A radical Alaska Native activist group is hosting a notorious drag queen environmentalist next month with the hope of influencing young minds and raising money for its wide-ranging agenda.
“Pattie Gonia” is a mustached gay cross-dresser who has made a name for himself by appearing in outdoor clothing ads and posting risqué videos and photos on social media.
Native Movement, a nonprofit that promotes Marxist ideas about property redistribution, critical race theory, LGBTQ ideology, climate alarmism and abortion access among Alaska Natives, is bringing the performer to Alaska for two shows on Sept. 2, one tailored to teens and another for those 21 and older.
A multi-million-dollar nonprofit, Native Movement has a history of promoting so-called “queer masculinity,” drag queen story hours for toddlers and myriad other events aimed at influencing traditional Alaska Native cultures and beliefs.
“Join us for a conversation with Pattie Gonia about the intersection of climate justice and gender justice,” a Facebook post from the group reads. “This conversation is geared towards teens and young adults.” Later that night Gonia will team up with local drag queens for a 21+ show at 49th State Brewery in Anchorage.
The two shows aim to raise money for left-wing groups like Alaska Community Action on Toxics, Alaska Public Interest Research Group and Native Movement.
The events are part of “Pattie Gonia’s” larger mission of promoting the intersectionality of climate activism and LGBTQ politics.
Born Wyn Wiley, the 30-something drag dancer began performing under the stage name “Pattie Gonia” with short videos linking drag to outdoor environmentalist themes. He has been featured in North Face promotionals, pushing “intersectional environmentalism.” In 2020, he was named as one of Out magazine’s “most impactful and influential LGBTQ+ people.”
Would be nice to see some of these activist do something about the actual pollution and filth in our street, but no, only more megaphones and fund raisers.
Wyn Wiley – “Pattie Gonia”
Your a SICK individual, no matter what clothes you wear or what name you give yourself,
your still a dude end of story.
Proud Alaskan? Proud of what? Your hate? Pattie’s got more balls than you.
Try that in a small town! Here in the Valley waiting.
we had a pride fest in the valley, stop being a keyboard warrior
I knew there was a reason to never buy North Face.
I married into the Native community many years ago and most of the folks I know, while pretty tolerant of aberrant behavior, don’t believe that the LGBTQetc. agenda is right or good.
So the Indians want to homo and abort themselves out of existence? And they’ll say that’s the old traditional way.
George. Score! Three stabs at the Left in one sentence. BTW, can you define “Indians” for us? A lot of people have trouble.
Drag performances can be physically demanding and the stress the performers have to put up with when there is a whole dressing room filled with themselves is enough to have respect for them as performers. However, drag should not be a way of life. It is a performance. An act. Fake.
George: who said anything about Indians? I believe the article says “native.” Do you not know there are many different native/indigenous people groups in Alaska?
he don’t care
I guess I won’t be drinking any beer from 49th state brewery!
Geez, that hairy upper lip just bothers me. Lol Sick.
This is why some Alaska native groups are leaving the main organization. They are sick and tired of being targeted. It is the old ways and traditions that have kept the tribes going for centuries.
Well, I wish that the Bethel region would get its head out of its fish tail and run the Hoffmans and Peltola families out of town so that the evil influence can have a chance to start dissipating into nothingness.
FoH can’t your god just smite your intellectual enemies? Omnipotent and all that.
Lucinda, I encourage you to learn about our Almighty Creator and ask him to come into your heart. It is still not too late for you to repent and ask for forgiveness. Our Father in Heaven in a loving Father who wants to see everyone turn from their evil ways.