One of Alaska’s oldest animal shelters is wading into the controversial world of drag queens in order to spark interest in pet adoptions.
Since 1955 Alaska SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has operated as a private, nonprofit – offering pet adoptions and veterinarian services. On April 28, however, it posted a note to Facebook, asking for “drag queens and kings” to “help with great photos of some of our shelter pets.”
While animal advocacy and cross-dressing drag performers are not an obvious match, the SPCA hopes the unusual pairing generates interest in pet adoptions.
“We are not super well versed in this world, but I think yes. The whole idea is to find a novel way to shine a light on some of our shelter pets,” the SPCA explained under its post. “Again, nothing political. Looking for folks who want to share their fabulousness to help get pets into loving homes. No disrespect intended.”
So far, the post has generated nearly 400 comments and 100 shares in four days. Despite the SPCA’s claim that it doesn’t intend for the initiative to be “political,” responses to the idea reveal considerable disagreement.
Several commentors asked why the SPCA had to turn pet adoptions into something that promotes the LGBTQ agenda.
The SPCA claimed the drag campaign “isn’t political or sexual; this is performance art.” That’s common explanation often used by those who promote drag queens story hours for children in local libraries. They claim scantily clad, cross-dressing men are not actually attempting to be sexual but merely “artistic.”
If the Facebook thread is any indication, the SPCA’s decision is considered by those on both sides of the debate as a way of normalizing and promoting the LGBTQ agenda.
“Amazing way to promote adoptions and honor the whole Anchorage community,” one drag-queen supporter wrote on the SPCA’s Facebook thread. “Also, pride month is approaching. This could get some nationwide attention and props.”
The Alaska SPCA is not the first group to link drag queens and homeless pets.
Kylie Edmond, founder of Rock & Rawhide, has been pairing the two for several years through her New York-based company. In a 2018 article, Edmond admits that putting the two together is “fun.”
“And what’s not fun about a fabulous drag queen?” she said. “Their glittering glory and fabulous outfits are a great way to bring attention to both communities.”
For many, however, drag queens have become some of the most aggressive and controversial figureheads of the more radical and divisive agendas within the LGBTQ political movement.
Whether the Alaska SPCA’s new campaign serves to alienate or generate supporters remains to be seen.
Obviously, pet adoption.
Or Bud Light.
I have checked out their FB post and am horrified by how many LGBTQIA+ Supporters / Promoters there are in our community. I am a person that believes in tolerance, but not promotion. If Gay men want to dress in drag and go to Mad Myrnas then all fine with me. I don’t have to go there nor will I go there. The desire to normalise this behavior is incomprehensible , quite why the SPCA thinks it is a good idea is beyond me , but why don’t they take their animals and do the fundraiser at a location like Mad Myrnas where children will not be exposed ?
Facebook cannot be trusted with all of the trolls on there – just like Twitter was.
Democrats play ground.
The drag demons are already promoting pedophilia, I’m sure this is the beginning of the addition of bestialty to the ever growing list of horrors we are supposed to accept and endorse.
Good gawd. You probably ACTUALLY believe this.
Is one of these glitterpoopsmear queens dunleavy in its after day job getups?
Drag is the gender version of black face.
Why are they using the animal shelter? Just to rub it into people’s faces that they have infiltrated every dept and organization in the Anchorage Muni? Well, as less pets are adopted, I hope people enjoy the increasing smell of the euthanasia furnaces running more often. I hope that they enjoy drinking their bud light beer.
Just amazing that a person would choose eternal damnation over eternal life.
Kane: easy. There is neither.
Well scratching spca off of my giving list. Beyond stupid. I believe this has nothing to do with pet adoption but just another avenue to expose their lifestyle to children. SPCA is either unintentionally or intentionally party to the madness.
And what’s not fun about a fabulous drag queen?” she said. “Their glittering glory and fabulous outfits are a great way to bring attention to both communities.”
She said, bring attention, they know what there doing.
Sick people
This is a twisted, manipulative way to get into the homes of families with children. People should be fighting back in the schools, in the parks and in the libraries, might as well add this location to the mix as well. Places like Home Depot and Lowe’s allow you to bring your dogs into the store… I’d bet that drag queens on leashes in the library is next.
God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Let this end already.
Sorry, puppy that you have to put up with this. What next? But you are cute, especially in the arms of that IT
I’ll adopt if only to get that poor critter out of the arms of a degenerate creature that may well harm it. This is disgusting. The spca will receive no more donations from me unless they manage to throw off this infection of progressive lunacy!
Well, here! Problem solved! “The WEF is Now Calling for Millions of Cats and Dogs Worldwide to be Killed to Reduce Their ‘Carbon Footprint’’
I am offended, First, no WOMAN I know (and I am one) would behave that way. Second, I am amazed that you are stooping to that level in your advertising. Get real. That is not going to make anyone want to adopt a pet (unless, of course it is your man dressed like a woman in overdrive.
It IS political, it IS sexual and it IS NOT art!!
I was looking to adopt a new pet but it won’t be from the SPCA!!
It’s been run by gays for more than 20 years . They are not nice people and give you a big attitude if you’re straight , at least that was my experience when I went to retrieve my dog after my gay neighbor falsely claimed she lunged as him .
The irony of an “Animal Shelter” using Man Queens to promote adoption, while society is being forcefully coerced to adopt this mentality as something other than strange and awkward pedo expression. There’s nothing original about drag queens nor them acting like strayed animals just asking to be castrated in all forms. They’re a drag on society (pun obvious) as much as the BS aka belief system forced upon the masses by perverting circus clowns into something sexual and disturbing.
Oh for crying out loud! Is there no place sacred or exempt from these scary-looking creeps? I guess I’ll just have to stay home from now on. Do these perverts have to insert themselves into every part of our lives?
The left distracts us while the next plandemic is underway! Listen Dr. Vliet and learn some ways to help yourself and your family:
Left a word out: “Listen to Dr. Vliet…..” Please listen to this thirteen minute video. It will help!