Question: What did South Carolina Senator Jesse Helms and Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy have in common politically? Answer: Very little.
Except a slavish devotion to the Israeli State. In resolutions supporting Israel that might crop up in the U.S. Senate (whose constitutional responsibilities in foreign affairs are considerably greater than the House), typical votes in the 1980s and 90s went something like 96-0.
What caused this? For Kennedy and other Leftists, it was necessary to pander to the large number of Jewish voters – and their influence in the media – found not only nationwide but especially on the east coast.
But for Helms, and the Christian Right, it went much deeper, rooted in the evangelical Christian belief that as long as the U.S. supported and allied with the Israeli State, the military strength, defense and prosperity of the USA would be blessed by Almighty God.
It’s as if we had that fabled Ark of the Covenant in our possession, and as if God no longer read the hearts and minds of men. Yet the hearts and minds of both the Israeli and American culture and governments, have condoned and tolerated child sacrifice in its modern manifestation of abortion, and both Israel and the U.S. have studiously disregarded the rights of Christians, failing to protect them while they went about innocently in each of their countries.
Evangelical Christians would do well to read the many essays of Chuck Baldwin. A bona fide member of the Moral Majority in the Florida panhandle, who signed on to the modern interpretations of the Book of Revelation found in what many consider to be the most influential book of the 20th century, The Late Great Planet Earth, Baldwin left the ranks of this political wing of Christianity decades ago. He ran for president under the small but principled Constitution Party in 2008, and now resides in Montana.
Baldwin would be the first to trot out advice from our Founding Fathers’ past, starting with George Washington’s Farewell Address:
The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible … Hence therefore it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics or the ordinary combinations and collisions of [other nations’] friendships or enmities.
Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, [rivalry], interest, humor, or caprice?
Yes, it is good to be a Bible Christian. But that is only half the chore. Interpretation is another matter…
In a speech on July 4, 1821, J. Quincy Adams said:
She [the U.S.] … has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when conflict has been for principles to which she clings, as to the last vital drop that visits the heart.
Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be.
But [the U.S.] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all …
She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.
The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force…. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.
I might anticipate a criticism of Washington and Adams – that times have changed, that their policy, if not naïve, is now obsolete. That isolationism is passé and a proven failure. Have at it, but I will not join in that chorus, “For we have learned from History that Man has not learned from History.”
“War is the health of the state,” is a proven maxim. Now we have learned that Egyptian intelligence may have warned the Israeli government, three days in advance, about the Hamas attacks. Why didn’t Israel act on this information?
On the American front, it is quite possible that U.S. and globalist Deep State operatives realize that another manufactured Covid panic, and continued unconstitutional support for the war in Ukraine, will fly like a lead balloon. What better way for the Biden Crime Family to distract our attention from their treason, lying and bribe-taking, and to even enlist a large segment of Christian opinion into giving support for war – which always demands the forfeiture of the assets and liberties of the people. Why did Biden gave those $6 billion in assets to Iran last month!
I personally don’t like Hal Lindsey’s Biblical interpretations guiding our foreign policy. With over 25,000 Christian denominations arguing among themselves, how foolish it would be to risk nuclear war for one particular faction, a faction which did not possess such interpretations until the last 150 years.
Yes, it is good to be a Bible Christian. But that is only half the chore. Interpretation is another matter, and no thinking person, Christian or not, can fail to see that we are a divided Faith, fighting and bickering for 500 years, all the while the secular state uses us for its own purpose, and marching us all towards another world war.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
It might just take another World War to get Americans heads out of there butts and act like people again.
Thanks for your informative post, I was able to read it thanks to a writing service writing papers and in the meantime, I can read your wonderful post while they do my work for me!
I appreciate the realistic observation of Americans, particularly the Christians in America. They have been insulated and isolated for so long they are headed directly into a collision with reality that I believe the resulting shock will not be what many have been hoping for (a wake up call) but will instead be a death blow!
Ignorance is a poor excuse!
Bob, The world is a different place today than it was in the 1700s and 1800s. The UN. Nuclear weapons, modern travel and communications were inconceivable back then.Yes, I am a believer and supporter of the US constitution and spent my time in uniform as any to prove it even as you did? I cannot speak for the many Christian factions you describe in America but of the 4 or 5 churches I have been a part of here in Anchoarge I would so the general consensus is in support of the defense of Israel.
John, I am well aware that what you say is the norm among evangelicals — and is why this column needed to be written. There is a large and growing disconnect over the Book of Revelation. Shucks, over the Gospel of John. We can’t even agree on how many books should be in the Bible. A huge number of Christians, who have an entirely different understanding of Revelation based on 2,000 years of Biblical exegesis, do not like being dragged into a nuclear war over the Bible According to Hal Lindsey. As Christians we opposed apartheid in South Africa, but the apartheid that is imposed by the Israeli State against Moslems and now also towards Christians, is cheerfully ignored, not only by the godless secular press but also by Bible Christians. And yes, the world is a different place than the 1700s … but human nature has NOT changed. Christian unity regarding social issues is one thing, but a foreign policy which places us in the role of the British and Roman empires as policeman of the world, is bound to fail — like ALL empires do.
I spent 3 weeks in Israel and Palestine and Gaza, doing political research. The history of Israelis as settlers and the Israeli state resembles the American history of settlers and the displacement of the native residents. Sadly, Netanyahu’s solution of walls also begins to look like the reservations housing American Indians that have stood for over one hundred years. In these reservations, like Pine Ridge for the Lakota Sioux, there is a lot of poverty. Solutions must be found for these issues by the Israelis and the Palestinians before the consuming hate gets even worse than it already is. Meanwhile, the US must stop being the law giver in the world. One nation’s diktat never settles anything, only submerges it while causing the hate to be re-directed towards dominant nation. Ask the British and the Romans and the ancient Greeks.
But for both Israel and Islam, their political structure IS their religion, and their religions are radically different, beginning with their concept of God. Is it possible for both to coexist when their religions are synonymous with their government and simultaneously opposed to one another? I think not. And I also think we should not put boots on the ground or get involved in an uncontrollable, unending religious battle.
Thank you Bob. I’m grateful for a few clear voices. Love to your kids, grandkids.
.” Why did Biden gave those $6 billion in assets to Iran last month!” He didn’t Bird. Newsmax and hannity and the rest of the fear fomenting right wing gasbags have misled you. Again.
Gasbags, indeed.
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