
Former President Donald Trump has thrown his support behind Alaska’s Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom in her campaign to unseat liberal Democrat Mary Peltola.

Announced on June 17, Trump’s endorsement called Dahlstrom a “proven fighter” who will be a “tremendous Congresswoman for the Great People of Alaska, just as she was your Lieutenant Governor.”

Trump criticized the other leading candidate, Nick Begich, despite the fact that Begich has expressed support for Trump’s reelection bid and many of his policies. In an interview earlier this month with the Watchman, Begich said, “I have endorsed Trump prior to the Iowa Caucus and have supported him since 2016. I attended Trump’s Presidential inauguration when he was first sworn into office in 2017 and have personally donated to him even as recently as a few weeks ago. I believe Donald Trump has the strength necessary to push back against the administrative state and make sure that the people of America are prioritized.”


Nancy Dahlstrom will be a tremendous Congresswoman for the Great People of Alaska, just as she was as your Lieutenant Governor. Nancy is a proven fighter! In Congress, she will work to Secure the Border, Create Jobs, Lower Taxes, Promote American Energy Independence, Support our Incredible Military and Police Officers, and Defend our always under siege Second Amendment.

Her opponent, Nick Begich, has Democrat tendencies but, most importantly, he refused to get out of this Race last time, which caused the Republicans to lose this important seat to Mary Peltola, someone who is very unpopular, allowed the Democrats to terminate ANWR (something which every Republican President since Ronald Reagan wanted, but only I got!), and is doing a terrible job for Alaska.

Nancy Dahlstrom is a WINNER, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. SHE WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!

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Trump endorses Dahlstrom over Begich for Alaska’s U.S. Congressional seat

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Truth Matters says:

    Definitely smashed his thumb with the hammer this time.
    Palin jumped in and gave the seat to Peltola, btw, not Begich. The Republican Party needs to admit that it’s lost its mind, find a hole to crawl into, and die. All it does I s play into the hands of Democrats.

    • DoneWithIt says:

      Begich came in 3rd place, 2 times.
      And the Begich voters didn’t rank the red.
      Palin beat Begich – both times – if Begich had dropped out and done what’s best for the party – Peltola doesn’t win.
      You understand that, right?

      • Lego says:

        Palin jumped in after Nick.
        Why didn’t Palin do “what was best for the party,” and keep her nose out of it altogether?

  • Patricia says:

    I smell revenge for Palin not winning the last time since Trump had endorsed her. Makes no matter to me— I’m with Nick. Byron Donald’s shld have a talk with Trump — and all the rest of Congress. And BTW— Nick has NO Dem tendencies.

  • Jon and Ruth Ewig says:

    We do not need to waste our time with that race. Peltola has it. Trump showed favoritism toward Palin but this is a different race. Rank-choice brought in by Lisa Murkowski caused the problems and the chaos in our state legislature and Congress, NOT Begich.

    • Patricia says:

      You must vote. Don’t ever think it’s a waste of your time. You vote for BOTH Rep candidates since we have ranked choice voting. Hopefully after the Nov election, it would be repealed. That shld be on the ballot to get rid of it. Yes— please vote. It counts!!

  • Karma says:

    Never ever Trust a Begich.

  • Citizenkane says:

    Never trust Karma, it’s a myth.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Dunleavy Dalhstrom! Frauds! Zinc toxic!

  • John J Otness says:

    You must. think!!! dominion selects not you…

  • Proud Alaska says:

    Remember when you vote, if you lazy complainers get out and vote.
    We need to get Rid of this Rank Choice Voting system. Yes it’s on the ballot this go around.

  • Trump is wrong on Dahlstrom says:

    I love Trump, but he is a %1000000000000 WRONG!!

    • Friend of Humanity says:

      Mark Dahlstrom #2. If you don’t, you are handing the win to Peltola.

    • DoneWithIt says:

      Another low IQ Begich voter.
      This RINO mindset is exactly why we have Peltola.

    • jon says:

      That is the right thing to do. Think for yourself, don’t let Trump think fr you.

  • Mary H Rapp says:

    Just my opinion, but what I think we have here is a divided Republican vote so the winner will be Peltola again as happened in the last election. The Democrats are smart. They won’t allow two Democrats to go against each other on such an important race as this. If it wasn’t for Palin, Nick Begich would have been our representative instead of Peltola. I have no idea why Palin ran last election except to divide the vote. I hardly knew she was around since leaving her governor’s job. She barely showed herself during the campaign. Until Republicans start working to win, we will continue to have a Democrate for Alaska’s Representative. We all know that unless it’s an obvious defining vote for Alaska, Peltola votes in lockstep with her Liberal/Democrat buddies. Dahlstrom should bug out for the good of the state, but she won’t. I blame the Alaska Republican Party for allowing this to happen.

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Tshibaka: where are you? Don’t you have a voice? I for one will not be listening to you in the future if you say nothing now!

  • DaveMaxwell says:

    Hey Tshibaka: don’t you have a voice?

  • Kai says:


  • John J Otness says:


  • Steve Peterson says:

    Dolittle Dahlstrom. Just another RINO wanting power and ignoring true Republican constituents. Alaska seems to be full of this kind.

  • Dump GOP Establishmet Loser Like Dahlstrom says:

    I love Trump polocies and greatly reapect him….however….he missed big time on this like he did by endorsing Palin.