Alaska continues paying for transgender surgeries and drugs, while other states refuse
While dozens of Republican-led states are moving decisively to restrict or prohibit irreversible transgender surgeries, cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers, Alaska continues to spend public money to underwrite these devastating practices, both for adults
EDITORIAL: Concerns over Gov. Dunleavy’s childcare expansion plan
It’s clear that Alaska, like much of the nation, has a workforce shortage, and we desperately need more people to fill key positions in the private and public sectors. It’s also apparent that the childcare industry, like most others, is suffering from
Dunleavy wants to explore how to get more Alaska kids into childcare facilities
Gov. Mike Dunleavy wants it to be easier and more affordable for mothers and fathers to put their kids in childcare facilities while they work. To this end he has established a special task force charged with developing a strategy to improve the availability
OPINION: How Carbon Credits would work
The state has little involvement in Carbon Credits except to sell a storage area, known as Carbon Sequestration, or sell a CO2 filter, known as Carbon Offsets. These bills are merely a framework to allow us to get started investigating the
Alaska’s labor crisis spurs Dunleavy to nix 4-year degree requirement for most state jobs
In hopes of mitigating an unprecedented workforce shortage in state government jobs, Gov. Mike Dunleavy has ordered the removal of four-year college degree requirements for most positions. Dunleavy’s Feb. 14 order amends state personnel rules to place an
OPINION: The sweet lies of organized Crime in D.C. & Juneau
Lies are believed because they taste good. The truth is detested because it is sour. We now can safely assume that the default position of citizens should be that most of what comes out of both the federal and Alaska government are sweet-tasting lies. We
OPINION: Gov. Dunleavy aims to entangle Alaska in a ‘socialist liberal’ carbon tax scheme
At the blink of an eye, a governor who was elected to office promoting libertarian conservative ideals, begins his second term in office supporting an extreme socialist liberal agenda which would lock up massive chunks of Alaska to the “Green
Alaska Health Dept. promotes pro-abortion, LGBTQ youth group in Homer
While Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy recently told the Alaska Legislature that he wants to make Alaska the “most pro-life state in the country,” his subordinates over at the Alaska Department of Health are undermining this vision by promoting a radical LGBTQ
Alaskans deserve answers in aftermath of principal’s unlawful arrest & forced drugging
Last week’s now widely publicized illegal detention and forcible drugging of the 2022 Alaska Principal of the Year Mary Fulp demands a full public accounting on multiple fronts. Alaskans deserve clear answers to the following questions: –What evidence
Dunleavy blasts Biden’s anti-logging campaign for treating Alaskans like an ‘invasive species’
In a reversal, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service issued a final repeal of the 2020 Alaska Roadless Rule. The move formally reinstates the 2001 roadless rule in the Tongass National Forest, and effectively prohibits timber harvest and road