Alaska’s Little Princess is at it again. Of all the things she could be working on, our dear Lisa has chosen to pick a fight with Donald Trump over the name of Mt. McKinley/Denali. She introduced a bill to change the mountain’s name back to Denali. This bill will go nowhere in Congress, and even if it did somehow make it to his desk, Donald Trump would veto it. The bill was dead when she submitted it. It was nothing but virtue signaling, and Lisa knew it. The only reason she made this effort at all is that it signals to the Native community in Alaska that she is on their side, which will come in handy in 2028 when Lisa runs for reelection again.
Even the genial but clueless Senator Dan Sullivan got in on the action and cosponsored Lisa’s bill. Senator Dan is up for election in two years, so he must also need to brush up on his bona fides with the AFN caucus here in Alaska. There is no sense in taking risks and alienating potential voters. Don’t you agree, Dan?
There are two big problems with this bill. First, it is blatant pandering, and Alaska Natives are not stupid; they will see right through it. Second, there are many more important issues that our two Senate knuckleheads could have been working on than what we call the tallest mountain in Alaska. Alaskans are a cantankerous bunch, and they will call the mountain whatever they want anyway, no matter what Donald Trump, or Lisa Murkowski for that matter, says about it.
Massive crimes are being revealed every day thanks to efforts by Donald Trump and his DOGE team, yet the biggest thing that our two idiot senators are worried about is the name of a stupid mountain in the backcountry of Alaska.
So, let’s look at a few of the crucial issues Lisa and Dan have ignored while getting into the mountain-naming kerfuffle.
For four years, the border was wide open, with millions of illegal aliens and massive amounts of illicit drugs pouring in. Now, Trump is trying to close the border and deport violent illegals. Lisa and Dan are doing nothing to help.
Fentanyl overdose deaths have been averaging over 100,000 dead Americans every year for the past four years. Alaskans are among those dead from this drug, but Lisa and Dan are doing nothing to prevent that from happening.
Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is finding massive fraud in every aspect of the government his team has examined. His latest finding is that 2.7 trillion dollars in fraudulent Medicare and Medicaid payments were made to people living overseas. That amounts to nearly 8% of our current national debt. Lisa wasn’t too worried about the amount of fraud he found, but did express her concern that Elon Musk wasn’t following proper procedures when cutting out the wasted spending.
USAID was discovered to be throwing money away like drunken sailors on shore leave, funding things like gay porn comic books in Peru, and transgender surgeries in Guatemala. Those items are bad enough, but USAID was also found to be paying the press to influence the media in this country and funding fact-check organizations like Newsguard to censor articles that conflict with the government’s narrative.
Neither of our senators ever expressed concerns about our government violating the First Amendment.
USAID is the fraud that never seems to end. Just yesterday, Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) reported that USAID funds went to a company that fabricated some of the information used in Donald Trump’s first impeachment trial. The impeachment was apparently based on lies, but back then Lisa voted to allow Trump’s impeachment to proceed. Maybe she wants to take that vote back now?
For the past four years, the fascist Democrat party and their RINO enablers in Washington, DC, have destroyed our country. Donald Trump is trying to do something about it, but we have spineless, cowardly losers getting rich on insider trading and bitching and moaning about what Trump is doing and how he is doing it.
Massive crimes are being revealed every day thanks to efforts by Donald Trump and his DOGE team, yet the biggest thing that our two idiot senators are worried about is the name of a stupid mountain in the backcountry of Alaska. Our senators need to start doing their job and help the president fix the many pressing problems our country faces, or they need to resign so someone else who is more serious can help him. Whatever they do, they should please spare us any more of their stupid moralizing and pandering!
The views expressed here are those of Greg Sarber. Read more Sarber posts at his Seward’s Folly substack.
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How long have you lived in Alaska? It was your Convicted Felon than tossed this smoke bomb and you used your usual too-many-words to prove you are gullible
Really ??.. Who .. “convicted”.. him ?? Joey O’ Biden hasn’t been convicted of any of his truck loads of felonies.. Talk about treason, and unaccountability .. AH.. but there are plenty of “gullible” lefties meandering all about us.. Case in point.
Jan 10, 2025
“Donald Trump is now a convicted felon, and will be the first president of the United States with a felony conviction.
