Murkowski backs controversial cabinet picks, when they’re Democrats
Here are some of the more controversial Biden cabinet nominees that Lisa Murkowski voted
OPINION: Despite Murkowski’s protests, the ‘Great Pruning’ is necessary
Donald Trump’s election and the announcement of his choices for cabinet positions have triggered our friends on the left who gnash their teeth and bemoan what has befallen them. Some, like Alaska’s ever-foolish Senator Lisa Murkowski, vow to vote against
OPINION: Murkowski’s ‘serious’ test for Trump AG pick strains credulity
When Senator Lisa Murkowski, the woman who famously inherited her Senate seat from her father, dismisses Trump’s latest AG choice as “not a serious nomination,” it’s a masterclass in irony, so rich that it should come with a health
Once again, Sen. Murkowski sponsors bill to force states into killing unborn babies
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski has once again signed on as a co-sponsor of a controversial bill aimed at forcing every state in the nation to kill unborn babies through
Rep. Allard urges Alaska’s DC delegation to back Israel, secure the border & boost defense budget
Rep. Allard urges Alaska’s DC delegation to back Israel, secure the border & boost defense
Murkowski helps Democrats confirm gay marriage activist as lifetime federal judge
Murkowski helps Democrats confirm gay marriage activist as lifetime federal
Murkowski helps pro-abort Dems block GOP effort to end federally funded VA abortions
On April 19, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, once again, broke with her GOP colleagues to join Democrats in defending pro-abortion policy. Senate Republicans had hoped to block a new Biden administration policy of using the VA to federally fund abortions in cases of
Murkowski wants to force late-term abortion on all 50 states
Sen. Lisa Murkowski and fellow pro-abortion Republican, Sen. Susan Collins (Maine), have joined forces to reintroduce a bill that would sanctioned the legal killing of preborn babies right up to the point of birth. The so-called “Reproductive Freedom
Murkowski joins Dems in latest push to pass pro-abort, LGBTQ Equal Rights Amendment
Sen. Lisa Murkowski is hoping to help Democrats jump start a decades-long effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the U.S. Constitution. Seen by those on both the right and left as a way to enshrine abortion and gender identity into the bedrock
National 2A group decries Murkowski and GOP senators for anti-gun vote
A national gun rights organization is denouncing U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and 17 other GOP senators who voted with Democrats to pass last month’s $1.7 trillion dollar government funding bill, which is riddled with gun control initiatives, including $11