
Many Senate Republicans in Washington, DC, continue to fight back against the reforms that Donald Trump is introducing. They have voted against some of his cabinet nominees and against legislation intended to clean up government agencies. They clearly do not understand what his election means. Voters have chosen to end big government and the extravagant, wasteful spending that goes along with it. It is the end of an era.

For example, yesterday, 29 deep-state Republicans, including Alaska’s Senators Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski, voted to preserve the status quo in Washington, DC, and to keep squandering taxpayer money. The 29 RINOs joined with all the Senate Democrats to defeat an amendment introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY). The amendment was part of the budget negotiations going on this week and was intended to permanently eliminate fraudulent expenditures.

Sen. Paul asserted that if the wasteful spending identified by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) is not eliminated from the existing budget by a process called Rescission, then it will be automatically included in next year’s budget starting March 14th. His amendment would have corrected this loophole, but it was defeated.

The taxpaying citizens of this country have had enough. We will no longer tolerate the theft of our labor and wealth to be squandered by DC elites.

Ironically, just an hour after reading about the defeat of Sen. Paul’s amendment, I got a phone call from the National Senatorial Election Committee (NSEC) soliciting money for the reelection of Republican senators in 2026 and warning of dire consequences if they failed to get enough campaign donations.

The more I thought about how clueless and ill-timed that phone call was, the more it reminded me that our senators must live a sheltered existence, like the pampered life of wealthy Plantation owners in the Antebellum South.

To understand what I mean, go back and watch the movie, “Gone with the Wind.” Watch it with fresh eyes, and consider what you see in the context of what is happening in DC today.

The start of the movie depicts a time just before the Civil War when the Plantation owners were successful because of the forced labor of enslaved Americans. The elites led idyllic lives. They lived in palatial mansions, became wealthy, and held extravagant parties, while their slaves lived a miserable hardscrabble existence. The elites depicted in the movie thought that their life of privilege would never end, that they would always be able to preserve the status quo.

This movie is a metaphor for what our country is currently going through. The attitude portrayed by the elites in this movie is no different than how our U.S. senators are behaving today.

These legislators need to understand that the old era, which gave them wealth and privilege, is ending, and a new one is about to begin. The taxpaying citizens of this country have had enough. We will no longer tolerate the theft of our labor and wealth to be squandered by DC elites. We will no longer tolerate leftist ideas being force-fed to our children against our wishes in government schools. We will no longer tolerate the enforced racism of DEI. We will no longer accept dual systems of justice, one for the elites and a harsher, crueler one for the people. We will no longer accept what is being done to us under radical left-wing governance.

That era is ending, and a new one is beginning. It will be led by politicians who support Donald Trump’s initiatives rather than those who oppose him and cling to the status quo.

If they do nothing else, Republican senators in DC need to take one last lesson from “Gone with the Wind.” In the final scene, when Scarlet O’Hare pleads for Rhett Butler to stay with her or she will be ruined, he replies, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

If they don’t start supporting Donald Trump, that’s what voters will tell the RINOs in the next election. Those are the words I told the person soliciting a campaign donation from me, just before I hung up on her.

The views expressed here are those of Greg Sarber. Read more Sarber posts at his Seward’s Folly substack.

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OPINION: RINO senators don’t understand – it’s the end of an era

Greg Sarber
Greg Sarber is a lifelong Alaskan who spent most of his career working in oilfields on Alaska's North Slope and in several countries overseas. He is now retired and lives with his family in Homer, Alaska. He posts regular articles on Alaskan and political issues on his Substack at


  • Sir Comrade says:

    I watched a Shaun Ryan interview with Lindy Li, a former DNC fundraiser in which she explained that unelected advisors were making all the decisions in the WH during the last four years.Thinking minds knew this all along, and observed their machinations playing out. Now thanks to Trump, their plots are being exposed. But as we see in Juneau, some “members” of the Republican party are democrats in drag. Their pimps have election fraud candy that must be cut off.

    • Manny Mullen says:

      Speaking of unelected advisors, how about Leon Musk and his traitorous DOGE-bags?

      And Lindy Li? She’s s as phony as Lindsey graham. She flip flops like Tulsi Gabbard. Enough attention is something she’ll never have.

  • micah says:

    Good article.

  • Sir Comrade says:

    Sore fanny Manny? You can get treatment for your advanced TDS without seeing a shrink. Just stay dialed in to this webnews site and others similar. Watch newsmax etc. and stop sending money to Rachel maddow, she can afford to pay the recent $30 million defamation judgement against her lying mouth.

    • Manny Mullen says:

      Sir, you are not among the critical thinkers. You paraded your low IQ and stage four gullibility when you voted for Trump. I haven’t a photon of empathy for you. But you brought me into the damages, and the lawlessness, chaos and cruelty evokes images of violence. You can go eff your face.

  • jon says:

    What MAGAs don’t understand – with all the stupid things the felon is doing – there will be a blue takeover in 2026

  • Frozen says:

    Stick to your narrative (men in women’s sports, censorship, two-tired justice system, protecting government waste, open borders, demonizing the right, hating America, canceling the non-woke, etc.) and we may win again.

  • Manny Mullen says:

    Fro. I’d trade your unsupportable grievances over the destruction of American citizens and economy , gradual death of democracy, rise of a fascist dictatorship and a replacement of our former strength and international respect. You are way too buried to understand how gullible you were and so weak is your thinking now that when you soon lose your savings, privacy, citizenship, religious freedom, and any individual power, no matter how diluted, you will blame it on the Left.

  • Jon and Ruth Ewig says:

    Go President Trump and Doge and the MAGA Patriots in Congress and the Cabinet. Someone is finally addressing the government waste, NGOs waste and all hidden waste. Truthfulness needs to be the goal. Liars are prolific all over DC. Clean it up. Shame on our senators for not helping with this major undertaking. It just shows that there is no interest by our Senators in helping solving the problem. Keep praying for continued results.