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Alaska in 2023: Trends, predictions and prescriptions

Editor’s note: This article is adapted from a talk given for the Valley Republican Women of Alaska’s Jan. 19 meeting in Wasilla. I want to address a few major trends and developments in Alaska as they relate to our population, education and political
Bord Student pic

Our education crisis is more social than academic

Education and knowledge translate into power. Education does not parallel economics or politics, but is the soul of society, and more fundamental than these others. Education determines people’s moral values, appearance, eating habits, the role of citizens;
Fatherhood Commentary Image

6.17 > On Fatherhood

America is home to nearly 120 million adult men. They come from every conceivable background. In large part, they construct our roads, build our cities, fight fires and enforce the laws of the land. They work in business, law, education and the halls of