On June 23, former Alaska District Judge Margaret Murphy pleaded “not guilty” to a class B felony perjury charge during her arraignment in the crowded Kenai Courthouse. If convicted she faces up to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $100,000.

Murphy served as a judge in Alaska’s Third Judicial District, prior to her retirement in June 2019. Over the past year, she has been the subject of a wider Kenai Grand Jury investigation into allegations of systemic corruption within Alaska’s judicial system. Last year, she was subpoenaed and questioned about possible corruption from 2022.
Under state law, perjury is committed when a person knowingly “makes a false sworn statement which the person does not believe to be true.”
The arraignment was well attended by grand jury advocates from the Kenai area. A group called Alaska Grand Jurors Association has been raising awareness of grand jury rights, as well as corruption in Alaska’s judicial system.
Murphy’s arraignment was celebrated by the group as a historic moment in the effort to root out corruption.
According to the Alaska Grand Jurors Association website, 53 people drove from “all over Alaska to view the arraignment.”
“This indictment is the result of a grand jury convened under the Alaska State Constitution,” the group stated. “It is and has been the right of the people to question the courts and other agencies for faulty processes and corruption. People drove from as far away as Talkeetna to listen to a hearing that lasted approximately 12 minutes.”
The group went on to claim that Murphy has been the subject of “many complaints” over the years.
“If you have had a case overseen by Judge Murphy, you may want to pay a little more attention to how this plays out,” the group’s website states. “Margaret Murphy is looking at a fine of $100,000 and up to 10 years in jail. This might seem like a lot but if you weigh the fact that her lies could have cost someone their livelihood, the tools for earning a living, or made someone a criminal, then in fact her lies probably cost a lot more than she will be paying if convicted.”
The group is encouraging any others who have credible allegations against Murphy to contact them at sarah.s@alaskagrandjurorsassociation.org.
Over the past year, the Kenai Grand Jury has investigated a number of judicial corruption allegations, which could result in additional charges against more government officials and judges.
Anchorage Superior Court Judge Thomas Matthews was assigned as the presiding judge in Murphy’s case, after all three Kenai Superior Court judges recused themselves.
The next step will be a pretrial conference, set for Aug. 11 at 10 a.m. This will be broadcast via Zoom.
Most judges in Alaska not all, are corrupt
If convicted 100 grand isn’t anything compared to the lawsuits.
I think she was picked to be the scape goat for the others that are so much worse. They don’t want anyone looking.
For those of you that have not been following along…. Murphy is just low hanging fruit on this tree of corruption. The groups that initiated this GJ investigation have provided ample evidence that this corruption in the Judicial branch goes all the way up to our Supreme Court justices who quickly and w/o due process rammed thru SCO 1993 to block this (and others) very investigation.
they all have appointments with Justice and Law. and down the deck of paper demons goes….
checkout real Alaska voice getting attention exposing the crimes in Alaska
The Ripple Effect on Rumble. wow.
mineral rights, STATE burning folks of their land, Alaska going Mineral backed, exposure of the ‘judiciary’ fraud
Exactly! The sleeping giant awakens!
this elderly handicapped 72 year old was beaten by the Alaska state troopers until he s now bedridden, almost blind and it’s a toss-up if he makes it to the bathroom 6 feet from his bed. That is nothing compared to the OBVIOYSLY manufactured evidence regularly entered into the court system. So regularly that a pig can make a statement and then two paragraphs later prove himself a liar and it is still good evidence.
This charge is going to get laughed out of court.
Why is a judge that retired 3 years BEFORE 2022 getting subpoenaed about suspected corruption in 2022?
I wonder if convicted felon David Haeg has ties with this ‘grand jury’ he is trying to weaponize.
Have to start somewhere. Miss Murphy is just the beginning. And Mr Haeg was convicted because of fraud.