Alaskans will mark the 70th annual National Day of Prayer with a May 6 gathering on the steps of the Alaska State Capitol in Juneau.
Attendees will assemble at 12 p.m. near the William H Seward statue to pray for the nation and the state.
State Rep. Sarah Vance (R-Homer), is helping to organize the gathering, which will be broadcast via live stream at 2021 National Broadcast.
“Now is the time to come together to pray the Lord pour out his love, life and liberty,” Vance said in a notice about the event.
This year marks 70 years since Rev. Billy Graham stood on the capitol steps in Washington, D.C. and called for Congress and the president to establish a day of prayer. By April of that year, President Truman signed the legislation into public law.
The National Day of Prayer is now observed in all 50 states and in U.S. territories with the aim of praising God and praying for the nation.
“It is our prayer today and throughout 2021 that the Spirit of the Lord would pour out and pour through us across America,” said Kathy Branzell who serves as president of the National Day of Prayer organization. “We pray to see the Lord fill our lives, families, churches, workplace, education, military, government, arts, entertainment and media, with Biblical, not cultural, not worldly, but spirit-empowered, spirit-filled love, life and liberty as designed and defined by our Creator and Savior.”
For more information about the event in Juneau, call Rep. Vance at (907) 235-2921 or email Rep.Sarah.Vance@akleg.gov.
But they can’t go into the Capital unless they are invited personally to attend a drunken sex party.
We all need to wake up and realize that the barbarians have breached the perimeter and are at this moment working overtime to eliminate our precious liberties, erase our borders, defund our police, radicalize our schools, and collapse our great country to usher in their Luciferian New World Order.
I pray every day to God Almighty and ask for Divine Intervention to preserve our Great and Prosperous Nation, and Great State of Alaska from this evil Luciferian Takeover!
Since the only way for most Alaskans to get to the capital is by plane or boat there won’t be that many attending. The Alaskan legislators enjoy a capital far from the madding crowd of the Alaskan population. Thus no interfacing most if not all the people they represent while in session. Might convenient for them.
We need to continue demanding that the be relocated. To a place where Alaska citizens can easily access the state capital