Sen. Dan Sullivan has broken with GOP Senate leaders in blasting the recently unsealed indictment against former President Donald Trump.
Unsealed on Friday, the 37-count federal indictment claims Trump misled federal investigators in order to retain sensitive documents, which they claim Trump knew were still classified.
Trump said he is “totally innocent,” and calls the case against him a “boxes hoax,” that reveals election interference and corruption at the highest levels of federal government. Trump sees the indictment as a last gasp effort to try and stop him from regaining the White House in 2024.
Sullivan pointed out glaring double standard by which the Justice Department and the FBI are applying the law.
“The worst thing for our country is for Americans to start to believe that the Justice Department and FBI provide two tiers of justice, and that the indictment of a former president and current candidate for the White House is unprecedented and will almost certainly do lasting damage to our polarized nation,” he said in a prepared statement. “The American people know that for years Joe Biden stored classified documents in his garage and that Hillary Clinton mishandled classified emails stored on her private server in her home. But with this Justice Department there seems to be far more interest in pursuing former President Trump – President Biden’s chief political rival – than others.”
Sullivan said the indictment further erodes trust in the rule of law.
“Equality before the law is a fundamental tenet of our republic,” he added. “The Biden administration is shoving our country into dangerous territory that is eroding trust in critical institutions of our government.”
Conservatives have pointed out that the Biden administration’s use of law enforcement agencies to attack Trump amount to a weaponization of government for political purposes.
“After the regime weaponized a bogus dossier, spied on his campaign, hamstrung his policy, impeached him, impeached him again, defamed him as a racist Nazi, made his supporters fear isolation and employment retribution, lied about him in every way imaginable on every news station and in every paper every day, and rigged elections against him, they’re finally taking him down with some paperwork,” wrote Kylee Griswold from The Federalist. “Speak of the devil, ignore that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Barack Obama all had their own “documents disputes” — some more serious than Trump’s — without facing any criminal charges. And that the whole Mar-a-Lago fiasco, which involved the FBI sending dozens of plainclothes agents to raid the former’s president’s estate and dig through his wife’s closet, started when a disgruntled, backbench National Archives bureaucrat tattled because he didn’t like the look of Trump’s banker box.”
The next step in this case will occur on Tuesday, when Trump is arraigned before a U.S. District Court judge to enter a formal “not guilty” plea to the charges leveled against him. At that point, the legal process will include establishing a timeline for key court dates and laying out the details of the lengthy discovery phase. The actual trial isn’t expected to begin until next spring, just months before what promises to be a hotly contested presidential election.
Says the RINO Sullivan.
The GOP needs to adopt the RINO as their logo
Just like Lisa they both have to go.
As much damage as this administration has inflected.
Finally what a relief. Alaskas only hope is Senator Dan Sullivan, because Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola have proven themselves to be Traitors.
Our only hope is Dan Sullivan? The Great Waffle himself voted for every single Biden nominee and steadfastly supported anyone but Trump during the election campaigns. He makes bold statements but only after the damage has been done by legislation or nominees he voted to support. No thanks. Dan is just another two-faced politician.
A sealed indictment so are you telling me that Dan Sullivan got to read the indictment? Are you telling me that Lisa merkowski got to read the indictment because? If they did not they are involved in themselves in a case where it could jeopardize any investigation because they are misleading people in what they know like. They misled people in their coronavirus scandal. FXT scandal. Shutting down our pipelines causing massive inflation,, The Biden administration the Bush administration the Obama administration. All those people need to be brought up on trial by military tribunal court. .On constitutional environments and war crimes.
Lewis. Keep up with the news. The indictment was unsealed on Friday.
Trump’s indictment and possible prison time is going to make it possible now for us to indict Pedo Pete, Obummer, Bush, Bush, Clinton. Trump knows the game. Sullivan is a traitor, just like Murkowski, Peltola and Dunleavy. By the way, WHERE has Dunleavy traveled to recently and who went with him? Not good for Alaskans I am sure!
Bring it on Friend! Let’s see how relevant Trump’s indictments (and likely convictions) have anything to do with those you list. Trump is a criminal force unto himself
Lucinda, President Trump knows what is going on. Whatever happens to him will open the door to get Killary for the email servers that she wiped out and acid-washed and so much more, get all of them for treason and theft. President Trump has not done anything illegal and time will show that. The others are all going to answer to the law – whether it be by man or by God Almighty.
Trump 2024! Drip Drip Drip. Watch out for the FLOOD!
I agree with Jay Armstrong, in that Sullivan is all we have to work with now, Democrats Murkowski, and Peltola, do not represent the voice of the majority of Alaskans. The Justice system is broken and has been for sometime. The Judges are corrupt and believe they are Solomon, and dispense justice how they chose too, rather than follow the laws and the constitution. Discretionary privileges should not be allowed, but based on solid evidence and law. But ask any Judge and they will tell you they are trained to not be bias. If that’s the case then why do politicians reference liberal or conservatives appointments during the process. District Attorneys rig charges toward anyone they wish and push it through the system based on politics, or personal goals and or agendas. Trump is a victim of this corruption, and most of us have seen this first hand, seeing friends and or family suffer from the decisions made in criminal or civil cases. Time that we the people chose our judges, and make their appoints subject to more scrutiny and immediate consequences, and dismissal from the bench for inappropriate behavior, and not serving the public fairly without waiting for years to go bye for those actions. Make them subject to a, “No Confidence” law that is composed by a panel citizens, and not composed of attorneys.
Oh Danny Boy!!! the infected wound needs scrubbed and given air and light… This indictment clears the unprecedented way to the previous Criminal activities of past Presidents and yes Senators all covered up by the filthy DOJ AND FBI… Those who did not follow their Oaths in many areas beware…. DOMINION and the COVID betrayal will be scrutinized and painfully cleansed… Powers and Principalities will be brought down.