The oldest and most famous mountain race in Alaska has decided to capitulate to the most extreme elements of the LGBTQ agenda by adding a “non-binary” division for runners who say they are neither male nor female.
Started in 1915, the race has gained international recognition for its grueling 3,022-foot ascent and breathtaking views of the mountains around Seward, Alaska. But the competition has come a long way since it began with a bet between two sourdoughs debating whether it was possible to climb and descend from Mt. Marathon in less than an hour.
This July, the race will feature a division for runners who claim to transcend biological sexuality. The division will have its own results and receive the same awards as the existing adult (men and women) and junior (boys and girls) divisions.
According to the policy, a person’s “non-binary” claims will be “accepted at face value; it cannot be challenged by another party.”
In announcing the “non-binary” division on March 15, the race committee said it came about as a “first attempt to address inequities in the LGBTQ+ community and create a welcoming and inclusive space for them.”
While the race has added new divisions for women, youth and older racers over the years, this is the first time it has chosen to formally embrace the demands of the LGBTQ sexual agenda.
“The race committee supports non-binary and transgender runners; any hateful or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated,” the committee stated. “All parties are expected to participate in a manner that is honest, compassionate and respectful.”
According to the new policy, a “non-binary runner” refers to someone who has a “gender identity that cannot be defined by the binary terms of ‘man’ or ‘woman;’ it refers to people who identify with a gender beyond the binary categories of male and female.”
The policy asserts that “non-binary” people “fluctuate between genders (genderfluid or bi-gender), people who have no gender (agender) and more,” including those who claim to “live outside the confines of binary gender identities.”
In order to run as “non-binary,” competitors simply need to select this category when registering for the race. According to the policy, a person’s “non-binary” claims will be “accepted at face value; it cannot be challenged by another party.”
While the “non-binary” category will have its own winners and awards, the actual runners will need to compete in either the men’s or women’s race, which means a biological male, who claims to be “non-binary,” could run in the women’s race and beat all of the biological females.
In the event that this happens, the runner would be awarded in the “non-binary” category, which would not bump any woman lower in the final standings.
“We acknowledge that non-binary runners having to participate in a binary division isn’t ideal, but currently see no better option,” the committee noted. “If preferred, they can be part of a separate non-binary wave within the men’s or women’s races. The race director will reach out to all non-binary runners to discuss this option.”
Things may get even more complicated, however, if the race goes through with a proposal to form a “transgender runner policy.” The race committee has been actively considering such a move, but is still seeking more information before approving a “transgender” category.
The race committee says it is seeking “constructive feedback” on the “non-binary” and potential “transgender” policies. Comments may be sent to race director Matias Saari at director@mountmarathon.com and/or race committee member Amy Haddow at akhaddow@gmail.com.
Well there goes another event I won’t be watching or even acknowleging anymore due to this WOKE madness. Just skip the competiveness and give everyone a participation trophy/medal.
I’m with you, I stopped going to businesses that support this woke bull or wearing mask. I can’t even stomach football anymore. I gave up on the NFL many’s years ago.
Well… They aren’t “mountain racing”.. They are “hole digging”..
This is the saddest news I’ve gotten lately! Can’t LGBTQ+rear ends just learn to get along? Everyone knows your different. So what? Just sign up and run! Why do you feel you need to push everything down our throats? We could care less that you need professional help! Just run the race and deal with life! Enough of you trying to be better than the rest of us! Your the same . There is no difference! Deal with it!
God created man and woman end of story.
I think it’s a good thing to do a separate division for folks who want to separate themselves from the men and women. It would not cheat legitimate women out of their well-earned athletic victories which is at least part of the issue. The shear insanity of trans ideology won’t get fixed. But keeping men out of womens sports sounds great! Make your own Queer division and leave the rest of us alone 😉
Agreed. This might be a legal attempt to force the Lia (?) Thomas types clones into their own class and stop them from destroying women’s athletics. We shall see……….
While the “non-binary” category will have its own winners and awards, the actual runners will need to compete in either the men’s or women’s race, which means a biological male, who claims to be “non-binary,” could run in the women’s race and beat all of the biological females.
Nothing has changed, just like that dude-Lia Thomas competing against women
He could run with them, but his placement would be in the non binary category, not the women’s.
It seems like an acceptable compromise, as DeeCee points out, except, it’s a compromise, it’s not the truth.
Utterly stupid!
Why would some dude from Palmer get so excited about another division in a mountain race in Seward? Well I guess there’s gotta be a way to rile up those in the “right ditch” this week.
Just kinda curious; What is “the right ditch” ? .. . Seriously …
Paul, this website certainly is not the only website reporting this NEWS. Try getting out of your box and looking around before you speak.
If you want to be a person we can get along just fine. if you want the alphabet mafia stuff we are done.
Born and raised in this GOD CREATED land to witness the infected minds crawl over the hard work of the pioneers is truly an abomination….
EVERYTHING liberalism touches is ultimately destroyed. It always goes that way.
“All parties are expected to participate in a manner that is honest, compassionate and respectful.”
Honest? That would leave out those claiming to be male who are actually female and those who are claiming to be female who are actually male.
Isn’t that what you all wanted? No trans women racing against women?
Jon they don’t want no trans people racing, they simply want no trans people, it’s a very simple request.
no sensible woman would enter this category, it’ll be d!cks and duct tape aliasing down a mountain. I’m out, no more mount marathon support from me.
I believe that it’s not necessary but if it keeps the loser boys out of the Women’s class I am for it. I could care less how these fools identify, just keep them away from Real Women and Girls. Don’t care what they do as long as they are kept away from the Real Girls and Females who trained. Stick them in their own class. Dress them in skirts running down the mountain, we don’t care. Just stay away from our Children.