Juneau residents with a hankering to make a foray into local politics have a golden opportunity next week.
Three Juneau Assembly seats and two school board seats are on the ballot for the vote-by-mail election on Oct. 6. The window to file as a candidate is July 17-27.
To file, candidates must submit a declaration of candidacy form with their nomination petition signed by at least 25 registered voters in Juneau. Those forms are here. In addition, candidates must go to the Alaska Public Offices Commission website and electronically complete a Public Official Financial Disclosure Statement.
Anyone thinking of running for office can attend a free workshop on July 18 (“How to Run for Local Office”). The presentation will look at what it is like to serve on the Juneau Assembly and school board. Participants will hear directly from current and past elected officials. The free virtual-only workshop runs from 9 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., and it addresses how to prepare to run, legal requirements for candidates and campaign basics. Registration is on the League of Women Voters of Juneau website http://juneaulwv.org/run/ . The workshop is also sponsored by the City and Borough of Juneau.
For more information, contact the city clerk at 586-5278 or city.clerk@juneau.org. More information is on the CBJ’s Elections page.