On Jan. 10, 2025, Justice Juan Merchan, who presided over the trial in a New York state court, sentenced Trump to an unconditional discharge for all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.” – PBS
Biden committed zero felonies. Trump factually IS a convicted felon. That you believe otherwise is a clear sign of being gullible.
Hey.. Manny, first off, you are relying on the warfare of the criminally “In-justice system” for your so called facts, and you watch PBS ? .. Says a lot, but then, that’s usually the signs of a gullible democrat… As for Biden committing “Zero” felonies,.. Are you serious ???,…or is this another sign of democrat gullibility ? You are free to continue to follow the paths of ignorance … That’s your right… Have at it.
ouch! man! Cut it out!! those baby slaps hurt so much— in reality – is that all you got?!
For the winners of the 2024 election, it is simply a talking point created by legal criminals who dirtied their profession in order to load their filthy bag of tricks with empty ammo bragging rights for their brain washed minions…Sure, It took some twists and turns to get it done, but it’s there, for you to use. (much like the well aged and tossed out Russian Collusion hoax).
Use it if you must … “Trumps a convicted Felon” !! (Warning: To complete the voodoo spell one must yell loudly and shake fists at the sky).
Thank goodness those cheap carnival talking points are set up all in a row.
SO!! Come on over!!! Step right up and give it a try!
(shoot and miss, shoot and miss – rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat — )
(Trolling ‘gullible trolls’ is so much fun)
Your comment is poorly written and unpersuasive.
Sarber, how dumb can you be? Really!
So when you see your wrong you huff and puff?
Yes.. That’s what the O’Biden worshipers seem to like to do.
How about the most obvious thing they “missed” addressing: Our broken election system…..almost makes you realize that all these “elected” politicians local, state, and federal are well aware they wouldn’t be in office if it was fixed.
Our two senators have allowed the Federal government to kick Alaskans around like a cheap beach-ball.No other state has been morebrutalized by the Federal government than Alaska. Everyone agrees with this.The permanant fund dividend could easily be two to five times higherfor each person with responsible. resource development income coming in to the Alaska treasury. But no, natural resource jobs, and by extension, our Permaant fund dividend down because that’s what the Federal government wanted, not Alaskans.
“Alaska Natives are not stupid; they will see right through it. ” Really, the have fallen for thier pandering and that of others for numerous elections. You just start paying attention?
Maybe Trump ought to leave the official names of Denali/McKinley and the Gulf of Mexico/America alone while focusing on immigration enforcement, world war, and the economy?
Or not, I suppose. If it’s all about the battle and not about the goals, any and all confrontation helps.
Keep up slow poke, President Trump is doing all of it AT THE SAME TIME!
Hey Reggie. I know you’ll be disappointed but it’s ALL happening under this new rocking administration! Try to keep up! The real pity is that all the hosts of your favorite TV show “The View” are being replaced with feral hogs. Maybe the ratings will improve though.
The name thing is a smoke screen, a red herring, a mis-direct. Trump is using it that way. Lisa is using it that way too. They aren’t really pouring time into this. They are actually just generating headlines while the real work (be it good work or bad work) happens. Pay it no mind.
A “stupid mountain the backcountry of Alaska?” Really?
I just need to know that our senators can say “no” – if they can’t to this, I’m not sure what they can.
For most of my 40 years in Alaska it’s been McKinley. Obama comes alone and panders to natives when he changes it. Just change it back to McKinley so that I may get the thought of Obama further out of my mind. Are you listening, Dan? Or are you, too, pandering along with Lisa?
I called it Denali as soon as I learned the name. Much better name for this majestic mountain. I hope Alaska Reps and Senators fight this. The felon is an idiot.
Greg, you took the words right out of my mouth with this article. I’m sure many others feel the same way.
Thanks a bunch
I grew up calling it McKinley, and never could bring myself to call it Denali. Cape Canaveral went to Cape Kennedy then back to Cape Canaveral, so there’s a precedent for you. As for it being a Native name; which Native group? It’s a big mountain, seen from hundreds of miles away, and I’ll bet different groups had different names for it. Which one would be the right one?
Have you considered asking any of the Alaska aboriginal organizations? For example, the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) is the largest statewide Native organization in Alaska. Its membership includes 168 federally recognized tribes, 166 village corporations, 8 regional corporations, and 12 regional nonprofit and tribal consortiums that contract and compact to run federal and state programs. AFN is governed by a 38-member board, which is elected by its membership at the annual convention held each October.
