OPINION: Catholic gratitude for Evangelist Franklin Graham calling out a wayward pope
OPINION: Catholic gratitude for Evangelist Franklin Graham calling out a wayward

Marxist uses Anchorage Assembly appearance to decry Israel’s response to heinous Hamas attacks
A radical Marxist organizer for the Anchorage chapter for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PLS) took advantage of his special reserved time slot at the Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting to castigate Israel’s military response to Hamas’ horrific

Dr. Zink-led group backs mandatory sex-ed, expanded health data collection and anti ‘misinformation’ campaign
Dr. Zink-led group backs mandatory sex-ed, expanded health data collection and anti ‘misinformation’

Mat-Su School Board chooses father of nine to fill vacant seat
The Mat-Su School Board selected 21-year Alaskan and father of nine children, Anthony Pitcher, to fill the vacant school board seat.

Election commission rejects ranked choice group’s attempt to halt signature gathering efforts of repeal side
Election commission rejects ranked choice group’s attempt to halt signature gathering campaign to repeal

OPINION: It’s time to stop worshipping at the cult of government
It is time to get inside the “comfort zone” - not of our politicians - but of our pastors. And yes, our own comfort zones. Pastors have an invisible barrier that keeps them from expounding all the truths we find in the Bible. This is because they

Amid criticism from pro-lifers, Sullivan signs letter demanding end to military abortion funding
U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan was among 27 GOP senators who signed a letter demanding that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin cease the practice of paying for military members to travel to pro-abortion states to kill their unborn

Eagle River church tagged with lewd images for 3rd time in 18 months
For the third time in 18 months, St. Andrew Catholic Church in Eagle River has endured vandalism depicting large phallic symbols spray painted on the outside of the

Mat-Su school removes LGBTQ signs following Watchman report
Mat-Su school removes LGBTQ signs following Watchman

Mat-Su leftists make inroads in Palmer City Council election
Just 18 months after conservative voters turned out in larger than typical numbers to oust three hard-left Palmer City Council members in April of 2022, progressives have now managed to oust one conservative in last week’s Oct. 3 city