Search Results for: porn

Rural Alaska elementary teacher convicted of 14 sexual felonies

A Bethel jury found elementary teacher John Mark Hammons guilty of 14 counts of sexual felonies. The Aug. 4 verdict followed a three-week trial for the 49-year-old Hammonds, who worked as a both a schoolteacher and coach at the Akiachak school, while also

Radical librarians’ network includes scores of Alaskans

A national library network that encourages librarians to push scandalous books to children without parental knowledge has scores of Alaska librarians within its ranks. Library 2.0 is a massive organization that includes thousands of librarians from across the

Why is Juneteenth controversial?

Juneteenth has been commandeered by cultural leftists in an effort to cast America as a continually – and fundamentally – racist nation that has made precious little - if any -