“Character matters.”
“It’s all about policy…not the person.”
Both those statements are accurate when it comes to electing public office holders. So as Christ followers, voting creates a bit of a predicament for those of us who place a high value on someone’s ability to be thoughtful, kind, trustworthy and self-controlled. You know, filled with the Holy Spirit.
On the one hand, we want to vote for those who have the kind of reputation and integrity that would allow us to feel comfortable leaving our kids with them. But that’s just not reality.
We all fall short, and ultimately – if we’re honest – there are very few people we’ll leave our kids with. So, what do we do when it comes to electing someone to represent us politically? Do we elect the nicest person? Some do.
I know pastors who firmly believe in the deeply embedded realities of what Scripture teaches about sexuality and life, but consistently vote for candidates who oppose those teachings, and vote accordingly. Why do these pastors support such candidates? Because they are friendly, and show up to their churches.
The classic illustration you might have heard goes like this:
— Candidate A consults with astrologists, has had two mistresses, chain-smokes and drinks multiple martinis daily.
— Candidate B was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a half a quart of brandy every evening.
— Candidate C is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer, and has had no illicit love affairs.
Candidate A is Franklin Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler.
The point is that while we may agree or disagree with how someone conducts their life, we vote for them to propose and implement policies that impact our families, communities, state and nation as a whole.
On that note, Alaska Family Council is privileged to provide the Biblical Roadmap to the Party Platforms from our friends and partners at Christians Engaged. In it you’ll get a perspective on where both major political parties stand in relation to what the Bible teaches on multiple social and fiscal issues as well as thoughtful perspectives on how you can be a better prepared voter.
Share this with others. Engage in conversations with those who think differently than you do. Chewing on the truth matters.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
we all know prayer is the most powerful thing we do daily. It takes the place of every good deed including voting. I don’t vote anymore. I pray hard.
Tammy here’s an example, your drowning in a lake, a boat comes by to save you. You say no thanks,
I’m ok gods going to save me. A second boat a third boat you get the picture.
I’m sick, I don’t need a doctor, Gods going to heal me. God sent the boats and the doctor to save you.
God is saying YES Pray, but he’s also saying get out and vote too.
Tammy here’s an example, your drowning in a lake, a boat comes by to save you. You say no thanks,
I’m ok gods going to save me. A second boat a third boat you get the picture.
I’m sick, I don’t need a doctor, Gods going to heal me. God sent the boats and the doctor to save you.
God is saying YES Pray, but he’s also saying get out and vote too.
I was just saying the same thing a few days ago to a friend, you vote the policy not the person.
My friend was saying they do not like Trump, they brought up Reagan.
I’m like I did not vote for the man Reagan, but I voted for his policies.
Yes Reagan was a good man, Gorbachev tear down this wall.
You may hate trump, Yes he’s done a lot of stupid stuff. But it’s his policies that counts.
minnery, please explain how you are content with dunleavys department of health and human services actively cutting off young girls breast for transitioning? Remember your Chloe Cole event? A little consistency from you would be greatly appreciated!
Vote for the best of character because that “character” will make decisions on the new policy!!!
Not voting, because you are Christian and don’t like the candidates or their personal history or politics in general will insure you will ultimately lose your religious freedom. which was based on being a responsible citizen and voting. That is reality! Get off your pedestal and VOTE!
For sure! The only requirement to be admired by me is to vote. You have an obligation and a privilege to do so. That is all I ask of an eligible person. You have no good reason not to demonstrate that responsibility.
D. Voting is an option, but prayer, using all the techniques that help you come closer to Jesus like calm moments, silence and safe peaceful surroundings will affect the outcome of a muggle (daughters word) administrative exercise far more. Hope you try it.
Kamala’s lack of character (sleeps with married men, hides Biden’s dangerous ineptitude), combined with her bad policy (so bad it is intentionally hidden from the public), makes it real easy for me to vote for Trump.
Wow. What a fool. You’re dangerous too. Trump wants to be, or is, a fascist.
ALL have sinned and fallen short. (Romans 3:23) People may point to Trump’s (or any candidate for any office) and not like their tweets, their personality or a past transgression. Yet, what about the guy (or gal) on the opposition? Interestingly some claim to be Catholic (Biden, Pelosi) but what are their policies? Do their policies line up with scripture? Do they vote for policies that will protect the pre-born, protect the Biblical family-unit? Or does the candidate support the promoting of alternative lifestyles, homosexuality, boys playing girl’s sports? Allowing men/boys to use a woman’s bathroom? They may claim to be pro-woman…but with such policies, does it make you wonder? Bottom line, the Bible says…it’s not what you say, it’s what you DO. Actions speak louder than words.