 Injection (Phytonadione Injectable Emulsion, USP).

    RSV: ABRYSVO has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.

    Prevnar 13 has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, or impairment of male fertility.

    DTS\AP: DAPTACEL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility.

    Meningococcal vaccine: MENVEO has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of male fertility in animals.

    (Flu Shot) Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for impairment of fertility.

    (DTAP) Adacel has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or impairment of male fertility.

    MMR Vaccine: M-M-R II vaccine has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility.

    HPV: GARDASIL has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.

    HiB: HIBERIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.

  • jon says:

    Lisa failed when she voted for an quack. I’m very disappointed,

  • Steve says:

    She doesn’t want to deal with RFK’s former running mate who has an enormous amount of money and will willfully spend it to primary her in 2008. She needs to go.