Just what make the native more special than the average Joe? The natives get all sort of government subsidies, yet consider themselves a sovereign Nation.
Dumb mountain? It is the tallest peak in North America, named by a know-nothing gold prospector McKinley because he was for the gold standard. And the Gulf of Mexico was named that before the US was thought of. 400 years ago. I appreciate DOGE finding all of the questionable destinations for the tax payers’ money. And I wish that Trump would appreciate the magnitude of the other changes he is making instead of engaging in kid-stuff renaming.
Truly disappointed Sullivan wld waste his time on this garbage.
It’s truly disappointing but not surprising at all, Patricia. Danny is frankly a neocon oaf and and this moaning over the name of a mountain is distractive pandering to a butt-hurt subset of the population who like to cry over nonsense of this sort. He also keeps bad company. Here we find Elon sneering in Danny’s general direction and musing over the legality of the International Republican Institute (chaired by none other than Ohio’s very own Danny) having soaked American taxpayers for $130.7M from USAID and we might reasonably wonder what, if anything at all, taxpayers actually got in return for their hard earned money: https://x.com/OcrazioCornPop/status/1886470568242720866
I like the name “Pike’s Peak” so maybe a new one that hasn’t been in the argument. Or maybe, “Pioneer Peak.”
Go ahead and climb that mountain, walk up there among them clouds – where the name is important and the deed needs doing – and there ain’t no real issues to own: (substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, real neglect in their own communities).
Gotta love our DC Senate politicians.
A side note: I been thinking about the scathing letter S. Dan Sullivan wrote to his community of supporters after the worst, the absolute worst, uprising in all of America’s history – — January 6th.
Wish I could get a copy of that one, but no one seems to have it available.
It’s still on Must Read Alaska….I was seething when I got it…. https://mustreadalaska.com/sen-sullivan-addresses-alaskans-about-election-riots-future/
See the below story about his role in the anti-Trump NGO to get a better view of who Dan really is.
Maybe now is a good time to report on what Senator Dan has been up to….and no, it has nothing to do with names….
He’s the chairman on the International Republican Institute: Sen. Tom Cotton Tied To Anti-Trump USAID Funded NGO Which Received $130MM In 2023
Lobo. I knew you would take the PBS bait. I’ll take your bait about Biden’s felonies. Explain please or provide a list or maybe a link.
Both our nearly useless senators need to be voted out of office, first Dan then Lisa. They did little to nothing during the 2020 general election debacle. They did little to nothing productive during COVID. One panders to lefty teachers and the other to war mongering uniparty voters. What have either done for Alaska or Alaskans. Time to clean house.
But Dirty Dan says he’s DEEPLY COMMITTED TO UKRAINE. How could we possibly be pissed at a guy who is deeply committed to throwing away a couple hundred BILLION dollars of OUR MONEY?
I call it the The Big Garbage Dump And Open Air Toilet For Rich LeftWing Mountain Climbers. Or Mount McNali. Free Speech baby!
Lobo. Cough it up. Show me the Biden felonies.
Seriously, don’t we have better things to focus on. It’s Mount McKinley in the Denali National Park.
You are clearly a hater, Michele. Real feelings have been hurt by this callous act and your flippant insensitivity is a clear indicator that you need to deeply reflect on the monstrosity of your position as well as the hurt that you’ve caused by wielding it in such cavalier fashion at society’s most vulnerable members. I’d suggest you atone for it by dropping off a case of Busch Light at Bean’s Cafe.
Given your angry wacko previous posts, I can’t tell if this is satire.
Humor; not Manny get it.
Murkowski needs to exit stage left while she still can and get a plane ticket to a faraway land. You can’t run and you can’t hide Lisa. Justice will come for you for all the hidden crimes you have been involved with. Maybe if you go talk to Kash and give up your secrets, he will go easy on you.
Can you provide a photon of evidence for your claim of “hidden crimes”? I’ll bet you can’t, just like Lobo can’t provide evidence of felonies by Biden.
Silly Democrats. Don’t they know it is offensive against the broken rainbow brigade to dead name them? Then why do it with a mountain? If a Norman can be a Norma or a Julian be a Julie, then certainly a Denali can be a McKinley. Bigots, the lot of them.