BOB BIRD: Gold could shape the future, as it has the past (Part 2)
I can’t tell you how prices might shake out if - and when - we return to a specie-based currency, but I can guarantee one thing: Gold rushes would return as part of Alaskan - and human -

Begich aims to use new post to advance railroad from Alaska to Lower-48
Begich has repeatedly said that it is a priority of his to advance the state’s long-held goal of connecting Alaska to the Lower-48 via a railroad. Currently, Alaska remains unconnected the rest of the North American rail network, a gap that limits economic

Sen. Myers: ‘Toothless’ ideas won’t advance conservative policy in Alaska
There have been various suggestions of what either the Republican Party, individual Republicans, or the Republicans in the Legislature should do. Those suggestions are made without fully understanding the political realities of

OPINION: Alleged judicial corruption is Alaska’s Watergate
Alaska may be experiencing a judicial crisis rivaling the Watergate scandal. Critics claim it involves a judge who committed perjury, the suppression of a Grand Jury investigation, and unconstitutional changes to the Alaska

BOB BIRD: ‘We could use another gold rush’ (Part 1)
We could use another gold rush. Hey, there used to be so many of them. What

State of Alaska librarian uses official email to push LGBTQ/Critical Race books for kids
An employee for the Alaska State Libraries, Archives and Museums Division is using his official government email to alert fellow librarians across the state to what he sees as potential threat regarding the removal of children’s books that promote LGBTQ

Historic Alaska fair cancels LGBTQ drag show, following outcry
Thanks to massive community pushback, the historic Fairbanks-area Tanana Valley State Fair has decided to cancel plans to host a controversial LGBTQ drag queen show during this year’s

OPINION: D.O.G.E. is uncovering the ‘dead souls’ of federal bureaucracy
It remains to be seen what and how many “dead souls” will be uncovered in the coming weeks or months in the dark burrows [of U.S. federal

Alaska’s oldest fair agrees to include LGBTQ drag show
The historic Fairbanks-area Tanana Valley State Fair, founded in 1924, has agreed to let a controversial LGBTQ activist group perform cross-sex drag queen shows during the upcoming July

Rep. Begich prioritizes economy and energy dominance in speech to AK lawmakers
Rep. Begich prioritizes economy, energy dominance and infrastructure in speech to Alaska