OPINION: ‘Hot-button’ climate theme shouldn’t deter Academic Decathlon participation
One of Alaska’s most successful Academic Decathlon teams comes out of the IDEA homeschool program. Some people associated with this team expressed concern about this year’s theme, and one Mat-Su mom relayed her criticism in a widely circulated opinion

Defiant Mat-Su Health Foundation rebuffs members’ requests to vote for governing board
The June 10 annual membership meeting of the Mat-Su Health Foundation (MSHF) included impassioned calls for the organization to let its members, once again, vote for who represents them on the organization’s powerful governing board of

OPINION: The bear vs. squirrel dispute offers insight into today’s cultural wars
But you wasted your time and efforts in trying to convince a stupid squirrel about something that is so obvious to all of us. You cannot rationalize someone who is brainwashed, irrationally stubborn and believe in the squirrel’s narrow-minded

OPINON: It’s time for Mat-Su parents to back ordinance that reins in radicalized librarians
OPINON: It’s time for Mat-Su parents to back ordinance that reigns in radicalized

Dunleavy’s veto of a massive educational spending spree bill withstands veto override attempt
In order for lawmakers to override the governor’s veto, they needed 40 votes. That did not happen. After nearly two hours of floor debates, 39 legislators voted to override and 20 voted with the governor. One lawmaker was excused from the

Opinion: Biden, Newsom, Obama… oh, my.
I am not good at making political, sports or personal predictions, but I’ll stick my neck out on this one: Joe Biden will not be running for president this fall. The Left has been ganging up on him. He is a warmed-over cadaver, something conservatives knew

Despite tanking enrollment, Fairbanks wants to raise taxes by $10M to benefit public schools
Sponsored by Borough Mayor Bryce Ward and Assembly members Savannah Fletcher and Brett Rotermund, the ordinance aims to ask borough residents if they would approve an increase to the tax cap so that the borough could tax residents an additional $10 million

OPINION: A messenger of peace in a world at war
I found myself facing a large wooden medieval door of a small and noticeably aged Gothic-style church. With some effort, I opened the thick door and slowly walked into the church. There was no one in the sanctuary; it was dark, a slight scent of burnt candles

OPINION: ‘Righteous indignation’ erupts during Mat-Su library book challenge
This is America. We have a First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech, but we also have the right to protect our children from child predators and pedophilia-pushing grooming. The Supreme Court decision Miller vs California is clear. Obscenity is not

Soldotna Library drag queen story hour for kids postponed following public outcry
There will be no drag queen performances for children at the Soldotna Public Library on Jan. 6 after considerable public outcry led LGBTQ activists to indefinitely “postpone” the story hour