OPINION: Mainstream media and RINOs partner with Dems to Alaska’s detriment
A few weeks ago, Fairbanks Daily News Miner Editor Gary Black wrote an opinion piece praising U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and lauding a group of state Republican legislators for following in her footsteps. In particular, Black appreciated that these lawmakers
Alaska U.S. Senators vote to protect girls’ sports, but Dems block effort
Democrats in the U.S. Senate blocked an attempt by Republicans to advance a bill that would have prohibited biological males who claim to be female from competing in girls’ and women’s sports. Republicans needed 60 votes to overcome a filibuster, but only
TODAY: Tell Alaska Sen. Murkowski to protect girls sports from male athletes
Contact Senator Lisa Murkowski and encourage her to vote YES on Senate Bill 9 to protect girls from having to compete against boys in
OPINION: Defeatist RINOs in Juneau just don’t get it
Several recent articles I wrote must have touched a raw nerve with State Senator Robert Meyers. He wrote an opinion piece in rebuttal. You can read it here. He is evidently upset about my criticism of the defection of seven Republican legislators who joined
Parents empowered to report DEI violations in local schools
In an effort to end discrimination rooted in divisive DEI indoctrination, the U.S. Department of Education has launched EndDEI.Ed.Gov, a public portal for parents, students, teachers, and the broader community to submit reports of discrimination based on race
OPINION: What America can learn from the decline of world empires
Elected government officials, policy makers, educators and the society at large must clearly understand that ignorance, irresponsible government mandates and disregard of historic patterns may create irreversible socio–economic
Anchorage Library Director nominee coy in responses about controversial books, events
Anchorage Mayor Suzanne LaFrance has nominated Marjorie Harrison to serve as director of the city’s five libraries, which have been the source of heated controversy, protests, parental rights disputes and division for many years. On Feb. 28, Harrison
Mat-Su School Board aims to ban revealing, vulgar & racist student clothing
In an effort address inappropriate student clothing, the Mat-Su School Board is considering a revision to the district’s dress code to specifically ban revealing, racist, sexually suggestive and vulgar clothing and
Univ. of Alaska faculty & students oppose regents’ order to ditch DEI
Many entrenched professors and campus staff in the University of Alaska system are adamantly opposed to removing DEI programs, which could prove
Begich aims to use new post to advance railroad from Alaska to Lower-48
Begich has repeatedly said that it is a priority of his to advance the state’s long-held goal of connecting Alaska to the Lower-48 via a railroad. Currently, Alaska remains unconnected the rest of the North American rail network, a gap that limits economic