Members of the Anchorage School Board have gotten an earful over the past year from parents who are disturbed by the introduction of critical race theory and leftist ideology in the classrooms.
Now, the board is looking to create a two-tiered class during its meetings by giving preference to the public testimony of students over that of parents and other members of the community.
The proposed change to board policy would prioritize student testimony during the first hour of each meeting – a time when the public has the opportunity to comment on non-agenda and action items. At the end of each meeting, the public has another chance to speak to the board.
Additionally, the proposed change would create “special reserved seating for students in the board room with an unobstructed view” of school board members.
Introduced by School Board President Margo Bellamy, the justification for the change is that school board meetings take place on school nights and regularly extend past 9 p.m.
The proposal will be introduced at the Sept. 7 meeting for a first reading, but board members will not take any action until a later meeting.
All the more for families not to leave their children at home, so their child can be the parent’s interpreter speaking for what the parent has to say.
Two can play this school board’s game!
They are moving the Church’s agenda better than the church! Without even knowing it! They are increasing the potential that will bring parents and children closer together.
My question in this is; students have no idea what they’re asking for. They haven’t lived long enough to make that kind of a decision. They will only be able to say what they can remember their parents saying. Bottom line you should get the same results as the parents testifying. I guess time will tell.
I see this as a way to limit adults(parents) in speaking and a ploy to speed the process of the meeting. That’s sad you’d stoop that low.
As fir my two cents we don’t need the new agenda. We need life training skills so children growing up can have a background on what their role will be after graduation in the world.. Most kids have no idea what to expect and looking at today’s youth after high school it shows..
I dont see where “Critical Race Theroy ” has anything to do with our lives.. it’s a pipe dream by an uninformed individual that sold it to a bunch of like thinking individuals and its ruined the USA. Do away with it. It doesn’t fit.
Thank you,
Neil DeWitt
Maybe if they testify & begin to understand, they will learn the life skill of public speaking or how the process works?? Do you want them to learn or not?? What better way then to be allowed to be involved. However, kids have homework & sleep to keep up with on a school night, why should we make them wait till midnight to testify?? This is a timing issue, not anything else. ♀️
Wondering if they will pick students who are already indoctrinated by the school system and will parrot what their teachers are telling them rather than what their parents do. Sorry but I have lost faith in ASD and the quality of the education they are providing students.
Thank god I don’t have kids in the public school system
Really.. Hmmm… Let’s see.. Parents PAY the TAXES for the school district. Parents also VOTE for school board members. YET students (child units) of parents get priority…? Students to do not pay TAXES or VOTE. Students- when you’re paying the bills (TAXES) and VOTING, you get a say in the matter.
I agree.
But if the indoctrinated children speak to us…how very moving that will be… How can we act otherwise than to weep for our sins against them and pander to their requests?
Those parents who allow their children to lead them around by their nose rings will fall over themselves to give Johnny a platform. Surely, children know better than adults what they truly need to succeed under Communism -I mean, in life…
If the school board wants to give students priority over the parents, I hope they’ll be asking the students to pay the taxes to afford the schools and the resulting budgets. Pretty sure I’ll continue to elect to have my child privately schooled. ASD was a mess when I attended school, and apparently they’re happy with an “in the toilet” status quo.
I am so glad my children aren’t in school anymore! We moved to Virginia for almost 2 years and were able to see what successful schools are really like. WOW… did they ever make ASD look like a dumpster party. If you want your kids to have a decent education, better home school or put them into a private school. It’s not the teachers fault either. Most of them don’t agree with the board’s decisions, but if they want a job, they have to keep their mouths shut and do what they’re told. ASD is truly pathetic!
I am so glad my children aren’t in school anymore! We moved to Virginia for almost 2 years and were able to see what successful schools are really like. WOW… did they ever make ASD look like a sh*t show. If you want your kids to have a decent education, better home school or put them into a private school. It’s not the teachers fault either. Most of them don’t agree with the board’s decisions, but if they want a job, they have to keep their mouths shut and do what they’re told. ASD is truly pathetic!
speaking first doesn’t mean it’s priority
there getting the kids out of the way first
This headline is deceiving
But most of these “articles” are
So… the victims of the indoctrination get priority over the opponents of the indoctrination.
What could go wrong?
What is wrong with kids testifying at a decent time?? They can go early, testify & then go home to do homework or go to bed at a decent time. ♀️. Also one of the recent meetings there were two spazzes (one of them Dustin Darden & I think the other one was Niall Williams??) that we’re behaving very poorly. It was intimidating to both students & adults. Why would we let that behavior intimidate our kids? Why don’t we want our kids involved in the process?? I think you’ve completely blown this out of proportion.