Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson filed a lawsuit against the Anchorage Assembly in Alaska Superior Court on Dec. 10 in order to clarify that he has the right to fire members of his own executive team without Assembly interference.

In particular, the suit addresses whether the conservative mayor has legal authority to replace key employees such as the controversial chief equity officer, which the left-leaning Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson hired with Assembly approval before Bronson assumed office.
In October, Bronson named Uluao “Junior” Aumavae as the city’s new chief equity officer. He replaced Clifford Armstrong III who was hired in April by Quinn-Davidson to track and enforce the city’s so-called “equity agenda by promoting and highlighting LGBTQ+ residents, communities of color, the disabled, immigrants and refugees. The equity officer was tasked with developing “equity programs,” and establishing “equity data targets” to address alleged “systemic disparities,” which could then be addressed through enforcement.
According to city charter, however, executive appointees serve at the pleasure of the mayor. The Assembly attempted to override this authority by creating the equity officer position with a provision that the person could only be fired “for cause shown, and only with concurrence of a majority of the Assembly.”
Bronson is asking the court to declare that such limitations are invalid because the city charter explicitly states that he has the right to dismiss, demote or suspend any executive level employee, including the chief equity officer, without cause.
Bronson’s suit says the Assembly’s action violates both the Alaska Constitution and the city charter by “breaching the principles of the separations of powers doctrine and infringing on functions exclusively delegated to the executive branch.”
“Despite repeated attempts to resolve this matter without the need for litigation, recently Assembly Member actions show that judicial intervention is the only option,” Bronson’s office said in a Dec. 10 statement. “Like other executive mayoral appointees, the Chief Equity Officer can be dismissed at will for any reason or no reason at all. Attempts by the Assembly to insulate previous administration’s mayoral executive appointees with ‘for cause’ limitations and durational term limits clearly violate the Charter and Constitutional separation of powers doctrine.”
Bronson accused Assembly members of “exceeding their authority” by attempting to “take power from the Executive Branch and control personnel matters, which are clearly an administrative function. I will not cede the authority of the executive branch to the legislative branch; the Assembly does not control both branches of government.”
Bronson and the Assembly have been at odds over numerous mayoral appointments with the far-left majority on the Assembly blocking many of his key picks.
This is such a black and white issue on how the govt power is structured and how the
left has corrupted the written rule that even the corrupt court will have to rule according to law
or risk full disclosure of their internal beliefs . Its all coming to a head where the spotlight will
be shown on the treasonous to our State and Nation. I salute you Mayor Bronson, GOD Bless
and keep you and. yours.
exemption list for. vaxx..https://www.stateofthenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Exemption-List-Handout.pdf
The assembly sure seem to be a predominantly vindictive group holding complete disregard for serving those whom elected them. Appears to be all about their own power and self importance and thwarting any shred of division of powers or even rule of law. I truly hope and pray voters are paying attention and recognizing the antics.
Let’s go Brandon
The assembly is a group of cry babies I’m going to go home and tell my mommy on you.
Oh, my gosh, I just love that picture of Mayor Bronson! He’s ready to rumble and he ain’t backing down. He knows boundaries and he’s going to enforce them. Let’s hope the courts will be fair.
The position itself is certainly questionable as Austin-Quinn was not an ELECTED mayor. She only held the office temporarily until the next proper election. And, of course, the Assembly is using the position as a weapon, and we know this b/c they wanted to try to make it impossible to do away with such a position. Now that they have such a position, what does it matter to them who holds it? Every executive has the right to appoint his team including that of the ‘equity officer’. I applaud the Mayor for taking all the options at his disposal to deal with the issue. Seeing that the Leftist members are not willing to work with him, or even recognize his right to pick a person of his choosing for the position…he had no other choice.
Go Mayor Bronson!
Mayor Bronson is our strong Mayor, and the lunatic leftist city council are finding out they cannot bully this man.
The mayor is the chief executive officer, centralizing executive power.
The mayor directs the administrative structure, appointing and removing of department heads.
While the council has legislative power, the mayor has VETO power.
It is so good to see this Mayor put these lunatics in their place!
Good job Mayor Bronson! Thank you for standing up to these lunatics!
Would love to see a brand-new city council – the hateful tyrants we have now, really need to go!
Let’s work on that…..
I dont live in Anchorage anymore (Palmer) but my son and grandsons do. I totally agree with you!. I miss the old Anchoage. They need to go!!
Excellent news!
I LOVE THIS GUY! We have to back him to the hilt!
The Democrats are terrified.
19 House Democrats are not seeking re-election. Not just in swing states, even their Leadership members are retiring! They. Are. Afraid.
They know Biden has set this country on the wrong path. They know their socialist agenda is deeply unpopular.
They know a Red Wave is coming, 45 is returning…….
Governor Ron DeSantis (Florida Republican) has a Christmas present for Joe Biden:
DeSantis Proposes $8 Million in Budget to Relocate illegal Immigrants from Florida to Delaware, and to Martha’s Vineyard, President Joe Biden’s hometown state, and Martha’s Vineyard, where Barack Obama owns a mansion, to protect the folks in Florida.
Governor Ron DeSantis said If you send the illegal immigrants to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard the border would be secure the next day.
Hell! Taxpayers, are paying for relocation! Lets have a say in relocations!
Crock of Beans, all I can say!
The American People Are Waking Up to The Catastrophic Consequences of an UNELECTED, Illegitimate Regime – the Joe Biden administration. The leftist Democrats who stole the election from President Trump!
The never-ending crusade against Trump by the Democrats is continuing, as the Democrats are VERY fearful of Trump making another run for president in 2024.
