In the US Congress, H.R. 4980 will make vaccination a requirement to travel on any US airline. With the recent Fox News poll showing 50% of America in support of vaccine passports on the altar of safety, the US Congress is currently considering legislation directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to make vaccination a prerequisite for all US air travel. I predicted this exact scenario ten months ago.
This amidst the great lie that variant strains are a result of the unvaccinated, when in fact, it is precisely the opposite. Never before in the history of man have we conducted a mass vaccination campaign in the middle of the intense viral pressure of a pandemic. Yet here we are, jabbing kids, pregnant women, and virtually any and everyone who is at extraordinarily low risk from a COVID Death. And why? Money and Control. They need to keep wind in the sails of this hysteria going through the midterms and ensure their mail in voting ship comes in next year.
“We have been called alt-right murderers for simply sharing federal data reported for vaccine adverse events…”
Geert Vanden Bossche, whose vast and irrefutable credentials we covered in one of our many COVID updates prior, recently published two different scientific research papers citing the reason why all current strains making their way across the globe found their origins in the original vaccination test groups and how continued worldwide vaccination WILL cause more deaths rather than the opposite.
Add to this emerging evidence from countries all around the world, AND EVEN THE CDC, who now admits that vaccination is not as effective as they originally estimated it would be. And while I can appreciate revised recommendations in the face of actual scientific results, you can’t just cherry pick the results that you want to consider and obfuscate the rest, and that is what the CDC has done and continues to do in its blatant disregard for the long-term benefits of Natural Immunity for those who have HAD COVID and recovered.
The Alaska Watchman was mocked by the Communist media and many local commentators when we predicted these draconian measures that are now not only real, but written legislation being considered in Congress. The Alaska Watchman, and me specifically have been called Alt-right murderers for simply sharing Federal Data reported for Vaccine Adverse Events, because it might make someone reconsider getting the shot. What has been consistent in our reporting has been the future vindication of the information. Virtually everything we have said would come to pass, is coming to pass or already has. From Natural Immunity being proven out in study after study for providing far better protection than COVID shots, to the prediction that soon you would have to accept the juice or never be able to fly. That is of particular concern for Alaskans.
The human brain has adapted to compartmentalize and be just fine holding conflicting beliefs… you just don’t think about them. Like crying out to God as your car slides off the road, and then mocking someone for believing in that same God on a reddit forum the next day. The same is true of your typical prochoice Democrat who has for years paraded around the mantra of my body, my choice when it comes to infanticide. The actual guaranteed death of an unborn child versus the potential fear, that someone might get COVID and might die. A potential tragedy so rare it requires several extra decimal points to quantify. And now those same people are often commenting on local news forums, and all across the interwebs that the unvaccinated need to be rounded up and put into camps.
“First they came for the unvaccinated, and I did not speak up, because I was vaccinated.”
I’ve even seen calls for violence by rabid vaxxers that we be “hunted down and put out of our misery.” Interesting that kind of talk doesn’t violate social media “community standards.” But, being a leftist means never having to say you’re sorry. The CDC even has the plan for the forceful gathering into internment camps anyone they believe needs “Shielding” from COVID and has the implementation of those recommendations on their website right now and have for some time. I’ll link to that as well.
Many of you have been vaccinated. As was your choice, and I honestly don’t fault you for making it. Perhaps you had an aging family member and it put you both at ease. Perhaps you didn’t want to deal with the headache you were getting at work or the stigma in your circles that would arise if you admitted you didn’t want the experimental shot. Whatever the reason, you made your choice, and I hope you have peace about it.
The time has now come however, for careers to be put on the line, friend circles to be broken, and men and women of courage to stand up and recognize the tyranny being implemented all around us. If you are one of the many in the medical community who believe in this particular vaccination, but still have eyes in your skull and can see what is being done to our freedoms, open your mouth and say so. Burning ALL our future freedoms on the sacrificial altar of the idea of potential safety is insanity. As is banning free speech because YOUR speech happens to be what is fashionable today, and you’d just prefer not to have to hear anyone else.
I’m reminded of a famous poem written by a Pastor in Nazi Germany during the rise of the Reich who didn’t speak up, because they weren’t coming for him. Begging his pardon, First they came for the unvaxxed, and I did not speak up, because I was vacccinated.
