OPINION: Defeatist RINOs in Juneau just don’t get it
Several recent articles I wrote must have touched a raw nerve with State Senator Robert Meyers. He wrote an opinion piece in rebuttal. You can read it here. He is evidently upset about my criticism of the defection of seven Republican legislators who joined
OPINION: Marginalized conservatives must use the ‘atom bomb of Alaska politics’
Should the majority Democrat caucus refuse to go along, Alaska's conservative Republicans should hold the budget hostage. With no budget passed, a special legislative session would be required, and the state government could be shut down. It would be glorious
Alaska’s GOP should follow Georgia’s lead and punish disloyal RINOs
The Alaska Republican Party has a big problem. It cannot effectively police its members when they misbehave, so some RINO politicians take advantage of the weakness within the GOP to advance their own interests to the detriment of the
EDITORIAL: Alaska’s one chance to end ranked-choice and avoid a RINO stampede
Those who want a return to Alaska’s historic voting system, must vote Yes on 2. We probably won’t get a second
Dysfunctional Alaska Legislature preps to gavel back in
On Jan. 19, the 60 public servants who represent the people of Alaska in our State Legislature will resume the messy work of representative democracy down in Juneau. If recent history is any indication, the Republican majorities in both the House and Senate