Fairbanks pro-lifers invite Christmas carolers to sing outside abortion clinic
“In the Christmas story, hope enters the world through the birth of a child, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. Join us as we sing carols and share this Christmas hope where it’s needed most: the abortion facility right here in our
Judeo-Christian voter guide highlights scores of Alaska races
In addition to the Values Voter Guide that was recently highlighted by the Alaska Watchman, there is another source to help Alaskans who are interested in electing state and federal candidates who are more likely to advance biblical family values in
Alaska Watchman advice on voting for or against 8 Alaska judges
In an effort to assist Alaskans in casting their votes, the Alaska Watchman has compiled some additional background information on 8 of the 19 judges up for
OPINION: Lake Otis House district voters can help determine fate of unborn Alaskans
Anchorage voters in Alaska House Lake Otis District (12) and Senate Hillside/Centennial Park (F) have a golden opportunity to protect unborn Alaskans from abortion, but they will need to turn out in force to do
Upcoming Alaska events to unpack how ‘worldview’ shapes our views on life, race, gender, marriage
The teachings of the Bible have the greatest solutions for human flourishing, but we need to be prepared to respond to the culture around us flailing and hungry for
Voter guide shows where AK candidates’ stand on school choice, abortion, personal liberty, more
In Alaska’s most sweeping voter guide to date, newly released survey answers reveal where dozens of candidates stand on key issues related to abortion, religious liberty, parental rights, ranked-choice voting, LGBTQ policies and much
GLEN BIEGEL: Confronting my hero – on pro-life perfection
For Catholics, priests are a kind of hero (celibacy, poverty, obedience). One of my favorite priests and I were having a nice conversation until I heard something like the following: “I am not sure Nick is pro-life enough. I pride myself on just voting the
Gov. Dunleavy vetoes coercive contraception bill that lacked key pro-life protections
Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoed a bill on Sept. 4 which would have mandated that insurance providers cover a whole range of contraceptives, including drugs that can cause early abortions to newly conceived babies. Many Republicans in the Alaska Legislature,
EDITORIAL: Why can’t Alaska stop pro-abort midwives from killing unborn babies?
Once again, pro-abortion forces have won the day in Alaska. The latest in a long string of triumphs came on Sept. 4 when Superior Court Judge Josie Garton ruled that a state law restricting who can perform abortions imposed a “substantial burden” on the
Fairbanks pro-lifers to observe day of remembrance for aborted babies
In an effort to honor preborn babies who have been killed through abortion, pro-life Alaskans plan to assemble at Sacred Heart Church in Fairbanks on Sept. 14 at 12 p.m. The gathering is part of the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children, which was