Find your courage to speak the truth, you know in your guts that “papers please” is not freedom. COVID is not an emergency worthy of folding up the Constitution and the American Dream. If the Truth is not spoken out loud, even when it may cost us business, clout, and sadly friendships… we will NEVER get our freedoms back.
The mandated masks and mandated covid19 jabs have only cemented a person’s love for self in those supporters who already were a lover of self before 2019.
They absolutely care-less about anyone friend and stranger not wearing a mask and not received the covid shots. I realized this when I was in a local store, and there was a woman literally glaring at me (twice by both passings) over her mask because of I smiled at her like I include everyone smiling at all around. I realized her heart is so self serving she would never recieve the Gospel if I started sharing it with her just like in old bible days, she being like the people could witness Jesus’ miracles, hear the Gospel from Christ himself and through the apostle Paul yet still not recieve it. Her self serving hardened heart was more sad to see than her glaring eyes sting felt by me.
Thats been a consistent prayer for myself theoughout my life pleading to the Lord, not to allow my heart be hardened I can’t be corrected and recieve correction in righteousness from only the Lord. I don’t want my heart to be dried a hardened lump piece of clay, hard as a rock, that needs to be slammed or hammered agianst something hard just to break up the clay, so its crumpled as powder and is usable for new work.
How are people who wear masks self serving? Wearing a mask is largely to prevent spreading Covid-19 to the people around you. I wear one not just to protect myself, but as an act of charity toward the people around me; I don’t want it on my conscience that someone got seriously ill or died because I was unwilling to accept a very small amount of discomfort when out and about. Kind of like not drinking and driving: maybe you won’t cause a major wreck, but you also might kill someone.
Did you used to wear a mask during every flu season so as not to spread it? 100,000 people die in some years due to the flu. You have to be symptomatic to spread it. Were you coughing, or had a fever? There will never be a time when you are not at risk of something. Take the mask off. Saying you are doing it for others is false, it just makes you feel better for being stupid.
With out choice, we no longer have America. Severe adverse reactions to this vaccine are happening, likely far more than is being released. The only data we have, is that which is voluntarily reported. Some may argue the medical system is there to help us. How can there be an intentional or neglectful cover up this vaccination failure? The answer is twofold. They acted to fast approving it, and the censorship has be been canceling any reporting the negatives.
Whatever the reasons, adverse reactions are happening! Wake up. I have a brother who will never again be able to say a complete sentence, or walk himself to the bathroom, all because he had one dose of Moderna. The neuro ward he arrived at never new he even had the vaccine. I wonder how many other strokes are not being connected to the cause. Time will reveal.
“With out choice, we no longer have America.”
Who are you, a Planned Parenthood director? Do you always sacrifice people on the altar of “freedom”?
Such a well written article. I applaud you greatly and honor your right wised decision to speak that which many hope just goes away. We know it won’t just go away. I however am just crazy enough to believe in the Power of the Living God. Through this tremendous push and turmoil, do not be surprised when those who seek the Living God Power to stand in the very face of this and begin performing what many call miracles. Although I do not see them as miracles as we are all capable of them. Each will render to them that which they believe. I know, just not theorize, that the Living Christ that’s in all, and through all as Paul wrote it rising in those who believe what Jesus spoke which is “Those who believe in me will do the works that I do, and GREATER works they will do. What Spirit led individual actually believes this? I do. And as I am being molded and shaped having walked through the fires of hell here, first within me and then what manifested outside of me will state this truth. We have not been abandoned. The Power of the Living God is in us, and all around us. Man just can’t see it. Until they step into that belief with great conviction of this Truth. Great things are manifesting upon this Earth. The Sons of the Living God have manifested at this hour for such a time. Take comfort, for you will see the Salvation of this, and in all things, Love another unconditionally despite the horror this Earth must pass through.
With Love and absolute Faith,
One who knows Christ and experience the Power of the Living God and not following the god of death and destruction.
Excellent article but I still wonder after all these months what has happened to the flu it is as if Covid 19 has likked off the flu. All I hear is take the shot for covid but know talk of a flu shot for the coming year, Wonder why that is.
Killed off the Flu (typo) MWH
I was arrested for praying silently at an Assembly meeting prior to the meeting being gaveled in on August 10, 2021. I have video evidence. Requesting interviews to help get my story out. Please help.
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