Anchorage Police Dept. gushes over LGBTQ Pride month
The Anchorage Police Department published a controversial Facebook post earlier this month, lavishing praise on all things LGBTQIA+. The post from Alaska’s largest police department has generated more than 200 comments, many expressing disappointment that

OPINION: Despite ‘embarrassing’ launch, Alaska’s new Office of Family Life has great potential
Eleanor Roosevelt is quoted as saying that “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” It’s a tidy statement and can, in many cases, be used as an effective guidepost when we’re in

Dunleavy joins GOP governors in asking Biden to ditch plan that threatens girls’ sports
Gov. Mike Dunleavy has joined 24 fellow Republican governors in asking the Biden administration to rescind its proposed rule change to Title IX that would prohibit any policies which “categorically” bar self-identified transgender students from

Court blocks Anchorage-like law in Florida that bans counseling for kids with unwanted same-sex attraction
The City of Tampa recently forked over nearly $1 million in a legal settlement after a U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a city ordinance banning “talk therapy” for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction was unconstitutional. The $950,000

Alaska House passes bill reaffirming the right to use gold or silver as legal tender
The Alaska House has passed House Bill 3, which reaffirms the state’s recognition that gold and silver can be used as legal tender for debt payment. The bill aligns with the U.S. Constitution and supports the use of gold and silver specie as legal

Part 3: Alaska should be outraged that election laws failed to rein in the anti-Const. Convention ‘cartel’
By J.H. Snider – The Fulcrum Editor’s note: The following is part three of four in a series about Alaska’s 2022 Constitutional Convention vote, which included massive amounts of outside spending to convince Alaskans to vote against holding a

OPINION: If Chugach/Eagle River secedes from Anchorage we can strengthen parental rights in education
Editor’s note: EaglExit is a growing grassroots movement of Chugiak/Eagle River residents who are working to formally secede from Anchorage to create a new independent borough. The aim is to create a small government that can better deliver essential

Sen. Hughes: Alaskans must wake up and speak out against biological males in girls’ sports
A board member of a non-profit in Alaska typically does not expect to be bombarded and contacted by hundreds of people, some of whom are very stern and even angry. I’m used to that, but they aren’t. I signed up to run for office and hear from large

OPINION: If Chugiak/Eagle River secedes from Anchorage we’ll have better schools (part 1)
Editor’s note: EaglExit is a growing grassroots movement of Chugiak/Eagle River residents who are working to formally secede from Anchorage to create a new independent borough. The aim to create a small government that can better deliver essential

Alaska’s federally funded media, KTOO, joins NPR in quitting Twitter
The Juneau-based public media outlet, KTOO, which accepted more than $2.5 million in federal grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in 2021, has joined National Public Radio in quitting Twitter. On April 12, NPR tweeted a thread telling its