Jan 6th riot in 2021 partisan hoaxes:
The Jan. 6th, 2021, Congressional Committee is Another Liberal Democrat SH@#T Show Trial…A BOGUS investigation!
The Jan. 6th riot aftermath (called an “insurrection” by the Democrats and their media mob) and its investigating committee, is being used as a “Kangaroo Court” to hurt the possibility of having Trump run again for president in 2024. It was very convenient for the Democrats and the Trump haters to latch onto this event to try to discredit both Trump and the Republicans.
It just ain’t working.
It seems the Democrats (nut jobs) can’t get Trump out of their heads 24/7, even though he’s been out of office for almost a year.
In 2022 the lying leftist Democrat nut jobs, will be convulsing. :–)
You must vote REPUBLICAN to save our republic.
The following are the Trump Administration Accomplishments, and the Economic Boom when he was President:
-Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most PROSPERIOUS ECONOMY.
-Delivered a future of greater promise and opportunity for citizens of all backgrounds.
-Brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the USA.
-Hit record stock market numbers and record 401ks.
-Rebuilding and investing in rural America.
-Achieved a record-setting economic comeback by rejecting blanket lockdowns.
-Passed $3.2 trillion in historic tax relief for the Middle Class and reformed the tax code.
-Jobs and investments are pouring into Opportunity Zones.
(Created nearly 9,000 Opportunity Zones where capital gains on long-term investments are taxed at zero)
-Ended the regulatory assault on American Businesses and Workers.
-Successfully rolled back burdensome regulatory overreach
-Americans now have more money in their pockets, Deregulation had an especially beneficial impact on low-income Americans who pay a much higher share of their incomes for overregulation.
-Secured historic trade deals to defend American workers, immediately withdrew from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Ended the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and replaced it with the brand-new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
-Took strong actions to confront unfair trade practices and put America First, imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions worth of Chinese goods to
protect American jobs and stop China’s abuses under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 and Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.
-Historic support for American farmers, successfully negotiated more than 50 agreements with countries around the world to increase foreign market access and boost exports of American agriculture products, supporting more than 1 million American jobs.
-American Energy Independence, Unleashed America’s oil and natural gas potential, For the first time in nearly 70 years, the United States has become a net energy exporter. The United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.
-Investing in America’s Workers and Families, Affordable and high-quality Child Care for American workers and their families.
-Advanced apprenticeship career pathways to good-paying jobs, expanded apprenticeships to more than 850,000 and established the new Industry—–
-Recognized Apprenticeship programs in new and emerging fields.
-Advanced women’s economic empowerment.
-Ensured American leadership in technology and innovation.
-Preserved American jobs for American workers and rejected the importation of cheap foreign labor.
-Passed bills for School choice, religious freedom, and banned Critical Race Theory teaching in schools.
-Life-Saving Response to the China Virus.
-Restricted travel to the United States from infected regions of the world.
-Established the White House Coronavirus Task Force, with leading experts on infectious diseases, to manage the Administration’s efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and to keep workplaces safe.
-Re-purposed domestic manufacturing facilities to ensure frontline workers had critical supplies.
-Distributed billions of pieces of Personal Protective Equipment, including gloves, masks, gowns, and face shields.
– Replenished the depleted Strategic National Stockpile.
-Increased the number of ventilators nearly ten-fold to more than 153,000.
-Created the largest, most advanced, and most innovative testing system in the world.
-Built the world’s leading testing system from scratch, conducting over 200 million tests – more than all of the European Union combined.
-Pioneered groundbreaking treatments and therapies that reduced the mortality rate by 85 percent, saving over 2 million lives.
-Brought the full power of American medicine and government to produce a safe and effective vaccine in record time.
-Supported Americans as they safely return to school and work.
-Rescued the American economy with nearly $3.4 trillion in relief, the largest financial aid package in history.
-Secured an initial $8.3 billion Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Act, supporting the development of treatments and vaccines, and to procure critical medical supplies and equipment.
-Empowered American patients by greatly expanding healthcare choice, transparency, and affordability.
-Issued unprecedented reforms that dramatically lowered the price of prescription drugs.
-Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.
-Promoted research and innovation in healthcare to ensure that American patients have access to the best treatment in the world.
-Protected our Nation’s seniors by safeguarding and strengthening Medicare.
-Remaking the Federal Judiciary, appointed a historic number of Federal judges who will interpret the Constitution as written.
-Secured the Southern Border of the United States and STOPPED ILLEGALS FROM POURING INTO THE U.S.
-Fully enforced the immigration laws of the United States.
-Ended asylum fraud, shut down human smuggling traffickers, and solved the humanitarian crisis across the Western Hemisphere.
-Secured our Nation’s immigration system against criminals and terrorists.
-Protected American workers and taxpayers.
-Issued a comprehensive “public charge” regulation to ensure newcomers to the United States are financially self-sufficient and not reliant on welfare.
-Restored America’s leadership in the world and successfully negotiated to ensure our allies pay their fair share for our military protection.
-Advanced peace through strength.
-Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Nuclear Deal and imposed crippling sanctions on the Iranian Regime.
-Conducted vigorous enforcement on all sanctions to bring Iran’s oil exports to zero and deny the regime its principal source of revenue.
-First president to meet with a leader of North Korea and the first sitting president to cross the demilitarized zone into North Korea.
-Renewed our cherished friendship and alliance with Israel and took historic action to promote peace in the Middle East.
-Recognized Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel and quickly moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
-Stood up against Communism and Socialism in the Western Hemisphere.
Great effort Patriot… TY…