OPINION: Murkowski’s insistence on FBI vetting of Trump picks is part of Deep State resistance
Sen. Murkowski wants to force Trump to rely on the FBI for background checks before she will support nominees. That's like requiring the mafia to approve all new bank tellers before they are

OPINION: Socialism is the transition to Communism
Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was First Secretary of the Communist Party (Politburo) of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964; and Chairman of the Council of Ministers from 1958 to 1964. In the early 1960s, on various occasions, he formally proclaimed that in 20

OPINION: Murkowski’s ‘serious’ test for Trump AG pick strains credulity
When Senator Lisa Murkowski, the woman who famously inherited her Senate seat from her father, dismisses Trump’s latest AG choice as “not a serious nomination,” it’s a masterclass in irony, so rich that it should come with a health

Three sources of Marxism and its far-left outgrowth
The main theoretical sources of Marxism were (1) German classical philosophy, (2) English classical political economy and (3) French utopian socialism in combination with French revolutionary ideas and the practice of European

Alaska judge faces mounting opposition in bid to stay on the bench
Of the 19 judges who are up for election this year, none have generated the heated controversy and opposition that surrounds Anchorage Superior Court Judge Adolf Zeman – the man who issued a ruling this past April which struck down the state’s popular

BOB BIRD: Kenai Conservatives should back Ben Carpenter for Alaska Senate
Voters in the conservative Kenai Peninsula have a clear choice for the state senate, and it is Ben Carpenter, currently a two-term representative. Voters in this district know me well, and they also know the role I played in giving a radio platform to the

OPINION: Through acculturation & assimilation, ‘vetted’ newcomers succeed in America
True, for a newcomer’s adaptation, these socio-economic and cultural categories are essential for survival in a foreign environment. Nevertheless, changing/adapting people’s behavior (manners, demeanor, gestures, preferences, motivation, ambition) is the

Sen. Shower: Vote ‘Yes on 2’ to repeal RCV’s voter suppression in Alaska
Polling has consistently shown a majority of Alaskan’s do not like “Ranked Choice Voting” (RCV). For those who don’t know the facts behind its installation in Alaska I’ll provide some insight. A few years ago, billionaires and other lower-48 groups

Gay foreplay videos are part of proposed mandatory health class in Fairbanks schools
In the name of diversity, equity and inclusion, the Fairbanks School District is planning to roll out a new compulsory high school health curriculum that includes materials such a graphic Planned Parenthood-produced videos depicting various LGBTQ actors

An interpreter’s take on the linguistic errors and hypocrisy that have plagued AK-Russian relations
Translators and interpreters use their knowledge of two or more languages and cultural meanings to translate or interpret texts and conversations from one language to another, to enhance communication across cultures and the parties involved. The difference