
In an effort address inappropriate student clothing, the Mat-Su School Board is considering a revision to the district’s dress code to specifically ban revealing, racist, sexually suggestive and vulgar clothing and accessories.

The board is set to introduce the revision at its next meeting on March 6.

According to the proposal, students would be prohibited from wearing clothing that is “overly revealing.” This includes shirts and dresses that are “low cut, sleeveless shirts that do not cover undergarments, or that are not long enough to cover the waistband.”

Additionally, the revision states that clothing should cover the midriff/stomach area, while pants, shorts, skirts and dresses “must cover the legs to mid-thigh.” Holes in pants “must be below mid-thigh,” and “all undergarments must remain covered. No clothing may be see-through or transparent.”

Those who violate the dress code would be asked to cover up, change or go home until proper attire is worn.

The policy also addresses accessories such as notebooks, patches, tattoos, and jewelry, which “must not display racial or ethnic slurs or symbols, gang affiliations, vulgar, subversive, sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate language or images.”

Furthermore, the policy states that clothes and accessories may not promote products that students “may not legally buy such as alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, or the promotion of establishments that are illegal for students; or anything that promotes harm to another or to oneself.”

Attire that expresses obscene, libelous, racist imagery or messages also would be banned, as would those that indicate religious prejudice.

The proposed policy adds that students must wear shoes at all times, and cannot wear attire that “resembles non-human characteristics.”

“For safety reasons, nothing should obstruct or cover the head or face that would block identification,” the revised policy adds. “Items that may conceal a student’s head or face are not allowed during the instructional day without administrative approval.

Reasonable accommodation for a student’s religious beliefs would be permitted unless the accommodation creates an undue hardship, and school administrators would be allowed to make exceptions to the dress code in special circumstances such as spirit days or field trips.

If approved, the revisions would be the first update to the student dress code since 2008.

“The Board of Education believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive and safe learning environment,” the policy proposal states. “Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not present a health, safety hazard, or a distraction which would interfere with the educational process.”

Those who violate the dress code would be asked to cover up, change or go home until proper attire is worn.

The next School Board meeting will be March 5, 6 p.m., at the Central Office (501 N Gulkana St, Palmer). The complete agenda is available here.

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Mat-Su School Board aims to ban revealing, vulgar & racist student clothing

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • David Shoemaker says:

    This is nonsense! so many knuckleheads have voted these people in. Absurd!!
    A conservative county that won’t pay attention to the elections. It is very aggravating. The woke mind virus HAS TO GO!!

  • Manny Mullen says:

    “revision to the district’s dress code to specifically ban revealing, racist, sexually suggestive and vulgar clothing and accessories.” Joel do you know how I might apply for the inspector of garments position? Sounds fun.

  • Bob Bird says:

    Having been a teacher for over 50 years, “stylishly” suggestive ripped jeans and shirts, low-cut blouses and shoeless students create a distraction in class … but also dangerous. They could step on a tack, or be required to go outside for a fire drill in cold weather. I would send the student down to the ass’t principal and let him be the judge. If he sent them back with an “OK”, I would bring it up with him later. But seldom had to.
    One kid had a 3-ft high mohawk, but combed it down for my class. The principal asked me, “What if he refused to do so, and I OK’d him? Other teachers are fine with it.”
    I said, “Would you permit him to wear a sombrero in class?”
    He replied, “Of course not.”
    “Right. It is a distraction. To me and to the class. Just like a 3-ft high mohawk.”
    I told him that I controlled my classroom atmosphere, not him. And I got to decide what is a distraction to ME.
    That ended the discussion.

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