
In what was never going to be an actual townhall meeting, a group of hard-left Anchorage activists rented out the Wilda Marston Theater in the Loussac Library and proceeded to mock and disparage U.S. Congressman Nick Begich and U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, both of whom had supposedly been “invited” to “face their constituents.”

Organized by the hard-left nonprofit – 907 Initiative – along with several other pro-abortion and big-government groups, the protest consisted largely of disgruntled greying and middle-aged residents who held professionally, pre-printed signs stating, “Doormat Dan” and “Chicken Nick.”

A press release sent by Aubrey Wieber, Executive Director of the 907 Initiative, claimed more than 600 Alaskans turned out for the townhall, but it seems no one really expected Begich or Sullivan to show up. In fact, in the days leading up to the event, organizers aggressively promoted the gathering with photoshopped depictions of Begich wearing a chicken suit.

The event appears to be part of a coordinated statewide, ongoing resistance strategy against Trump and his supporters, who seem to have most of the political momentum.

It appears the true objective of the rally was to create the impression that Begich and Sullivan wouldn’t meet with those who were distraught by President Trump’s ambitious, and increasingly popular efforts to expose waste and fraud across the federal government.

According to Wieber’s press release, she and her fellow protesters are disturbed by Trump’s “overhaul of the federal government that includes cutting Medicaid, shuttering the U.S. Department of Education, illegal firings of federal workers, and an escalating trade war that is increasing Alaskans’ cost of living.”

Wieber repeatedly quotes herself in her press release, which is written to sound like an actual news article.

“‘They’re scared of us,’ said Aubrey Wieber, Executive Director of the 907 Initiative,” the release reads. “‘Apparently, the only way to get in a room with one of them is to be a high-dollar donor.’”

Overtly mocking he invited speakers in the lead up to the event, however, probably didn’t help if the goal were to actually meet with Begich and Sullivan.

Other organizing partners included Protect Our Care, Stand Up Alaska, Mat Su United for Progress, Alaska March On, and the Alaska Nurses Association. Executive Director of Access Alaska Eric Gurley and Rose O’Hara Jolley of Planned Parenthood gave speeches.

The event appears to be part of a coordinated statewide, ongoing resistance strategy against Trump and his supporters, who seem to have most of the political momentum. As Wieber noted, the Anchorage protest was one of many recent gatherings organized by the political and social left in Alaska.

“We will hold as many events as it takes,” Wieber said. “We will book bigger venues. We will bring in speakers.”

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Aging Anchorage libs stage mock town hall to blast Trump, Begich, Sullivan

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Neil DeWitt says:

    Maybe these worthless democrats could do something instead of whinning all tge time to make our country better! I doubt it because they can’t think for themselves!

    • Shelley says:

      How many people actually do think for themselves? We are taught at a young age to comply with society and not trust our own thinking. Kinda seems this is a problem for all political parties and widespread rather than one particular party.
      It’s easy to get lured into whining when one’s beliefs are being threatened. I see more people fighting each other than working together these days and that’s disturbing.
      Maybe all the political parties can hold more town halls and stay in touch with the voters rather than spending so much time away from us/them?

      In any case, I love , I am an American, and this country will always be the best no matter who gets power or how they get it.

      Everyone whines all the time.

    • Manny Mullen says:

      My least favorite part of conservative thought is the hypocrisy that they never recognize. For you DeWitt to claim that it is democrats that do all the whining is absurd and demonstrably false. The first elected felon to the presidency of the United States of America does little toward making America great or Americans happy, safe and prosperous. Instead it’s an endless and shifting assault on every single core value of our America, a toxic list of petulant mewls that lead us toward a cliff.

      And you don’t see it. Instead, the most corrupted convince the most gullible to destroy our democracy. You voted for Trump.

  • MeMe says:

    This is apparently happening across the country. Makes you wonder who is paying them? Glad you made some of them famous with photos – it would be good to post all over social media for people to identify who they are and how they are registered to vote.

    • Shelley says:

      No one paid me to go but I don’t know if anyone else was paid to go. But if someone offered me money to attend something, I would consider going even if my beliefs or my country wasn’t in alignment with the event. But the amount of money would change based on what the event was about.

      People do dumb stuff for very little money. But people also do some great and horrific stuff for millions. How’s that saying? Money talks and bullshit walks. It applies to everyone, all over the world, not just some people who aren’t liked.

      Also, I’m undeclared, always have been always will be because thus is the greatest country and I love the freedom to be undeclared. I get to choose the best politician for the job regardless of their political affiliation. Go USA!!

  • Aunt Sally says:

    My gosh. Just imagine the smells in that room.

  • Shelley says:

    The event was an opportunity to be heard and an echo chamber. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong but it doesn’t mean the equal and opposite force is right. Why is it not ok for one political party to do something and not another. The event was well attended for a Thursday night. Not much different than other well attended events when people care to attend.

    Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, progressives, and it goes on and on… it doesn’t matter what one ideology someone chooses to side with, what matters is what kind of world will we have 50 years from now when our children are attending events like this. I wonder if they will have a world where they’ll be thriving or if they’ll be barely surviving or somewhere in between.

    I didn’t care for their signs much but I was glad to have an opportunity and the courage to say what I went there to say.

    God bless America! Go red white and blue!!

  • Elizabeth Henry says:

    Godless people who have no awareness of accountability and never grew out of their 60’s and 70’s immaturity. Sad. Add also how impressionable to lies they are. Medicare is not being cut, nor is Medicaid except for illegals, states do a far better job managing their education, there are no ‘firings’ as superfluous positions are being eliminated. The people in those positions are laid off, not fired. Good grief. It seems the Democrat party has become the party of very low common sense and intelligence. On a side thought, no wonder so many leftists pretend to be republicans to get elected. Most aware voters don’t vote Democrat.

    • Shelley says:

      I am not godless nor a democrat and I went. Lies can be hard to discern from truth when we are so caught up in ideology that it becomes too painful to admit someone we look up to or trust is lying.

      This is probably the last post I’ll reply to here because the audience is also an echo chamber, much like the event I attended as an undeclared voter who thinks for herself, loves this country, values our freedoms, and regularly talks to God.

  • Johnny says:

    Learn to cope.

  • Patrick says:

    I too am an undeclared “actual voter”. Shelley, well said in response to Neil, Aunt Sally, MeMe, and Elizabeth girl! You know if you tell that lie enough times the majority of undereducated, uneducated, and ill informed people will believe anything. Most Americans who never worked or served in the Federal government as a civil servant do not have a clue what the Government (and each agency) actually does…not until it affects them personally. I’ve learned a couple things over my 30+ year career. 1) You can put lipstick on a pig…but it’s still a pig! 2) You can’t fix stupid! 3) Only idiots and morons follow rabid FOX! There are 596,493 registered voters in Alaska as of March 2025 purge. Of the total 145,637 (24.4%) are (R), 72,992 (12.2%) are (D), 82,871 (13.9%) are Nonpartisan, and 264,387 (44.3%) are Undeclared. I don’t care about “A Party”, I vote for the person with the knowledge, skill, ability, and experience to do the best job for all Americans and not just his/her party or self proclaimed KING. You get what you voted for…or didn’t vote! Statistically speaking, (R’s) are at the low end of the curve.

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