OPINION: What America can learn from the decline of world empires
Elected government officials, policy makers, educators and the society at large must clearly understand that ignorance, irresponsible government mandates and disregard of historic patterns may create irreversible socio–economic

How Alaska’s bureaucratic special interests serve entrenched power, not public good
This vicious cycle of special interest control, fueled by political patronage and cyclical funding flows, demands that we scrutinize and, ultimately, reform our system to ensure that it truly serves the public

SEN. HUGHES: Despite union claims, growing Alaska school choice options helps all students
This week I expect much of my focus to be on policy and funding discussions to help our students and teachers achieve better outcomes as we move forward. Governor Dunleavy held a lengthy press conference on the topic late last week, and I agree that it is our

OPINION: Here’s why left-wing media is dying
Left wing news outlets blame their decline in viewership on Trump’s supporters, as if there is some grand conspiracy to intentionally sabotage their ratings. They just don’t comprehend the

OPINION: Despite Murkowski’s protests, the ‘Great Pruning’ is necessary
Donald Trump’s election and the announcement of his choices for cabinet positions have triggered our friends on the left who gnash their teeth and bemoan what has befallen them. Some, like Alaska’s ever-foolish Senator Lisa Murkowski, vow to vote against

Alaska’s Deep State – A report from the field
The battle against the Deep State didn’t end with Trump’s election; it has only just

OPINION: Let the difficult work of reversing neo-Marxist nonsense begin
Clearly, during this 2024 turbulent election, Americans recognized and stood tall against the neo-Marxist ideology of white privilege doctrine, Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, DEI and systemic racism

Reporting delays fuel frustration over fate of Alaska’s ranked-choice vote and other results
Three days after the General Election, Alaskans remain in the dark about whether voters successfully repealed the state’s controversial ranked-choice voting

Powerful outside Democrat operatives back these Alaska Republicans
In what may surprise many conservative voters in Alaskan, a number of self-identified Republican candidates for the Alaska Legislature are being heavily financed by outside money and resources from well-heeled Democratic

Alaska judge faces mounting opposition in bid to stay on the bench
Of the 19 judges who are up for election this year, none have generated the heated controversy and opposition that surrounds Anchorage Superior Court Judge Adolf Zeman – the man who issued a ruling this past April which struck down the state’s popular