Anchorage pro-life advocates are organizing an upcoming 40 day prayer vigil outside Alaska’s largest abortion business.
The 40 Days for Life campaign runs Feb. 22 to April 2 with goal of having volunteers pray and hold pro-life signs – 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., daily – outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on Lake Otis Parkway.
Participants are encouraged to sign up for an hour or more, if they can, but those who pop in as schedules allow are welcome to join any time.
Those who wish to go with an experienced volunteer or larger group can contact organizers here.
The local 40-Days for Life vigils are part of a larger, international effort that unfolds each fall and spring in cities around the world. The goal is to enlist individuals, churches, families, youth groups, private schools and others who are willing to join together in common focus and prayer.
The signature element of 40 Days for Life is a focused, non-stop prayer effort outside a single Planned Parenthood center or other abortion facility. The gatherings are peaceful and educational with the aim of sending a powerful message to the larger community about the tragic reality of abortion.
Despite the fall of Roe v. Wade Alaska remains one of the most liberal abortion states in the nation thanks to numerous Alaska Supreme Court decisions that have struck down virtually every pro-life law in the state. Not only are abortions legal in Alaska for any reason, but the state also publicly funds abortions for low-income women through the state’s Medicaid program.
Learn more at the Anchorage 40 Days For Life website.
This is a great thing and it runs along with the lent season for Catholic’s. Prayers for those doing this vigil.
Kudos to the 40 Days for Life campaign. May God bless them during their important work.
This is a wonderful thing … Hopefully, the O’ Biden regime won’t sic the DOJ 0n them now.
Prayer doesn’t work. It can’t. Approaching legislators is a better strategy use of their time.
Mayo, praying to our Heavenly Father has strength and can work in powerful ways. A movement against this crime against humanity needs constant prayer to our Heavenly Father, needs to be visual such as what this group is doing, and we do need to let our reps know how we feel.
Why doesn’t the Heavenly Father already know what the pro-life advocates want? Seems like an omniscient entity would. Or why would He allow legal abortion to exist in the first place? I’m not trying to provoke, just understand.
Our Heavenly Father Yahweh knows everyone’s hearts and what every person thinks. It is the job of everyone who believes in our Heavenly Father to teach others about Yahweh’s commandments and wishes. Yahweh does not want abortions, illegal or legal, to happen; but, Satan is the ruler of this world and Satan allows abortion to happen. Yahweh commands us to be no part of this world, thus we do not support abortion. Our Heavenly Father will eventually be establishing his kingdom here on earth, Satan will be removed and all that Satan has allowed will be removed or destroyed. Our Heavenly Father has total control of this situation and we are seeing who supports Satan and who supports our Heavenly Father who is the Creator of All Creation. Thank you for asking.
Peaceful protests are allowed. Do not interfere with medical personnel or patients. I’m pro choice and I don’t want you bothering me if I’m there.
Abortifacients allowed in this state,” the most prolife state in the union “ according to dunleavy! The only problem is that dunleavy doesn’t mean eliminate abortifacients as his definition of prolife! He’s lying and people are unknowingly embracing it! So sad
FoH. Why doesn’t the omnipotent Heavenly Father eliminate Satan?
Great question keep it up
Mayo, what do you think is the reason that Yahweh does not destroy Satan?
Friend. No clue, hence my question.