More than 100 Alaskans join hope-filled pro-life march through Anchorage
More than 100 Alaskans join hope-filled pro-life march through the streets of

OPINION: Alaska Senators’ feud with Trump over mountain name is pure virtue signaling
Alaska’s Little Princess is at it again. Of all the things she could be working on, our dear Lisa has chosen to pick a fight with Donald Trump over the name of Mt. McKinley/Denali. She introduced a bill to change the mountain’s name back to Denali.

USAID and the history of U.S. foreign assistance programs
Historically, the United States has provided foreign aid to other countries since 1812; but on a large scale only during and after World War II. The history of the U.S. foreign assistance is marked by several key events, including Lend-Lease during World War

Failing Fairbanks District set to shutter 5 schools as enrollment plummets
Facing rapidly declining enrollment, poor student test results and a growing number of families who have opted to leave standard public schooling for homeschool, the Fairbanks School District is set to permanently shutter five schools. The school board will

Trump gender-ID order is a call for Alaska to realign policies with biological reality
Trump's order aims to restore clarity in language, protect women’s rights, and realign Title IX to its original intent of safeguarding opportunities for females. For like Alaska, where gender ideology has deeply influenced schools, policies, and public

Understanding Alaska’s budget: What drives our revenue?
To help you understand the state budget, I will split this report into two parts. Part one will focus on revenue coming to the state, and part two will focus on what we spend it

Satanic ‘Christmas’ tree included in Fairbanks Winter Solstice Fest
Adorned with red lights and pro-abortion messaging, a Satanic-themed “Christmas” tree was on full display during one of the most popular family holiday events in Fairbanks this past

Sen. Murkowski claims she’d prefer ‘no label’ to ‘Republican’
I’m not attached to a label. I’d rather be that ‘no label’ … and I’m totally good and comfortable with that," Murkowski said. "In fact, I think I’m more comfortable with that identity than an identity as a Republican, as a party

OPINION: How to weaponize ranked-choice against 16 AK lawmakers
RCV gives Alaskans a unique tool to use against the Democrats and their Vichy Republican collaborators to regain control of our state legislature.

More death, fewer babies and out-migration expected to erode Alaska’s population
Alaska can look forward to far fewer babies and many more older people over the next quarter